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Calcific aortic stenosis

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1 Calcific aortic stenosis
Calcific aortic stenosis. (A) Gross view of calcification of aortic valve is indicated (arrow). From Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. (B) Congenitally bicuspid aortic valve with dystrophic calcification (arrowheads) over arterial surfaces causing stenosis. Congenital raphe is at the base of the conjoined cusp. From Kemp WL, Burns DK, Brown T. The Big Picture Pathology. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Lange; Figure 10-24, page 125. Source: The Vascular System, Pathology: A Modern Case Study Citation: Reisner HM. Pathology: A Modern Case Study; 2015 Available at: Accessed: October 15, 2017 Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved

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