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1 HUD-VASH Chester County Landlord Forum John M. Wenger II, LCSW Assisting Veterans in Maintaining HUD-VASH Housing.

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1 1 HUD-VASH Chester County Landlord Forum John M. Wenger II, LCSW Assisting Veterans in Maintaining HUD-VASH Housing

2 2 HUD-VASH The Departments of Housing and Urban Development and Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing or HUD-VASH program is a collaboration between the two departments Through this partnership, HUD provides Housing Choice vouchers for permanent housing to homeless Veterans while VA provides Veterans with case management and supportive services to promote and maintain recovery and housing

3 3 HUD-VASH The Coatesville VA Medical Center works in collaboration with: – Housing Authority of Chester County – Delaware County Housing Authority – Montgomery County Housing Authority

4 4 HUD-VASH Goal: To move Veterans and their families out of homelessness Primary Components: –Permanent, independent, community-based housing –VA case management services, designed to improve the Veteran’s health and well-being, and to enhance the Veteran’s ability to remain stable, housed, and community-integrated

5 5 Principle Sources of Referral Health Care for Homeless Veterans (HCHV) Outreach Program –Primary contact with homeless Veterans –Helps to direct homeless Veterans to appropriate services Other VA Homeless Programs –Residential Treatment Programs –Grant & Per Diem Other VA Programs –Mental Health programs –Social Work –Primary Care, etc. Community Agencies –Community agencies may make direct referrals –Community education provides referrals to VA

6 6 Housing Process Once accepted by the medical center HUD-VASH oversight committee, the Veteran is referred to the local PHA for a voucher Case manager assists Veteran with locating suitable housing in the community Veteran meets with various property managers to see available apartments and upon choosing one, completes application Once application is approved by property manager (pending credit and criminal checks), he or she completes paperwork which is returned to the PHA

7 7 Housing Process PHA will determine if the apartment chosen by the Veteran is affordable and requests an inspection Inspectors are in contact with the property manager to schedule inspection, which is usually within two weeks Once apartment passes inspection, PHA provides written documentation as to the payment standard (for the Veteran and PHA) and establishes a move-in date for the Veteran

8 8 Delivery of Services Coordinate VA and community interventions – Act as a liaison with critical partners Property manager Other service providers in community agencies Forged partnership with Uwchlan Township for storage unit

9 9 Delivery of Services Make regular home visits to assess Veteran’s ability to maintain themselves in a safe environment that promotes –Sobriety –Physical health –Mental well-being –Contact is at minimum one time a month –Visits decrease as Veterans are more secure and stable in their housing –Ongoing communication with property manager as long as allowed by Veteran with Release of Information (ROI)

10 10 Continuance Case managers: Coach and mentor Monitor and sustain Goal and outcome focus Foster independence Celebrate goal/ outcome completion Maintain appropriate boundaries and ethics Support positive growth Promote healthy choices

11 11 Challenges Most HUD-VASH Eligible Veterans have: Limited credit history Limited savings Criminal history Desired housing features: Access to public transportation Rent reasonable Limited apartment availability

12 12 Benefits of HUD-VASH Chronically homeless Veterans have established permanent housing Prompt response by case managers to calls from property managers/owners regarding potential concerns Quality of life improvement HUD-VASH graduates Expanded income Partnership with local PHAs Ongoing relationships with property managers/owners

13 13 Program Update As of July, 2014: The medical center holds 310 vouchers; soon to be 353 310 Veterans have been accepted into the program 280 Veterans are housed 30 Veterans are looking for housing

14 14 HUD-VASH Expansion Staff include: 1 Social work supervisor 8 Social work case management specialists 1 RN case management specialist 2 peer support specialist 2 substance use disorder counselors

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