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WHO European Centre for Environment and Health, Rome In collaboration with the Kazakhstan School Public Health WHO workshop on chemical food contamination.

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Presentation on theme: "WHO European Centre for Environment and Health, Rome In collaboration with the Kazakhstan School Public Health WHO workshop on chemical food contamination."— Presentation transcript:

1 WHO European Centre for Environment and Health, Rome In collaboration with the Kazakhstan School Public Health WHO workshop on chemical food contamination monitoring and laboratory methods: pesticides and environmental contaminants of importance in Central Asian Republics 4-8 August 2003, Almaty, Kazahstan WHO Public Health Initiative on Food Safety in the Central Asian Republics In collaboration with the Kazakhstan School Public Health WHO workshop on chemical food contamination monitoring and laboratory methods: pesticides and environmental contaminants of importance in Central Asian Republics 4-8 August 2003, Almaty, Kazahstan Dr. Cristina Tirado, Regional Adviser Food Safety Programme, WHO Regional Office for Europe

2 WHO European Centre for Environment and Health, Rome Food Safety: a health priority WHO Global Strategy on Food Safety Surveillance & food contamination monitoringSurveillance & food contamination monitoring Improved risk analysesImproved risk analyses Public Health in Codex AlimentariusPublic Health in Codex Alimentarius Safety of new food technologiesSafety of new food technologies Capacity buildingCapacity building International CooperationInternational Cooperation

3 WHO European Centre for Environment and Health, Rome Recommendations of the FAO/WHO Pan-European Conference on Food Safety Strengthen chemical contamination monitoring and chemical risk assessment Strengthen chemical contamination monitoring and chemical risk assessment Harmonization of reporting Harmonization of reporting Global Environment Monitoring System (GEMS/FOOD) Conduct Total Diet Studies and provide technical and financial assistance at the national or sub-regional level Conduct Total Diet Studies and provide technical and financial assistance at the national or sub-regional level

4 WHO European Centre for Environment and Health, Rome Food Saefty Food scurity Nutrition Nutrition Resolution of the 53rd WHO Regional Committee for Europe within Food and Nutrition Policy and Action Plan for the European Region of WHO 2000-2005

5 WHO European Centre for Environment and Health, Rome Technical assistance of the WHO Food Safety Programme in Europe - Food policy and food safety legislation -Surveillance of foodborne diseases and microbiological and chemical food contamination monitoring - on Laboratory microbiological and chemical analytical methods in foods -and on Risk assessment, management and communication including Hazard Analyses and Critical Control Points (HACCP)

6 WHO European Centre for Environment and Health, Rome Инициатива ВОЗ по безопасности продуктов питания для Центрально-Азиатских Республик В сотрудничестве с Казахстанской Школой Общественного здравоохранения Инициатива ВОЗ по безопасности продуктов питания для Центрально-Азиатских Республик В сотрудничестве с Казахстанской Школой Общественного здравоохранения

7 WHO European Centre for Environment and Health, Rome 1.Short-medium term = Strengthening National Food Safety Systems within the framework of the WHO Global and European Food Safety Strategy 2.Medium-long term = Food Safety Specialization within the KSPH as reference centre for CAR OBJECTIVES OF THE FOOD SAFETY PROJECT IN THE CARs

8 WHO European Centre for Environment and Health, Rome Training food safety officers from CAR countries in: Food safety policy, legislation and enforcement Surveillance of foodborne diseases and outbreak investigation Food Microbiology Chemical hazards (food contamination monitoring) Risk Analysis: * risk management e.g. Inspection and Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point System (HACCP) 1. Short-medium term = Strengthening National Food Safety Systems

9 WHO European Centre for Environment and Health, Rome Organization of a specific Food Safety Specialization with courses in: Food policies and legislation, Food microbiology & chemistry, Foodborne diseases Epidemiology KSPH becomes a reference centre on food safety for Central Asiatic Republics Audience: Epidemiologists, Veterinarians, Chemists, Microbiologist, and other public health professionals 2.Medium-long term = Food Safety Specialization within the KSPH


11 WHO European Centre for Environment and Health, Rome OBJECTIVES OF THE WORKSHOP on CHEMICAL CONTAMINATION MONITORING in FOODS AND LABORATORY METHODS Understand the importance of food contamination monitoring programmes to strengthen Food Safety Systems Become familiar with modern analytical detection techniques in line with internationally recognized methods. Identify the National Contacts for the WHO Global Environmental Monitoring System/ Food in Europe Discuss the needs to strengthen chemical contamination monitoring systems in the Central Asiatic Republics

12 WHO European Centre for Environment and Health, Rome FOLLOW-UP OF THE WORKSHOP on MONITORING of CHEMICAL CONTAMINATION in FOODS AND LABORATORY METHODS Participants should train other food analytical chemist at their national Sani-Epid Stations. Advocate at the MoH the need to: Sign/ratify the POPs Stockholm Convention strengthen food contamination monitoring systems & request assistance from WHO Food Safety in Europe Provision of data to the WHO Global Environmental Monitoring System/ Food in Europe

13 WHO European Centre for Environment and Health, Rome Further information on the activities of the Food Safety Programme of the WHO Regional Office for Europe http:// БОЛЬШОЕ СПАСИБО ЗА ВАШЕ ВНИМАНИЕ !

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