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ISPSoft Create a Project.

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1 ISPSoft Create a Project

2 ISPSoft support machine type
The machine type support by ISPSoft ES,EX,SS,SA,SC,SX,EH,EH2EH2L,SV The languages editor support by ISPSoft Ladder Editor ( ES,EX,SS,SA,SC,SX,EH,EH2EH2L,SV ) Ladder、FBD、SFC、IL Editor(AH )

3 How to create a new project?
Step1: File->New (Ctrl+N)

4 How to create a new project?
Step 2: Key in project name and select project path The default plc type is EH Press <OK> button to create a new project Click here to select project path Click here to open a dialog to set detail information of project

5 How to create a new project?

6 How to create a POU (Program) in a project
Step1: Move cursor to “Main Program” item and click mouse button (right button) Select <New POU…>

7 How to create a POU (Program) in a project
The rule of POUs naming Must be combined by letter, digits or underline. The first character must be letter or underline. Case-insensitive Two consecutive underline are not permitted, such as ‘__POU1’ 或 ‘POU__1’ Underline can’t place in the rear, such as ‘POU1_’ Max length is 16 characters

8 How to create a POU (Program) in a project
Step2: Key in POU name Select task Set password (if need) If task is ‘none’, then this POU will not be executed. POU comment Others language are not allow to select because of machine type

9 How to create a POU (Function Block) in a project
Step1: Move cursor to “Function Block” item and click mouse button (right button) Select <New POU…> If checked, the function block will has ‘En’ and ‘Eno’ pin

10 How to create a POU (Function Block) in a project
If EN/ENO item is checked If EN/ENO item isn’t checked

11 Global variable Global variables are created for the entire project
They have global scope, so they are accessible from all POUs Move cursor to Global Variables node, and double click it. Global variable table will be opened.

12 Retentive Memory Setting Variable Allocation Setting
Double click ‘Retentive Memory’ item to open a setting dialog Double click ‘Variables Allocation’ item to open a setting dialog

13 Variable Allocation Setting
In ISPSoft, every kind of devices need to reserve part of area for the system. Those areas are for function block memory allocation. If users use those part of devices, ISPSoft will show error message when compiling. If the reserve devices is insufficient, ISPSoft will show linking errors when compiling.

14 Function Block Import/Export
ISPSoft Function Block Import/Export

15 FBs Import/Export FBs export
Only the POUs in Function Block item can be exported. A exported file can contain several POUs. Password protected FBs import If the file has a password protected. You need to key in the correct password while importing. System doesn’t allow two POUs with the same name.

16 FBs Import/Export FBs Import/Export
All of the FBs in the project will be listed over here . Check it if you want to export that FB If password is set. The system will ask users to key in password when users import this POUs file,

17 Global variables Import/Export
Step: Move cursor to “Global variables” item and click mouse button (right button) Select < Import Global Variable…>

18 Global variables Import/Export
If the file exist the same variable in this global variable table. System will ask users whether replace it. If the file exist the same variable in this global variable table. It will replace the current variables. Ask users whether users want to clear all of the variable before importing If the file exist the same variable in this global variable table. The variables in this file will be discarded

19 Used Device Report Step:
Move cursor to “Used Device report” node and click mouse button (right button) The “Used Device report” can’t be opened until the project compiles correct. Otherwise, the system will show error message as below.

20 How to open DVP format file
Before open ‘dvp’ format file, make sure the IL code exist and correct. Otherwise, the system will show error message. After translate from dvp to isp format. The codes might increase.

21 Communication & Monitoring
ISPSoft Communication & Monitoring

22 Communication Function
Run/Stop: Control PLC state Upload/Download: Transfer data between PC and PLC. The data include program device comment …. Etc. Online mode: Connect to PLC and enter monitoring mode. The editor will become read only. Online change mode: The editor will become writable in monitoring mode. Send Change: Send changed code to PLC in monitoring mode. Device Monitoring: A form to monitor device by key in device name that you want to monitor Force X ON: X device can be force set Run/Stop Online mode Send Change to PLC Upload/Download Online change mode Force X Device On Device monitoring

23 Check and Compile Check and Compile
Check : Check current POU. To check the grammar of codes. Compile : Check all POUs. If there have function blocks, the compiler will allocation memory for each function block instance. Then adjust tasks to control the running sequence of POU (Program) Only when pass the compiling, It can enter the online mode Check Compile

24 Upload/Download PC =>PLC
If ‘Comment and Variables’ item isn’t checked. The system will only transfer execution code to PLC. If ‘Comment and Variables’ is checked. Not only execution code, but also extra information will be download to PLC PLC memory LD X0 OUT Y0 . PLC Code Block END . Extra Information

25 Upload/Download Tip PC <= PLC
If ‘Comment and Variables’ item isn’t checked. The system will upload PLC Code Block. Then transfer PLC code to ISPSoft format. If ‘Comment and Variables’ is checked. The system will upload PLC Code Block and Extra Information area Tip The PLC Code be translated to ISPSoft format might lose some data. Such as variables, device comment …etc LD X0 OUT Y0 . PLC Code Block END . Extra Information

26 Ladder editor monitoring
Program Enter online mode and open the POU Function Block To monitor function block’s instance, not function block. Each instance of the function block has its own monitor form.

27 Ladder editor monitoring
Program monitoring

28 Ladder editor monitoring
Function Block monitoring

29 Ladder editor monitoring
Force X device ON/OFF Change present value

30 Device monitoring Open device monitoring form Press this button
After enter the online mode, device monitoring form will start to refresh data. Device monitoring

31 Device monitoring Pop menu & Variable selection Field control
Select monitor variables

32 Find the bug

33 End

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