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Do Now!. Todays lesson Interpreting distance-time and speed-time graphs.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now!. Todays lesson Interpreting distance-time and speed-time graphs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now!

2 Todays lesson Interpreting distance-time and speed-time graphs

3 A reminder

4 Average speed = distance travelled time taken S t d x

5 Distance against time graphs distance time

6 Lets go on the corridor! Quietly and sensibly! Youll need a pencil and your books

7 Distance/time graph Distance /m 0246810121416 Time (slow)/s Time (fast)/s Distance/m1820222426283032 Time (slow/s Time (fast)/s

8 No movement? distance time

9 No movement distance time

10 Constant speed? distance time

11 Constant speed distance time

12 Constant speed distance time The gradient of this graph gives the speed

13 Constant speed distance time How would the graph look different for a faster constant speed (walking to Physics)?

14 Constant speed distance time fast

15 Constant speed distance time fast How would the graph look different for a slower constant speed (walking to French)?

16 Constant speed distance time fast slow

17 Constant speed distance time fast slow The gradient of the graph gives the speed

18 Constant speed distance time ΔyΔy ΔxΔx Gradient = Δy/Δx

19 Lets go on the corridor! Quietly and sensibly! Youll need a pencil and your books

20 Can you read what Mr Porter has written in your book and then finish the questions you did last lesson? Do now!

21 Distance/time graph - acceleration Distance /m 024681012141618 Time/s Distance/m1820222426283032 Time/s

22 Getting faster? (accelerating) distance time

23 Getting faster (accelerating) distance time

24 Examples distance time

25 A car accelerating from stop and then hitting a wall distance time

26 A car accelerating from stop and then hitting a wall distance time Lets try a simulation

27 Speed against time graphs speed time

28 Speed against time graphs speed time

29 No movement? speed time

30 No movement speed time

31 Constant speed? speed time

32 Constant speed speed time

33 Constant speed speed time How would the graph look different for a faster constant speed?

34 Constant speed speed time fast

35 Constant speed speed time fast How would the graph look different for a slower constant speed?

36 Constant speed speed time fast slow

37 Getting faster? (accelerating) speed time

38 Getting faster? (accelerating) speed time Constant acceleration

39 Getting faster? (accelerating) speed time The gradient of this graph gives the acceleration

40 Getting faster? (accelerating) speed time a = v – u t (v= final speed, u = initial speed) v u The gradient of this graph gives the acceleration

41 Getting faster? (accelerating) speed time The area under the graph gives the distance travelled

42 Example: speed time

43 A dog falling from a tall building (no air resistance) speed time

44 A dog falling from a tall building (no air resistance) speed time

45 A dog falling from a tall building (no air resistance) speed time Area = height of building

46 Be careful! distance time speed time

47 No movement distance time speed time

48 Constant speed distance time speed time Area under graph = distance travelled gradient = speed

49 Constant acceleration distance time speed time Area under graph = distance travelled Gradient = acceleration = a = (v-u)/t

50 Reading – Pages 26 to 29

51 Now lets try some questions! Page 27 questions 2, 5, 6, 7. Page 29 questions 1 & 2.

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