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Year 12 Progression.

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1 Year 12 Progression

2 Progressing to Year 13 Remember, progression to Year 13 is not automatic. You will have to fulfil certain criteria in order to progress, such as: Meeting individual subject entry requirements – AS/BTEC grades, monthly assessment and mock results will be taken into account. Good attendance in all of your subjects – the college expect a minimum YTD attendance for each of your courses of 95%. However, you should all be aiming for 100%. Passing all of your AS/BTEC subjects. Positive response to any interventions – act on any advice/targets you are given from your teachers/tutor and show a determination to improve.

3 Outstanding Fees Students with outstanding enrolment or art studio fees will not be allowed to progress to Year 13. If you owe outstanding fees, these can be paid at the payment desk on the bottom floor of the LRC Monday, Wednesday and Friday. (open until 1pm)

4 February 2017 All students are currently being reviewed by their Progress Tutors and subject teachers with a view to identifying those who have not demonstrated the following: Good attendance Good work ethic Ability to work independently outside of lessons Strong or improving performance in monthly assessments Commitment to college

5 What happens next? Your Progress Tutor will inform you if your automatic progression to Y13 is in question. You will have between February and the end of the academic year to improve and hopefully progress. As a college, we want everyone to pass their A Level exams and BTEC coursework. Use the remaining months wisely and productively. Do everything you can to avoid disappointment on progression day. AS Results Day – Thursday 17th August Year 13 Progression Day – Tuesday 29th August Remember to bring your re-enrolment fee.

6 Year 13 Programmes of Study
In Year 13 you will not be allowed to enrol on less than 3 A Level or BTEC equivalent programmes. If you achieve 4 B grades or above at AS Level you are recommended to continue on all 4 subjects to enhance your progression choices to the best universities. This should be discussed with your Progress Tutor and subject teachers.

7 Linear Subjects French and Spanish
Art, Photography, Graphics and Textiles RS Dance, Music and Drama You will have been informed on enrolment that linear subjects cannot be dropped. Therefore, you need to make sure you are working with your teachers and tutor to meet your minimum target grade or above. Pay attention to any feedback you are given and make sure you respond positively to interventions.

8 You may choose to pick up additional qualifications. E. g
You may choose to pick up additional qualifications. E.g. Extended Project If you wish to pick up a new BTEC in Y13 you must discuss this with your tutor. If you have not passed GCSE Maths or English you must continue with these in addition to your A Level/BTEC subjects. Any students wishing to discuss alternative options to progressing to Y13, should make an appointment to meet with their progress tutor.

9 Extended Project This is a Level 3 qualification equivalent to half an A Level. It is graded and carries UCAS points. The course offers you the opportunity to undertake an independent research project on a subject of your choosing. You will meet with your supervisor weekly to discuss your progress and be offered guidance to develop skills such as carrying out academic research and referencing. For more information, please contact Kath Pearce.

10 Why your Y12 grades are important
It is easier to achieve higher Y13 grades if you have a strong performance from Y12. Offers from universities, jobs and apprenticeships are based on GCSE grades, Y12 grades and your predicted Y13 grades. Progression to Y13 is dependent on your Y12 grades. If you do not pass ALL your Y12 subjects you will attend an interview on Progression Day where your options will be discussed.

11 In your subjects… Your subject teachers will outline:
Y13 entry requirements Skills required to progress Topics covered in Y13 Students must attend their current programme of study until the end of this academic year. This is non-negotiable. Failure to attend all subjects will result in not being able to progress to Y13. It is not until the Y13 Progression Day (29th August) that you make your final decision on which subjects to progress to Y13 with.

12 Important Dates Wb 27th February Progression tutorial delivered
Wb 6th March Subject progression lessons delivered Wb 13th March Progression forms completed by students and handed back to Progress Tutors Thursday 17th August: AS results day Tuesday 29th August: Y13 progression day

13 Reflect and Review Some of you underestimated the mock exams and need to improve your revision techniques or revise more. Plan a revision timetable that is realistic and stick to it. You should be spending at least 4 hours studying independently for each subject. Now is the time to reflect on how you have studied so far and review your methods. How can you study better? EXAM PERIOD IS 15TH MAY TO 30TH JUNE

14 This time of year is just as important for you!
BTEC Students This time of year is just as important for you! Progression to Y13 is not guaranteed and must be earned through good levels of attendance, punctuality with meeting deadlines and a strong work ethic. Know your deadlines in each subject and meet them. Remember, coursework is homework – you should always be busy. All of you should aim for a minimum grade of a Distinction.

15 Year 12 Revision

16 Revision Launch Next week, your teachers will be giving you revision resources and guidance for each of your subjects. Staff across New College will be promoting the official revision launch. Revision Club – some students will spend their free periods under supervision in the LRC. This will be arranged by your Progress Tutor. Easter Revision Workshops – you will be informed of any revision workshops running over the Easter holiday by your subject teachers. Check the TV screens, subject posters and Moodle for revision tips and techniques. Your parents will be ed to inform them of the countdown to exams, revision launch and how to support your studies at home. Look for this logo around college for revision tips, techniques and information.

17 How do you revise? Speed Dating Activity
You will need a piece of paper, a pen and your best study tips and techniques. You have 30 seconds with each study date to find out how they revise. Write down any tips, techniques, apps or websites your study date recommends. Share these or your own ideas with your next study date. What new independent study techniques will you try?

18 Study Apps and Websites
Apps can be a great way to reinforce your learning. Studies have shown that repeat testing and frequent short bursts of revision can be more effective than ‘cramming’ for hours. Apps aren’t enough on their own but can compliment other revision techniques. Use them on the bus, whilst you’re waiting for your friends or on your lunch break. Every little helps!

19 Y12 – based on 4 AS/BTEC subjects
Revision Countdown Y12 – based on 4 AS/BTEC subjects Minimum Independent Study Hours 8 hrs/week 2 hrs/subject From October Half Term 10-12 hrs/week 3 hrs/subject From Christmas 14-16 hrs/week 4 hrs/subject From February Half Term 20 hrs/week 5 hrs/subject From Easter From May Half Term 20+ hrs/week 5+ hrs/subject You should all be revising for your end of year exams already. If you’re not, now is the time to start! The most successful students are those that put the most time and effort into their studies.


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