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Putting Your Themes Together Your Signature Themes are not just 5 separate entities that work totally independent of each other.

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Presentation on theme: "Putting Your Themes Together Your Signature Themes are not just 5 separate entities that work totally independent of each other."— Presentation transcript:

1 Putting Your Themes Together Your Signature Themes are not just 5 separate entities that work totally independent of each other.

2 Working Together Like Hand in Glove Where would the rest of your fingers be without that opposable thumb?

3 Do Your Five Senses Need Each other? Would they function as well alone?

4 Your Assignment is to figure out how your 5 Signature Themes work together And Draw Them!

5 Do you need an example?

6 OK Presenting: Rons 5 Signature Themes

7 Before you start to draw, take some time to consider how you interact with the world through your five themes. Heres my example:

8 How do I teach? I THINK a lot about how Im going to FACILITATE you to LEARN. I LEARN from what didnt work BEFORE, and keep REFINING my lessons and my methods. I have the CONFIDENCE to take a few RISKS and encourage you to take risks, too. I frustrate some students by working in CONCENTRIC CIRCLES rather than linearly. … Self-Assurance Learner Strategic Connectedness Context

9 My STRATEGY is to keep SURROUNDING the course GOALS and OBJECTIVES, INVITING you to jump in wherever makes sense to you because everything is CONNECTED. Im confident that you can handle a great portion of your own LEARNING and if you dont… Self-Assurance Learner Strategic Connectedness Context

10 … its because somehow, in this great CONNECTED universe, there is a perfect LOGIC to the choices you make. However, your CHOICES may well change as you become aware of new ideas so Im COMMITTED to FACILITATING you to DISCOVER them. Self-Assurance Learner Strategic Connectedness Context

11 Remember, the goal is not to draw 5 separate images but one picture that shows how your 5 themes work together for you

12 Self-Assurance Learner Strategic Connectedness Context

13 If youre still not sure what to do, talk to some of your peers. Good luck!

14 Self-Assurance Learner Strategic Connectedness Context

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