One Drop at a Time. Make water conservation an everyday routine. Install water-saving devices. Install water-saving devices. Take shorter showers. Take.

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Presentation on theme: "One Drop at a Time. Make water conservation an everyday routine. Install water-saving devices. Install water-saving devices. Take shorter showers. Take."— Presentation transcript:

1 One Drop at a Time

2 Make water conservation an everyday routine. Install water-saving devices. Install water-saving devices. Take shorter showers. Take shorter showers. Turn off the water while brushing your teeth. Turn off the water while brushing your teeth.

3 Biggest indoor water use Repair plumbing leaks promptly. Repair plumbing leaks promptly. Displace water in tanks of older toilets. Displace water in tanks of older toilets. Dont flush trash – toss it in the wastebasket. Dont flush trash – toss it in the wastebasket.

4 Dont leave faucets running. Run dishwashers and clothes washers only when full.

5 The most wasteful water habit we have in cities is often watering our lawns.

6 Water in the early morning. Water in the early morning. Water infrequently and deeply. Water infrequently and deeply. Use drip irrigation or soaker hoses. Use drip irrigation or soaker hoses. Collect rainwater to use on gardens. Collect rainwater to use on gardens. Landscape with native plants. Landscape with native plants. Switch to electric or push mowers. Switch to electric or push mowers. Leave grass clippings in place. Leave grass clippings in place. Lawn Care Tips

7 Dont water on windy days. Dont water on windy days. Dont water using a fine mist sprinkler. Dont water using a fine mist sprinkler. Dont water when water is in short supply. Dont water when water is in short supply. Dont water during the heat of the day. Dont water during the heat of the day. Dont Waste Tap Water through Evaporation

8 - enough to supply 50 people for one year! Used motor oil from a single oil change can contaminate a million gallons of water...

9 Use biodegradable products for house and lawn care. NEVER dispose of cleaners or pesticides in a toilet, sink or storm drain.

10 If all Texas cities conserved water we could save … 1,047,885 - acre-feet per year X 326,000 - gal. per acre foot ___________________ 341,610,510,000 Yes, thats 341 billion gallons per year!

11 New technologies promise significant water savings but are still costly for many farmers. By 2040, city and industry water demands will surpass agriculture.* Irrigation - The Biggest User * Texas Water Development Board

12 Industry and manufacturing consume10% of our available freshwater. Improved processes could make them more water efficient.

13 We can significantly reduce the need for more reservoirs if we ALL save water NOW !

14 Use water wisely – Even one drop at a time makes a difference.

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