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Presentation Prepared For:. Secure user Login provides access to specific ship-to addresses, customer catalog, order processing rules, and other account-based.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation Prepared For:. Secure user Login provides access to specific ship-to addresses, customer catalog, order processing rules, and other account-based."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation Prepared For:

2 Secure user Login provides access to specific ship-to addresses, customer catalog, order processing rules, and other account-based rules/information. Login also can load customized web page design which can be different for each customer This would be added as a link off of the customers home page

3 Build a Quick order with product SKU and quantity Marquee message can change for each customer including promotions Functions menu, variable capabilities, based on permissions including specific catalogs

4 Specific Catalogs per agency will only show products that they can order Real-Time product availability with min/max, allotments, pictures, Drill down catalogs customer defined categories

5 Basket/Order view of current order with user friendly approach to management of order Real-Time updates and views of allotments

6 Real-Time Availability Information: Quantities can be displayed as on-hand, available, etc. Back Order status is also displayed

7 Product Pictures and Information: integrated in the Cadence WMS for use in Web, Speech, etc.

8 User Profiles: Users are managed by agency/customer. Customers can setup a local agency administrator

9 Group Profiles: User permission groups can be defined. This allows for setup of groups by function such as lookups, order entry, etc.

10 Template or Standard Orders Can be maintained by user allowing for quick order entry using a laundry list of items thus reducing the need to fax an order form into customer service

11 Product Search Help can be customized per client Address Maintenance Ship-to addresses can be maintained by client/agency/customer Context Sensitive Help Can be maintained by customer allowing for specific user instructions per function in Cadence Web

12 Client Profile: Allows client to maintain order processing, catalog, contacts, and other rules. Client Setup Allows for quick customization by agency / client

13 Marquee Maintenance: Allows client to change content by promotion, effective dates, and scope of audience.

14 External Links: Allows customers to add links to other web sites, reports, survey forms, etc., without programming

15 Powerful Lookups: By item, customer, order, etc. Can drill- down to any order or order line and see real-time information on status

16 Order Lookup Results: Summary information with links to more detail and tracking.

17 Container/Box Contents: Drill- down to contents of container that was shipped.

18 Reporting: Ability for client to produce activity reports, order, reports, etc

19 Order Reports: Ability to report on orders and download usage information to MS Excel or MS Access

20 Order Reports: Downloaded to MS Excel real-time from Cadence Web Order Report

21 Distribution List: Create distribution list for orders which ship to multiple locations Maintain Lists: Add or delete customers from Distribution Lists.

22 External Links: Examples would be Survey Form, excel spreadsheet, etc.. Or link to partners websites

23 Real-Time Availability Information: Quantities can be displayed as on-hand, available, etc. Back Order status is also displayed

24 Ship-To Information: Access current address, enter override address, or select Distribution List Step-by-Step Check-out Process

25 Order Information: Enter and/or update information about carrier, P.O., date, Back- Order, contact info, and comments.

26 Order Confirmation

27 Confirmation number: Order printing utility.. Real-Time entry into warehouse Order immediately available

28 Order is instantly available in the Cadence WMS No interface is required because Cadence Web Access is integrated to Cadence WMS

29 Cadence Alerts: Configurable alerts for confirmations, shipments, etc., emailed to internal and external contacts

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