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International Baccalaureate Programme

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1 International Baccalaureate Programme
II. GIMNAZIJA MARIBOR International Baccalaureate Programme

2 What is IBO (International Baccalaureate Organization)?
The International Baccalaureate (IB) is a non-profitable organisation , which offers three high quality and challenging educational programmes (PYP, MYP) and also a DP offered at our school. 3440 schools worldwide, 141 countries, students, 10 % - growth.

3 The Diploma Programme is a challenging two-year curriculum, primarily aimed at students aged 16 to 19. It leads to a qualification that is widely recognized by the world’s leading universities. Students learn more than a collection of facts. The Diploma Programme prepares students for university and encourages them to: ask challenging questions learn how to learn develop a strong sense of their own identity and culture develop the ability to communicate with and understand people from other countries and cultures.

4 IBO MISSION STATEMENT The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment. These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.

5 IBDP Student PROFILE: Thinkers Caring Open-minded Knowledgeable Inquirers Reflective Principled Communicators Balanced Risk takers

6 Uniqueness of the IB programme
University recognition: prepares students for university- level education students routinely gain admission to some of the best- known universities in the world, such as Harvard, Oxford, Cambridge.

7 Uniqueness of the IB programme
IB World Schools, such as II. gimnazija Maribor, need to meet several requirements such as dedication to TOK and the IB philosophy

8 Uniqueness of the IB programme
IBO takes care of the continuous teacher education: at an international IB seminars and workshops International publications, broshures and Discussions with other professors from all over the world

9 Uniqueness of the IB programme
The core curriculum and the subjects: are internationally oriented in the fields of knowledge, studies and teaching guide the students to perserve their national identity and their mother tongue. encourage students to gain the knowledge of the academic subjects develop creativity and social work skills (Service).


11 subjects GROUPS offered by II. GIMNAZIJA MARIBOR
Foreign language(EN, GER, FR) MOTHER TONGUE: SLOVENE, SERBIAN, MACEDONIAN 3. group Individuals and society: ECONOMICS, PHYLOSOPHY, PSYCHOLOGY 6. group The Arts: MUSIC or one more subject from groups 2,3,or 4 TOK EXTENDED ESSAY CAS 5. group Mathematics and computer science: MATHEMATICS, FURTHER MATHEMATICS 4. group Experimental sciences: BIOLOGY, CHEMISTRY PHYSICS

12 One part of the IB programme is also the EXPERIMENTAL WEEK G4 (FOR THE FIRST TIME THIS YEAR IN Triglav NATIONAL park)

13 TOK week In September

INTERNAL ASSESSMENT  it presents 20% - 30 % of the final mark assessed by the subject teacher, e.g., oral presentation, project presentation, practical work in the laboratory, research in Mathematics.

15 2. EXTERNAL ASSESSMENT EXTENDED ESSAY TOK ESSAY WORLD LITERATURE ESSAY Final diploma examination: -greater reliability of the exams -greater objectivity of the final grade

Good knowledge of the English language at all subjects Only 6 or 7 subjects, 3 are elective; 3 on HL, 3 on SL Emphasis on detail and thoroughness of the subjects The emphasis on understanding and the application of knowledge Smaller groups, more discussions and teacher student interactions Individual approach Continuous teacher feedback More individual work and more independency while working

17 How to apply? Application form(online :
Photocopy of the certificate: year 1 and year 2 (list of grades); Letters of recommendations: MATHS AND MOTHER TONGUE teachers; Certificate of extra-curricular activities; Certificate of special achievements or other competitions in the field of research and knowledge. APPLICTION DEADLINE:

IBO WEBPAGE ( Coordinator of the programme (Polona Vehovar) Tel: (02)

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