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Engendering Poverty Reduction Strategies in Rwanda

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1 Engendering Poverty Reduction Strategies in Rwanda
Shirley Randell and Caroline Pinder

2 The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs by 2015)
Eradicate extreme poverty & hunger Achieve universal primary education Promote gender equality & empower women Reduce child mortality Improve maternal health Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria & other diseases Ensure environmental stability Develop a global partnership for development

3 MDG 3: Promote gender equality & empower women
In the labour market In political institutions Gender equality has to be seen as part of the development & poverty reduction agenda. MDG 3 shows least progress.

4 Poverty Reduction Strategies (PRS)
Provide the basis for assistance from the World Bank, IMF, and donors Also basis for awarding debt relief Should be: Country-driven, comprehensive in scope, partnership orientated, and participatory

5 Paris Declaration (processes)
MDG’s (goals) PRS’s (strategies) Donors’ National Funding Govts’ Dev’t Mechanisms Plans Paris Declaration (processes)

6 The Paris Declaration (2005)
Summarises principles & indicators of progress agreed by donor countries & developing country partners: Ownership Alignment Harmonisation Results Mutual accountability The PD is about process, not content

7 Paris Declaration & Gender Equality
UNIFEM: the “aid architecture” should support Adequate financing for programmes that respond to women’s needs Accountability systems to track contributions to gender equality Gender sensitive progress assessments, performance monitoring & indicators

8 Critical factors for inclusion of gender equality goals:
Strengthen national capacity Sex-disaggregated data and targeted dissemination of information Gender-sensitive performance indicators Support civil society’s accountability function

9 Some further reading United Nations: MDG Progress Report 2007:
UNIFEM: Promoting Gender Equality in New Aid Modalities and Partnerships: World Bank Poverty Reduction Strategies Source Book:

10 Suggested discussion topics:
1 Should the focus be on gender equality or women’s empowerment? Advantages/disadvantages of each approach? 2 What can National FUWs, as gender advocates, do to promote real commitment to gender equality in their government’s PRS papers? And IFUW at international level? (ref Canadian FUW proposal)

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