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Clothing & Self-Expression

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1 Clothing & Self-Expression
Chapter 4

2 Clothing is a tool used for self-expression
Sends messages Express your personality, emotions and individual style

3 Creating Impressions An image that forms in the minds of others
Walk into a room and you create an impression Judgments are made quickly First impressions formed within a minute or two, remarkably powerful

4 Appearance People notice what a person is wearing before they see the face or hear the voice Good grooming gives the finishing touch to a pleasing appearance

5 Behavior Way you speak Politeness gives and impress
Verbal messages – with words Nonverbal – no words

6 Body Language Eye contact – look directly at person
Facial expressions—reflects what is in their minds Posture– self assurance and positive attitude Arm and leg positions—open and relaxed or closed and clenched Distance – how far a person sits or stand indicate feelings

7 Accuracy of First Impressions
Affect your judgment of others May be misleading Stereotype – simplified and standardized image of a person or group

8 What Clothing Communicates
Wearing an appropriate outfit for a job interview Clothes communicate information Know what and you know how to dress for the occasion

9 Personality Individual's unique combination of mental, emotional and social qualities Express personality through attitude, emotions, behavior Clothing may reflect your changing moods and self image

10 Emotions Emotions affect clothing choices
Happy and cheerful = bright, bold colors Depressed = dark, subdued colors

11 Self-Concept Thoughts about who you are
Self assured will show good clothing choices Negative self image impacts your clothing choices

12 Conformity Identify with peers and go along with their standards, attitudes, practices Brings a sense of identity, belonging, security

13 Peer Pressure Peer group pushes for conformity Gentle to more strong

14 Handling Peer Disapproval
Understand source of criticism If remarks are intended to be helpful, accept it that way

15 Individuality Total combination of characteristics that set one person apart from others Clothing styles, colors, accessories

16 Developing Your Personal Style
You decide what to buy and wear People who adopt extreme clothing styles create a false image Dress too old, too young, too extreme Trying to fulfill a need for attention

17 Putting too much emphasis on appearance is usually a mistake
Showing no interest can also cause trouble Either too much or too little may limit your life experiences

18 Clothing & Consequences
Every decision has a consequence Open one door and close another Missed opportunities

19 What Difficulties might Arise from these decisions?
Regularly wears clothes disapproved by parents?

20 “Lives” in jeans and T-shirts without owning any dressy clothes??

21 Wears the same colors and styles worn by gangs…

22 Buys only trendy fashions….

23 Consequences could affect personal safety
Learn from mistakes and make corrections

24 Searching for the “Real” You
Teen years are a time to loow inward and evaluate who you are and who you want to be Experiment with clothes and new styles, colors, and fabrics

25 Exploration lets you learn more about yourself
Discover what you like and what is best for you

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