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Development / Environment Implementation of programs on the field by NGOs funded by a Foundation.

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1 Development / Environment Implementation of programs on the field by NGOs funded by a Foundation

2 1 1 3 3 4 4 EVALUATION ANTE Penser le projet en allant à la rencontre des acteurs, pendant la phase de sélection EVALUATION FINALE Capitaliser sur le chemin parcouru, les résultats obtenus, les échecs probables EVALUATION EX POST Repenser la stratégie Pérenniser l'impact Dans nos domaines d'intervention, nous ne pouvons plaquer des grilles, il nous faut adapter nos indicateurs à chaque projet. Mais nous pouvons avancer en capitalisant sur les programmes. Mutualiser les pratiques. 2 2 EVALUATION A MI PARCOURS S'arrêter en cours de route pour réfléchir, penser, corriger

3 V V A A L L U U E E R R E E Evaluer permet de capitaliser puis de partager les bonnes pratiques ainsi que les erreurs Evaluer ne sert que si l'on peut mettre en œuvre les recommandations de l'évaluation Evaluer l'impact c'est aller au delà de la constatation des résultats Evaluer pour se questionner sur la durabilité

4 ADAPTATION : a program must adapt to the situation all the time ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS : never forget them. Ex : EU, fond dentreprise sur RH ASK : do not ask too much, ask yourself if what you are searching for is with respect to what people want to give/do ASSUMPTIONS : they are fondamental CAPITALIZATION DATA : yes absolutely but when it is connected to the program, corresponding to needs expressed DEVELOPMENT : what is it exactly?

5 ENVIRONMENT : always goes along with development EXPERTISE : fondamental aspect of our work and better if it is local than coming from the « North » FLEXIBILITY : linked to adaptation, without flexibility, there is no success possible INCLUSIVITY : women, men, people with disabilities, young, people educated, people not educated.. INDICATORS : from the beginning we must follow indicators LEARNING : acting on the field is learning each day from the program, next step : share the learning

6 OBJECTIVES : never attach overly ambitious objectives to a program, always think about the situation, what can be done with the money available MARKET BASED APPROACHES : in agriculture, renewable energies, water and sanitation… MISTAKE : very important whenever you are in the process of a program to recognize mistakes, because you can therefore correct them and go forward MONEY : do not implement a project at the cheapest NEEDS : this is the first step of the program

7 PARTNERSHIPS : with local partners, with other agencies implementing programs, working together not aside PAYMENT FOR SERVICE : there is no service coming without a price, never forget this principle and prepare with the population before beginning the work POVERTY : this is the word at the center of our motivation, we are working in this field because we want to help people out of it. Dont make money out of poverty PREDICT : we have to make the predictions we can, but we have to know that we cannot predict everything (climate change, human resources, economic situation, political context..)

8 SOCIAL BUSINESS : B Drayton, Acumen Fund, the new solution? Key to sustanability? SUSTAINABILITY : what is going to be sustainable? Training? Infrastructures? TEAM : never forget the importance of the work on the ground, often the field workers are key to the process THEORIES : they are not the automatic solution to problems, lets sometimes forget them URGENCY : total different way of acting on the field but the fondamentals must remain WHO : who will benefit from your action? Who will be kept aside?

9 Objective of this program : to improve local people's living conditions and combat deforestation by means of credit and savings products suited to the production and supply of improved cookstoves (ICS) and gas stoves.

10 strengths and weaknesses Strengths : diverse products, available quickly, answering to needs, not too expensive for people Weaknesses : training needed for credit agencies, preference for gas cookstoves

11 Objective of this program : to improve the winter livelihoods of rural populations in the cold deserts of the Western Himalayas and to reduce households' energy vulnerability by enabling the development of income-generating activities in their newly improved living environment and by setting up a sustainable network to disseminate energy efficiency.

12 strengths and weaknesses Strengths : innovative, good for the environment Weaknesses : not a single family can afford to buy a house like that, so possibility to change scale,

13 Objective of this program : Encouraging micro entrepreneurship by manufacturing and selling the ROVAI water pump in Cambodia

14 strengths and weaknesses Strengths : local available material, local available networks, easy to use, create a virtual economic circle (sales, independant entrepreneurs..) Weaknesses : the poorest families are not involved in the program

15 Objective of this program : solar cooking in Andes

16 strengths and weaknesses Strengths : answer to real needs, good for the environment, women benefit at first Weaknesses : need too much training, expensive, must find diversity of products to upscale for an entrepreneur

17 Objective of this program : Towards a Sustainable Access to a Lasting Habitat for all in Sahel Africa: Using Ancestral techniques

18 strengths and weaknesses Strengths : local available materials, very simple technic, environmental friendly, create employments, little business Weaknesses : water must be available, rely on own willingness (builders), growth is very slow, the Ngo chose to spread in different countries before obtaining the 5% of the population in the first country

19 Objective of this program : Installation of Maintenance Services for Points of Access to Water in Rural Zones (Example of Maintenance of Manual Pumps in Malawi)

20 strengths and weaknesses Strengths : maintenance is at the heart of sustainability, shops for replacement parts, process with local artisans, employment created, independence of local population Weaknesses : the time to build such a network, time to create a local partner capable, availability of replacement parts in the shops, level of technical training given by the local artisans, need for training (finance to seek for the NGO)

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