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Models of Interaction Diana G. Oblinger, Ph.D. Copyright Diana G. Oblinger, 2005. This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted.

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Presentation on theme: "Models of Interaction Diana G. Oblinger, Ph.D. Copyright Diana G. Oblinger, 2005. This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted."— Presentation transcript:

1 Models of Interaction Diana G. Oblinger, Ph.D. Copyright Diana G. Oblinger, 2005. This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author.

2 Fundamentals

3 How people learn conceptual framework facts preconceptions application & use Competence --Donovan, et al., 1999

4 What learning outcomes are you seeking? Information and media literacy Communication skills Critical thinking; systems thinking Problem identification, formulation and solution Creativity and intellectual curiosity Interpersonal and collaborative skills Self-direction Accountability and adaptability Social responsibility

5 Learning preferences Teams, peer-to-peer Engagement & experience Make it my own Visual & kinesthetic Things that matter

6 Principles to remember Coverage model: Learning is not just about covering content; its about developing competency Its not technology alone: Technology must support good pedagogy Knowledge construction: Reasoning is not linear, deductive or abstract but begins from the concrete and assembles a mosaic Interactivity: This is a connected, interactive generation; collaboration and interaction are important learning principles Scarcity: Learning is not constrained by a scarcity model anymore – Dede, 2005 Formal & informal: Learning can occur anywhere, anytime

7 Options

8 Role selection Apprentice Builder Listener Mentor Peer teacher Publisher Team member Writer Architect Consultant Expert Guide Lecturer Resource Reviewer Role model Student RolesFaculty Roles

9 Choice of learning activities authentic project debate case study journaling brainstorming concept mapping peer exchange simulation coaching drill & practice

10 Models Person-to-information

11 Digital archives

12 Simulations

13 Models Practice

14 Application and use --Kortmeier, 2004 Provide meaningful formative assessment to students Provide timely feedback to both students and instructors Reduce blind copying of answers Provide a scalable solution within the realities and budgets and available resources

15 Aplia Automatically scores assignments

16 Models Serious games

17 Historical simulation In multiplayer mode, players can IM each other Muzzy Lane, 2005 Players choose leadership of a country Interaction with variables on the economy, policy, military, natural resources

18 Augmented reality Combines physical world and virtual world contexts Embeds learners in authentic situations Engages users in a socially facilitated context Computer simulation on handheld computer triggered by real world location Klopfer & Squire, 2003

19 Environmental detectives Players briefed about rash of local health problems linked to the environment Provided with background information and budget Need to determine source of pollution by drilling sampling wells and ultimately remediate with pumping wells Work in teams representing different interests (EPA, industry, etc.) Klopfer & Squire, 2003

20 Models Experimentation

21 Social Science Data Analysis Network

22 Visualizing problems

23 Lab 3D Conduct virtual experiments Warehouse of parts allows students to create their own experiments University of Virginia Chemistry & biochemistry

24 Gel electrophoresis Grisham, 2004

25 Online laboratories del Alamo, 2003

26 Undergraduate research Students involved in undergraduate research are more likely to Stay in college Complete their degree Go on to graduate school African-American men completed degrees at different rates 75% of UG research students 56% control group (applied for UG research) 57% all black male undergraduates Gregerman, 2005

27 Models Peer-to-peer

28 Blogs Promotes literacy through storytelling Stories help us understand the world Express feelings and experiences Explore imagination and creativity Allows collaborative learning Anytime, anywhere access Bloggers comment and give feedback to others Students can write about and edit each others work 40% of blog authors are under age 20 Huffaker, 2005

29 Digital storytelling Offers students an opportunity for expression using multiple media Encourages reflection, integration and synthesis Individual or group projects What are you? ¿Que Eres Tu? By Jason Zapata Martinez

30 Calibrated peer review Students write abstracts, proposals, microthemes, position papers, analyses, ethics or policy issues Students evaluate 3 calibration documents Once calibrated, student evaluates 3 peer writing assignments then their own Feedback provided on reasoning and writing Chapman & Fiore, 2001 Based on a peer review model: scientists write and review peer proposals

