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Warm Up…. You be given five minutes to respond to the following in a 5-7-sentence paragraph: Think back to how you learned last year. In which ways did.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up…. You be given five minutes to respond to the following in a 5-7-sentence paragraph: Think back to how you learned last year. In which ways did."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up…. You be given five minutes to respond to the following in a 5-7-sentence paragraph: Think back to how you learned last year. In which ways did you learn the best? Which ways did you find were not so effective for you? If the teacher were just teaching you, how would you like them to teach? Some examples may include lecture, pictures, videos, reading, etc. After five minutes, you will “turn and talk” to discuss your answers.

2 Quote of the day “What you do today can improve all your tomorrows.” -Ralph Marston Turn and talk with your neighbors to interpret this quote

3 Objective: SWBAT (Students will be able to) understand the classroom behavior expectations for the upcoming school year.

4 I would like to take this opportunity to welcome everyone back to Academy for the 2016/2017 school year. I hope everyone had a great summer. Lets briefly discuss some fun activities you have engaged in over the course of the summer.

5 In order for us to have a successful year in social studies, I would like to go over some class rules and guidelines that I expect everyone will follow. Before we get started… What are some rules we have to follow when we are out in public? (think laws). What are some rules you have to follow at home? turn and talk with your table mates to discuss.

6 Do you think these rules are necessary
Do you think these rules are necessary? What would happen if these rules were not in place? Turn and talk to discuss.

7 Rules are needed in society to keep order, and ensure that everything runs smoothly. The same is expected in this classroom. Just like in society, if rules are not followed, there has to be consequences to ensure the safety and well being of everyone.

8 Classroom Expectations…..
As a class, lets go over the classroom expectations worksheet.

9 Independent Practice In a 5-7 sentence paragraph explain which classroom expectation you find to be most important to foster your individual success in our social studies classroom. State at least TWO supporting details as to why you believe this.

10 Getting Acquainted!!! Now that we have taken the opportunity to go over some rules and expectations, I would like everyone to take the opportunity to get to know each other a bit better, since we will be working in groups often this year, Circulate around the room engaging with one another to fill in the getting acquainted worksheet. The first person to have their sheet fully filled out will receive a prize!!!!

11 Exit Ticket Answer the following question on a post it note as an exit ticket. What can Mr. Rubel do to make this a great year?

12 Homework Get classroom expectation sheet signed.

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