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The Muscular System Part 2:

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1 The Muscular System Part 2:
Naming and Identifying Muscles Muscle of the head Get ready to take some notes

2 Naming Skeletal Muscles
Direction Size Location # of origins Location of origin or insertion Shape Action

3 Direction Direction of muscle fibers: The terms rectus (parallel)
transverse (perpendicular) oblique (at an angle) in muscle names refer to the direction of the muscle fibers with respect to the midline of the body.

4 Size Maximus (largest), minimus (smallest), longus (longest), and brevis (shortest) are common suffixes added to muscle names.

5 Location A muscle name may indicate a nearby bone or body region.
Ex. temporalis muscle covers the temporal bone. Ex. Rectus femoris

6 Number of Origins Biceps, triceps, and quadriceps indicate two, three, and four origins, respectively.

7 Location of Origin or Insertion
The sternocleidomastoid names the sternum (“sterno”) and clavicle (“cleido”) as its origins and the mastoid process of the temporal bone as its insertion.

8 Shape The deltoid (triangular), trapezius (trapezoid), serratus (saw‐toothed), and rhomboideus major (rhomboid) muscles have names that describe their shapes.

9 Action The motion terms we just tested on such as Flexor Extensor

10 Muscles of the Head Procerus - between the eyebrows
Depressor anguli oris - chin Depressor labii inferior- chin Frontalis - raising eye brows Mentalis - chin Orbicularis Oculi - eyes/blinking Platysma - neck Nasalis - nostrils Orbicularis Oris - lips Buccinator - whistling Chewing Muscles Quadratus Labii Superioris - elvis lip Masseter Temporalis Risorius - smiling Medial Pterygoid - sphenoid Zygomaticus - smiling Lateral Pterygoid - sphenoid Levator Anguli Oris - smiling Corrugator -eyebrow furrows

11 Muscles of the Head Use the coloring sheet to help you locate each muscle from the lab guide Rinse the bones off of a mannequin head Paint the muscle on your mannequin head Number the muscles on your mannequin Make a key Verbal quiz + kahoot on Monday Computer practice Tuesday Quiz Wednesday

12 Practice Web Sites for the Face

13 Wednesday 1/11/16 – Superficial Muscles Posterior and Anterior
LT: Today I will… Identify the superficial muscles of human body Entry Task: Take out your muscle guide coloring packet. Get ready to start identify muscles!!!

14 Muscles of the Neck Today we are…
Going over the basic, outer muscles of the neck otherwise known as the posterior and anterior triangles

15 Splenius capitis Shaking the head

16 The Upper Limb: Muscles of Scapular Stabilization Musculotendinous Cuff Shoulder Joint

17 5 Muscles of Scapular Stabilization: This group of muscles are for support and movement of the clavicles and scapulae Trapezius Rhomboids Levator scapulae Serratus anterior Pectoralis minor

18 Levator Scapulae: Lifting the Scapula

19 Trapezius Function: lifting, retracting, rotating and depressing the scapulae

20 Rhomboids Function: Retraction of the scapulae

21 Serratus Anterior Function: Protraction/forward rotation of the scapula

22 Function: Depression of the shoulder point
Pectoralis Minor

23 4 Muscles of Musculoteninous cuff: This group of muscles are for rotation, abduction of the upper limb Supraspinatus Infraspinatus Teres minor Subscapularis (not be tested on)

24 Supraspinatus Functions: Abduction

25 Infraspinatus and Teres minor
Function: Lateral Rotation

26 Teres Major: adduction, extension, medial rotation

27 Subscapularis Function: Medial Rotation

28 Muscles Acting on the Shoulder Joint
Deltoid Pectoralis Major Latissimus Dorsi Teres Major

29 Deltoid: abduction, extension, flexion, medial and lateral rotation

30 Pectoralis Major: Adduction, extension, flexion, medial rotation

31 Latissimus Dorsi: adduction, extension, medial rotation

32 Lets Learn These! Quiz tomorrow
Get a partner Making a note card for each muscle Lab Guide (neck, shoulders, and chest) Name of the muscles on one side Function on the other (one word. Ex. Flexion) Pair up with anyone you would like, pick a card from the top of your stack and identify it. Partners, you check for correctness

33 Arms Shoulder and chest quiz Go over new muscles
Make flashcards or sticky-notes Quiz tomorrow (at the end of class when we have done some stuff with the arm muscles)

34 Arms and Shoulders Flexor carpi radialis – Flexes wrist and abducts the hand Flexor carpi ulnaris – flexes wrist and adducts hand

35 Arms and Shoulders Triceps – extends elbow
Extensor carpi radialis – extends wrists and abducts hand Extensor digitorum – extends fingers and wrist

36 Abdomen Rectus Abdominis External Oblique Internal Oblique
Transversus Abdominis Abdomen

37 Hip/Thigh/Leg Adductor muscles Sartorius – flexes thigh and hip
Quads (vastus med. Inter. Lateralis, and rectus femoris) – extend the knee and flex the hip Tibialis anterior – dorsiflexion Soleus - dorsiflexion

38 Hip/Thigh/Leg Gluteus Maximus – extends the hip
Gluteus Medius – Abducts thigh Hamstring Muscles (semitendinosus, semimembranosus, biceps femoris) – flex knee and extend hip Gastrocnemius – plantar flexes foot and flexes knee

39 Web Practice Sites (poke a muscle)

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