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Husbands Love Your Wives!. Your Vows: "Till Death We Do Part" Or was it "Till Divorce Do Us Part"

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Presentation on theme: "Husbands Love Your Wives!. Your Vows: "Till Death We Do Part" Or was it "Till Divorce Do Us Part""— Presentation transcript:

1 Husbands Love Your Wives!

2 Your Vows: "Till Death We Do Part" Or was it "Till Divorce Do Us Part"

3 Husbands Love Your Wives! 67 SIXFOLD.PURPOSE.GABRL.VST.DAN DA 45-88 1961 You women, I've hollered at you, now I'm going to take up for you in a minute. See? The woman is a weaker vessel. I know there can't be a bad man before there is a bad woman. But man who knows that, man who knows that you are a son of God, and take advantage of a woman, shame on you! No matter what she does, she's a weaker vessel. And you know that. If she goes to acting unladylike, take her by the hand and talk to her like a sister. You're a son of God. Don't do them evil things.

4 Husbands Love Your Wives! E-35 YE.MUST.BE.BORN.AGAIN GREENVILLE.SC 1958 And notice, when a man takes a wife, and he takes this wife into his bosom (We're a mixed audience.), and presses this woman to his bosom as his sweetheart, she puts her print on him. Another woman there would mar it forever. They are one. No other woman should ever fit that mold. You got no right with your arms around a woman, dance floor, or nowhere. That's right. You got a wife, and you pulled her to your bosom, and God put her on your heart, and printed you against her, and she's yours. And you belong to her.

5 Husbands Love Your Wives! E-55 IT.IS.I.BE.NOT.AFRAID COLUMBIA.SC 62-0611 You know, when God made a woman, He gave her the feminish spirit to be dainty and sweet, like the real Christian sisters are. 152 GOD'S.GIFTS.ALWAYS.FIND.PLACE V-6 N-13 1963 Make the little housewife so sweet and humble, that she'll be able to lead others to You. The gift that You give her, that feminish little ladylike, may she be so ladylike till the neighbors will see her and want to be like her.

6 Husbands Love Your Wives! The Two Become One Flesh The Two Become One Flesh The Woman Was Taken From The Man LEAVE CLEAVE ONE FLESH

7 Husbands Love Your Wives! Two Become One Flesh Two Become One Flesh A One Woman Man A One Man Woman LEAVE CLEAVE ONE FLESH

8 Husbands Love Your Wives! 49 CORINTHIANS.BOOK.OF.CORRECTION 1957 And God goes over in the heart of Adam, this rib right out from under his heart, and takes a rib and makes the wife; and the very part of Adam's spirit was in the woman, and they two are one. Soul, body, spirit, they are one. They are perfect oneness, a real woman and a real husband, a real wife. They are one together. What is it a type of? Christ.

9 Marriage Begins In Oneness Of Soul {Soul} Marriage Ends In Divorce (Actual or Psychological) {Spirit} {Physical}

10 Husbands Love Your Wives! 1) She is not "First Place" Sows: Preoccupation with other people, possessions, or activities, be they religious or carnal. Reaps: A wife who doubts your love and becomes insecure. As a husband, you are to provide Protection, Provision & Direction, that is your requirement as head of the home.

11 Husbands Love Your Wives! Here are some how do's to make her feel "First Place" A) Establish a weekly date night. B) Make a surprise appointment for lunch. C) Give her occasional calls during the day. D) Help with some of her jobs.

12 Husbands Love Your Wives! Your Vows: "Till Death We Do Part"

13 Husbands Love Your Wives! E) Meet her deepest need - Intimate Conversation. i) Events of her day, needs & activities of the children. ii) Her ideas on home improvements. iii) How she feels about certain things.

14 Husbands Love Your Wives! E-17 DIVINE.LOVE PHOENIX.AZ 57-0305 And I said, "Sweetheart, you know what?" She's just a woman, you know, and she likes pretty dresses, and you know, and pocketbooks. And she don't get them all the time, She likes them. So I said, "You know, I saw one of the pretty dresses I ever saw." She said, "You did?" I said, "Yes, honey I did." And I thought, "Lord God, help me now." And I laid my hand over on her little stooped shoulder. And I said, "Honey, you should see it." She said, "Yes." I said, "Lord, be good to me now and help me." I said, "Now, I've got to believe that You're going to this. This in my little family, and these sick people has got them all upset, but You help me."