31 SCALE-UP SCALE-UP: Student Centered Activities for Large Enrollment Undergraduate Programs Class time spent on tangibles and ponderables Problem solving, conceptual understanding and attitudes are improved Failure rates are reduced dramatically --Beichner & Saul, 2003

32 Peer-led team teaching Study groups led by specially trained students Material is designed for group learning Students apply self-tests

33 Wikis

34 Models Student-centered

35 Just-in-time teaching Students read text Prior to class students complete an assignment Essay Problem Multiple-choice question Warm up examples: What is the difference between….. What do you think…. What happens if….. In your own words explain….. Faculty member adjusts class based on submitted responses --Rhem, 2005

36 Problem-based learning Students are presented with a problem They organize ideas, discuss prior knowledge, define the problem Students pose questions, identifying learning issues or aspects of the problem they dont understand Students continually define what they knowand dont know Students rank learning issues and assign the research to groups or individuals Work with instructor to define what is needed to solve the problem --Watson, 2005

37 Active learning and IT --Watson, 2005 Critical thinking Problem solving Gathering & evaluating information Cooperative groups Learning to learn Communication skills Varied learning experiences Analyzing data Research & evaluation Managing information IT collaboration Structured documents

38 Models Projects

39 Ancient Spaces Developed by the Faculty of the Arts, University of British Columbia

40 Service learning Students volunteer for community projects Experience is integrated with reflection and mentoring Examples: Political science student works on political campaign Creative writing major develops writing group in shelter for homeless women Veterinary medicine student volunteers at animal shelter Teams develop assistive devices for children with disabilities

41 Assessment

42 Evaluation as learning Accountability Knowledge building Organizational change Decision-making Program development Infrastructure development Olds, 2005 Many uses for evaluation

43 Questions that count Concept inventories Student response units Immediate results keep students engaged Allows real-time modification of instruction A.About half as long for the heavier ball B.About half as long for the lighter ball C.About the same time for both balls D.Considerably less for the lighter ball, but not necessarily half as long E.Considerably less for the heavier ball, but not necessarily half as long Two metal balls are the same size, but one weighs twice as much as the other. The balls are dropped from the top of a two story building at the same instant of time. The time it takes the balls to reach the ground below will be:

44 Surveys How much did each of the following help your learning? After finishing this course I am confident I can: Studying individually Studying with a partner Studying with a group Receiving help from a TA Receiving help from an instructor outside of class Discuss scientific concepts with friends Think critically about scientific findings Determine what is validand what is notscientifically SENCER project

45 ePortfolios

46 Space

47 Informal spaces Students spend more time out of class than in it Learning occurs through conversations, web surfing, social interactions Team projects Spontaneous interactions Mingle, share, make connections

48 Enabling spaces ClassroomPeer-to-peer LaboratoryInformal photos from MIT

49 Infrastructure

50 Infrastructure components Sustainable change Policy Finance Technology Service & support Processes Organization

51 Faculty support Visioning Learning activities Content conversion Technical assistance

52 Professional development New tools New principles New practices

53 Involve students Students as consumers with a choice They have a unique perspective on their learning environment Input ranges from opinion to action Language and perspectives differ; not all students are alike Spend a day in their shoes

54 Finance Renewal and replacement cycle Academic technology center Student technology fees Maintenance Experimentation Professional development Rewards

55 Policy Intellectual property; copyright Faculty policies: Tenure, promotion, merit Faculty workload Student rights and responsibilities academic honesty ownership of eportfolios Security and privacy

56 What will it take to succeed? – Oblinger and Kidwell, 2000 VisionVision Service Delivery Infrastructure Technology Financial Policies Infrastructure OrganizationOrganization ProcessProcess Vision Rationale Guiding principles Leadership Service Student support Faculty support Admin & student Infrastructure Technology Policy Financial Organization Org structure Leadership Decision-making Process Buy-in Communication Speed and responsiveness

57 Institutions falter when they invest too much in what is and too little in what could be. Hamel & Valiksngas, 2003

58 © 2005 All rights reserved

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