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Mental Health “Just as things go wrong in all other organs of the body, things can go wrong in the most important organ of all: THE BRAIN.

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Presentation on theme: "Mental Health “Just as things go wrong in all other organs of the body, things can go wrong in the most important organ of all: THE BRAIN."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mental Health “Just as things go wrong in all other organs of the body, things can go wrong in the most important organ of all: THE BRAIN

2 Good Charlotte “HOLD ON”

3 3rd leading cause of death among 15-24 year olds
DEPRESSION SUICIDE 3rd leading cause of death among year olds 1 in 8 30% of teens get help 18 minutes 70% struggle through the pain 8 out 10 teens who commit suicide try to ask for help in some way

4 Mental Health Definition: Being able to meet the daily challenges of life, having high self-esteem and developing healthy relationships. Mental Disorders: Depression, Anxiety Disorders, OCD, Bipolar

5 Depression Why Do People Get Depressed Genetics Environment
Life events Medical Conditions How people respond to someone who is depressed? Affects all people of every color, race, economic status, or age.

6 Symptoms of Depression
Depressed mood or sadness most of the time Lack of energy and feeling tired all the time Inability to enjoy things Withdrawal from friends/family Irritability, anger or anxiety Inability to concentrate Significant weight loss or gain Significant change in sleep pattern Feelings of guilt or worthlessness Aches and pain Pessimistic and Indifferent Thoughts of death or suicide

7 Sadness vs. Depression Normal stresses of life can lead anyone to feel sad every once and a while. Ex: argument, breakup, doing poorly on a test, cut from a team Sadness, hurt, disappointment, or grief. Reactions are brief and go away. More than occasionally feeling sad or down in the dumps. Symptoms last for weeks, months, or even longer Inability to participate in normal activities Changes Mood, thoughts, outlook and behavior Pull away from others

8 Getting Help One of the most treatable conditions
80% who get help for depression have a better quality of life. Treatment: therapy, medication or a combo of both. Mood Boosting activities: exercise, yoga, journaling, or art DON’T WAIT AND HOPE THAT IT GOES AWAY SEVERE DEPRESSION = Help ASAP

9 SUICIDE Girls attempt suicide more often than guys but guys are about 4 times more likely to succeed. Possible Causes: Depression (Sleep disturbances and hormones) Bipolar Disorder, Substance Abuse Why? ESCAPE not DIE Guys tend to use more deadly methods, like guns or hanging. Depressed people don’t realize that suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem in the same way that other people do.

10 Warning Signs Talking about suicide or death Talk about “going away”
Giving away possessions – “Won’t be needing” Pulling away and losing the desire to go out Trouble concentrating or thinking clearly Changes in eating or sleeping Engaging in self-destructive behavior

11 What if this is you? Talk to a trusted adult
Suicide crisis line SUICIDE OR 911 24 hours a day with trained professionals All calls are confidental

12 SUICIDE Sometimes, teens who make a suicide attempt – or who die as a result of suicide – seem to give no clue beforehand. Leaves family/friends grief stricken and wondering if they missed something.

13 Coping Problems Being a teen is not easy.
Communication/Support networks Ask for “Help” Work with a therapist/counselor

14 Rascal Flatts “Why”

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