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European Innovation Partnership on Water Durk Krol Director WssTP.

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Presentation on theme: "European Innovation Partnership on Water Durk Krol Director WssTP."— Presentation transcript:

1 European Innovation Partnership on Water Durk Krol Director WssTP

2 Water, a key sector Huge market:400 – 500 Billion turnover /year worldwide (drinking and waste water) Considerable assets:> 3.5 Million Km water distribution pipes > 2.5 Million Km waste water sewers Large social impact:> 600,000 direct jobs in Europe EU annual Investment:10,5 Bn for water and wastewater equipment for industrial markets 33 Bn invested in water infrastructures SMEs:9.000 SMEs, 136.000 employees

3 Why an EIP Water?

4 EU added value Research Export Technology development Market application JPI Water MS … ETPs MS... Climate KIC EcoAP MS BOTTLENECKS & INNOVATION BARRIERS EIP on Water Problem oriented and demand driven innovation

5 No new instrument… … but: Building on existing programmes/platforms European –JPIs, EIPs, Financing mechanisms –ET(i)Ps National/Regional –Regional networks –National Water Partnerships –etc

6 Principles

7 How? Priorities: Strategic Implementation Plan Transversal themes

8 Output of the EIP 2013 - Web-based Market Place 2015 - Identifying and breaking down barriers to innovation 2020 – Solutions to 10 major water challenges Innovation Sites – demonstration projects Dissemination strategies

9 The EIP on Water is NO new funding instrument – but: Mobilize various existing EU funding mechanisms –FP7 – call 2013 work programme Environment theme – under negotiation –Horizon 2020 –Structural and cohesion funds –LIFE Leverage with National / regional / private funding

10 Governance

11 Membership governance bodies High Level Steering Group –+/- 30 persons –Representing stakeholder groups and geographical balance –Appointed in personal capacity, by Commissioner Task Force –+/- 60 persons –Representing stakeholder groups and geographical balance –Appointed by High Level Steering Group Work package networks –Any interested and involved actor –Declaration of commitment


13 Indicative timeline Establishment High Level Steering Group and Kick off - 4 September 2012 Start drafting Strategic Implementation Plan by Task Force - September 12 Adoption Strategic Implementation Plan - Dec 12 (Operational EIP Water / Calls - Jan 13)

14 ETP cooperation WssTP and Suschem collaboration : –Synergies of both the Chemical and Water sectors. –To improve the industry competitiveness by shortening the time to market engaging the value chain. –To contribute in the communication and dissemination of the Research and Innovation results, to facilitate a wider and faster implementation in and out Europe. 14

15 Thank you for your attention! Questions? More information – EIP on Water website:

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