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Jules Gordon and Adie Bett Teaching, Learning and Assessment Consultants Mid-point and end of lesson Plenary.

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Presentation on theme: "Jules Gordon and Adie Bett Teaching, Learning and Assessment Consultants Mid-point and end of lesson Plenary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jules Gordon and Adie Bett Teaching, Learning and Assessment Consultants Mid-point and end of lesson Plenary

2 Jules Gordon and Adie Bett Teaching, Learning and Assessment Consultants One-Sentence Summary Students write a sentence summarising their knowledge of a topic. The sentence could have to include who, what when, why, how, where etc. The sentences could then be peer- assessed, re-drafted and so on. Back to Outstanding Learning Global Warming

3 Jules Gordon and Adie Bett Teaching, Learning and Assessment Consultants Post-It Use post-it notes to evaluate learning. Groups, pairs or individuals can answer: What have I learnt? What have I found easy? What have I found difficult? What do I want to know now? Back to Outstanding Learning

4 Jules Gordon and Adie Bett Teaching, Learning and Assessment Consultants Traffic Lights Use traffic lights as a visual means of showing understanding. e.g. Students have red, amber and green cards which they show on their desks or in the air. (red = dont understand, green = totally get it etc.) Students self-assess using traffic lights. The teacher could then record these visually in their mark book. Peer assess presentations etc. with traffic lights Back to Outstanding Learning

5 Jules Gordon and Adie Bett Teaching, Learning and Assessment Consultants Talk Partners As a plenary or a starter referring to the last lesson, pupils share with a partner: 3 new things they have learnt What they found easy What they found difficult Something they would like to learn in the future Back to Outstanding Learning

6 Jules Gordon and Adie Bett Teaching, Learning and Assessment Consultants A B C D / Yes No / True False Laminate a set of cards so every member of the class has four, with A,B,C and D written on them. OR Laminate a set of cards so every member of the class has 2 cards Either: True / False Or Yes / No Ask questions with four answers and pupils can show you their answer. Encourage them not to look at other peoples responses. Back to Outstanding Learning

7 Jules Gordon and Adie Bett Teaching, Learning and Assessment Consultants Show and Tell Use mini-whiteboards so that very student can write or draw their answer and show it to you (or their peers) immediately. Back to Outstanding Learning

8 Jules Gordon and Adie Bett Teaching, Learning and Assessment Consultants Odd one out As a plenary to a unit or lesson with a knowledge base. Give a series of responses with one or more being odd. Question as to why that response is the odd one out. Back to Outstanding Learning

9 Jules Gordon and Adie Bett Teaching, Learning and Assessment Consultants Follow the instructions below to write a poem which doesnt have to rhyme. Remember no lists allowed! The keyword is CELL. This is something related to the keyword1 wordLine 5 This gives scientific knowledge and understanding 4 wordsLine 4 This explains the function of the keyword3 wordsLine 3 This describes the keyword2 wordsLine 2 The keyword from the lesson1 wordLine 1 Poetry Plenary Back to Outstanding Learning

10 Jules Gordon and Adie Bett Teaching, Learning and Assessment Consultants Muddiest Point Students write down one or two points on which they are least clear. This could be from the previous lesson, the rest of the unit, the preceding activity etc. The teacher and class can then seek to remedy the muddiness. Back to Outstanding Learning

11 Jules Gordon and Adie Bett Teaching, Learning and Assessment Consultants One cool thing I have learned? One thing I could tell other people to do? The biggest thing you have learned? One thing that I loved doing? One message that Ill take home with me? Handy Plenary Back to Outstanding Learning

12 Jules Gordon and Adie Bett Teaching, Learning and Assessment Consultants What's the big idea? Train the pupils to understand that the phrase What's the big idea? is a cue to pair up and talk about the key learning gains they have made and be prepared to feed back to the class. Back to Outstanding Learning

13 Jules Gordon and Adie Bett Teaching, Learning and Assessment Consultants Back to Outstanding Learning

14 Jules Gordon and Adie Bett Teaching, Learning and Assessment Consultants Assessment Newsflash Back to Outstanding Learning

15 Jules Gordon and Adie Bett Teaching, Learning and Assessment Consultants Back to Outstanding Learning

16 Jules Gordon and Adie Bett Teaching, Learning and Assessment Consultants Filtration Back to Outstanding Learning

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