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Advanced Placement The early pathway to college success.

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1 Advanced Placement The early pathway to college success

2 Advantages AP courses help students acquire the skills and habits demanded for success in college. Students establish rigorous study habits, improve writing skills, sharpen problem-solving abilities, develop time- management skills, and strengthen self-discipline.

3 AP and the Cost of College Research illustrates that a rigorous AP experience benefits students in several important ways: AP students are more likely than non-AP students to graduate from college in four years, saving parents the cost of additional educational expenses. AP classes assist students to qualify for scholarships. When awarding scholarships, 31% of colleges and universities consider AP experience.

4 Google Search: College Board + College Search + AP

5 A look at AP trends…



8 How many AP courses are right for your child?

9 University of Georgia Average academic achievements: GPA = 3.68 to 4.00 SAT = 1800 to 2080 ACT = 27 to 31 # of AP courses = 3 to 7

10 A recent College Board study showed that students who scored 3 or higher on at least four AP exams were more likely to attend selective institutions, on average, than students with comparable SAT® scores and high school GPAs but who did not take AP.


12 Difference of 9 percentage points Difference of ~ 2 percentage points


14 DCSS A.P. Policy Open enrollment for all Advanced Placement courses

15 Lakeside High School Policy No Exit

16 2011-12 Budget ~ $90 per exam

17 Purpose of A.P. Parent Night To provide accurate information to our parents To clarify misconceptions

18 To be competitive for admission into select universities, students must aspire to score 3 or higher on their A.P. exams. By wise long-range planning, students can more reasonably score a 3 or higher on all of their A.P. exams.

19 Recommendations about academic readiness for the A.P. experience at Lakeside Grades of > 90 in Accelerated / Gifted Courses

20 Language Arts Pathway 9 th 10 th 11 th 12th Accel / Gftd 9 th Gr. Lit. Accel / Gftd World Lit. A.P. Language & Composition A.P. Literature & Composition

21 Language Arts Pathway 9 th 10 th 11 th 12th Accel / Gftd 9 th Gr. Lit. Accel / Gftd World Lit. A.P. Language & Composition A.P. Literature & Composition Meets Graduation Requirement: (American Lit.) (British Lit.)

22 Math Pathway 9 th 10 th 11 th 12 th Accelerated Math II Accelerated Math III A.P. Calculus BC A.P. Statistics A.P. Calculus AB A.P. Calculus AB Accelerated Math II Accelerated Math III A.P. Calculus BC Accelerated Math I A.P. Statistics Meets Graduation Requirements

23 Social Studies Pathway 9 th 10 th 11 th 12 th Accelerated World Geo. + Accelerated Civics A.P. World History OR General World History A.P. U.S. History Or General U.S. History A.P. Microeconomics A.P. Psychology A.P. European History General World Geo. + General Civics A.P. U.S. Government Meets Graduation Requirements +

24 Science Pathway – Option 1 9 th 10 th 11 th 12th Accel / Gftd Biology A.P. Biology A.P. Chemistry Accel / Gftd Chemistry Accelerated Physics Accelerated Physics Fernbank SST Program CHOICE OF: A.P. Physics A.P. Biology A.P. Chemistry A.P. Env. Sci. A.P. Env. Science

25 Science Pathway – Option 2 9 th 10 th 11 th 12th Fernbank SST Program A.P. Chemistry A.P. Biology Accelerated Physics Accelerated Physics A.P. Physics Accel / Gftd Chemistry + A.P. Env. Science

26 WORLD LANGUAGES Pathway 9 th 10 th 11 th 12th Accelerated Spanish 2 Spanish 3Spanish 4 A.P. SPANISH A.P. GERMAN German 3 or 4 German 1German 2 Accelerated French 2 Accelerated French 3 French 4 A.P. FRENCH Meets Graduation Requirements

27 MUSIC THEORY Pathway 9 th 10 th 11 th 12 th Beginning Band / Chorus OR Orchestra Performance Class A.P Music Theory General Music Theory Advanced Band / Chorus OR Orchestra Performance Class

28 COMPUTER SCIENCE Pathway 9 th 10 th 11 th / 12 th Accelerated Math I / II + Computing in the Modern World Accelerated Math II / III + Beginning Programming A.P. Computer Science

29 ART Pathway 9 th 10 th 11 th 12th Visual Arts Drawing / Painting I Photography / Print I Sculpture I Fashion Design Drawing / Painting II Photography / Print II Sculpture II Graphic Design Principles of Design A.P. Studio Art

30 Enrollment limited by grade level only 9 th 10 th 11 th 12 th ART HISTORY

31 Calculation of Grade Point Average & Conversions of A.P. Grades

32 DeKalb County Schools - GPA Calculation - In DCSS, A.P. value is provided in the form of a quality point. A full point is added to each A.P. final grade. (For example: An A becomes a 5.0 on a 4.0 grading scale)

33 College Admissions Value-Added Conversion Colleges delete each DCSS quality point and revert the grade to that assigned by the instructor. THEN, they compute GPA by adding the value of +.5 point to each A.P. grade.. (For example: An A becomes a 4.5 on a 4.0 grading scale)

34 2011 A.P. Exam Locations William Bradley Bryant Center or Lakeside High School Additional information will be forthcoming.

35 2011 Scoring Change The total score on the multiple-choice section will be based on the number of questions answered correctly. Points will not be deducted for incorrect answers, and no points will be awarded for questions that are unanswered.

36 Break-Out Sessions Some questions to ask: 1.Is there a summer assignment list? 2.How much reading will be required? 3.What research projects/papers will be required? 4.What is the teachers contact information?

37 Can you help? LHS Advanced Placement Support Initiative

38 15-minute Break-out Sessions

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