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Student Course Recommendations Each year we open the window for the Teachers to Recommend Courses & For Students to Choose Electives for the 2014-2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Course Recommendations Each year we open the window for the Teachers to Recommend Courses & For Students to Choose Electives for the 2014-2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Course Recommendations Each year we open the window for the Teachers to Recommend Courses & For Students to Choose Electives for the 2014-2015 School Year

2 What Do They Recommend? Core Subjects-Required or Electives – Students can choose to accept Students Can Select their Electives

3 How Do The Students Access What Has been Recommended August 2012 Haverhill Public Schools Opened the Student Portal The portal is found using Aspens X-2 Student Information System.

4 Access Aspen through Haverhill Public Schools Website

5 Students login using their login ID and Password

6 Student Information Page My Info

7 Student will select the Requests side-tab

8 Your student will see that some teachers have recommended some core classes.

9 Select a Subject Area. In this case we will choose visual arts

10 This will bring up a variety of courses to choose from.

11 Click on the box next to the Course you are selecting and click on ok

12 Now this is in your students Primary Requests

13 Your student should always make an Alternate Request incase their primary request is full.

14 Your student can leave a note for their counselor if they wish. Then click post

15 Guidance All requests are reviewed by the Guidance Counselor Nothing is final until Guidance has seen the students schedules Guidance will work with your student should he or she have any problems

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