15 E-19 DIVINE.LOVE PHOENIX.AZ 57-0305 So I had my hand on her little shoulder, and I begin to try to create, in my heart. "Lord, I'm happy. There's nothing wrong with me. I love You, You know I do, and You just straighten out my little family." And after while, I said, "Tell you what, honey, I'll show you where those dresses are." Let's get the kiddies a little bite of supper, and then we'll start. And the first thing I got my apron and tied it around me, and I got to helping her and talking about something else. When she got quiet, I looked down, and Sarah and Becky had signed the peace treaty, and they were playing; and little Joseph was just a shaking his little rattle box and having a good time. You see, you've got to get in the right kind of an atmosphere.

16 E-24 WHEN.DIVINE.LOVE.IS.PROJECTED 1957 So I slipped over, and got an apron, and put it around me, and I begin to help her. And I said, "Honey, you know what? I saw the prettiest dress the other day. I just so wanted to get it for you. And it was in a certain city just here close, and we'll go get it. What was it? Projecting love. They were mine, my children, my wife, and I was god. And then God giving His Spirit, and through that Spirit, with love to my family, sovereign grace come in and quietened the family. It'll do it. I know it will.

17 Husbands Love Your Wives! F) Purpose to have good manners. When was the last time you told your wife how much you enjoyed the meal? When was the last time you seated her at the table? When was the last time you opened the door for her - especially the car door?

18 Husbands Love Your Wives! 2) Lacking In Spiritual Leadership Sows: He shows lack of interest in being the spiritual leader. Reaps: She gets the feeling of insecurity; unable to place full confidence in you; seeks spiritual leadership from others.

19 Husbands Love Your Wives! The Evidence Of A Spiritual Leader Is: a) Teaching God's principles to his family b) Leading in prayer times c) Leading in having a regular quiet time. d) Leading in memorising scripture and getting the children to do so too.

20 Husbands Love Your Wives! The Evidence Of A Spiritual Leader Is: e) Setting the example of sharing Christ with others. f) Setting the example in refusing to comprise on your Scriptural convictions.

21 Husbands Love Your Wives! 3) Not Giving The Wife Adequate Preparation For Changes! Sows: He does not give her time to rearrange her frame of reference for major adjustments. Reaps: She becomes insecure, apprehensive and bitter.

22 Husbands Love Your Wives! 4) Unfavorable Comparisons With Other Women Sows: He openly admires appearance or abilities of other women which she lacks. Reaps: She is deeply hurt, and can become jealous and then she begins to reject herself. It destroys her sense of self worth When you as her husband delight in her inward character, it frees her to respond to physical difficulties that would normally devastate her.

23 Husbands Love Your Wives! 5) Lack Of Inner Discipline Concerning Other Women Sows: He lacks discipline in anger, displays moral weakness, and refuses to discuss it. Reaps: Her admiration and respect for him are greatly damaged. As a husband, you need to make a covenant with your eyes & be a "one-woman man" to gain victory daily.

24 31 DECEIVED.CHURCH.BY.THE.WORLD JEFF.IN 1959 The other day, Friday, wife and I was going to the store. I don't mean to harp on this. But as we went down the street, I just kept turning my head one way for the other: naked women. I promised God when I was a blind man, if He'd heal my eyes I'd look at the thing was right. I keep a little cross hanging in my car. When I see such as that, I look at the cross and say, "O God, that's my Refuge," as I looked at the cross.

25 Husbands Love Your Wives! 6) Attempts To Correct Her In Public Sows: He uses jokes or cutting remarks in public to emphasise something he has been trying to change in her. Reaps: She feels her self-worth is damaged & reacts with a desire to retaliate in public.

26 Husbands Love Your Wives! 7) Rejection Of Her Opinions As Unimportant Sows: He evaluates her opinions from his larger frame of reference versus her immediate frame. Reaps: She is hurt and hindered from sharing cautions concerning his judgment or character.

27 Husbands Love Your Wives! There can be several rewards that will come to a man that will listens to the cautions of his wife. First of all, he strengthens the spirit of his marriage. Second, he can avoid financial losses and emotional drains that would have come from unwise decisions. God will often give special prompting of danger to the wife that He will not give to the husband.

28 Husbands Love Your Wives! 8) Inconsistent In Discipline Of The Children Sows: He defends or takes sides with the children against her. Reaps: She feels he is being disloyal to her; she blames him for the rebellious children.

29 Husbands Love Your Wives! 9) Unwillingness To Ask Forgiveness Sows: He tends not to want to admit failures. Half-hearted repentance Reaps: She reacts to his pride and loses respect for him.

30 Marriage Begins In Oneness Of Soul {Soul} Marriage Ends In Divorce (Actual or Psychological) {Spirit} {Physical}

31 Husbands Love Your Wives! Conclusion: When there is harmony in the husband & wife relationship, there is an infused stability within all the family members. Brothers, it is up to you to set the atmosphere in your home and to maintain that atmosphere. Your wife is the helpmate not the initiator. You Are!

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