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Classification Scientific Names.

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Presentation on theme: "Classification Scientific Names."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classification Scientific Names

2 Binomial Nomenclature
Two name system for naming plants Used to simplify names Linnaeus- Swedish Botanist who came up with this system Taxonomist-a person who identifies and classifies plants

3 Binomial Nomenclature
Scientific names are used to avoid confusion concerning the names of plants Example: Most plants have more than one common name: TIGER LILY is also known as trout lily, adder’s tongue, dog’s tooth violet, and yellow snowdrop Two completely different plants may have the same common name: In New York, COWSLIP is a marsh loving buttercup like plant, but in England it is a primrose like plant found on dry, grassy slopes

4 Binomial Nomenclature
Scientific names are expressed in LATIN because it is an international language and was used by early scholars to express plant names

5 Advantages of Using Scientific Names
Used worldwide Taxonomist name and classify plants and animals Plants purchased with accuracy Helpful in identifying plants Standard terminology

6 Taxonomy Chart Hierarchy of Specification

7 Scientific Names Binomial Nomenclature uses the Genus and Species
The first term is known as the generic name. All plants having the same generic name are said to belong to the same GENUS GENUS is the First Term (NOUN) GENUS is always capitalized

8 Species The second name is the specific name or special name.
All plants with the same specific name belong to the same SPECIES SPECIES is the second term (adjective) SPECIES is always lower case Latin names of plants are italicized because it is conventional to italicize words and phrases that are expressed in a different language

9 EXAMPLES Betula ultea “Yellow Birch” Quercus rubra “Red Oak”
Acer rubrum “Red Maple”

10 Varieties or Cultivars
There are many forms of the species red maple. Variety and/or cultivar names allow you to specify which one. Acer rubrum cv. Autumn Flame Acer rubrum ‘Autumn Flame’ Acer rubrum ‘Red Sunset’

11 Acer rubrum cv. Red Sunset
Your Turn Acer rubrum cv. Red Sunset Red Sunset is the _____________________ Acer is the __________________________ rubrum is the________________________

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