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People & Empires in the Americas

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1 People & Empires in the Americas
Chapter 16 (p )


3 North American Groups Did NOT: Did: Create great empires
Leave many ruins as spectacular as those in Central and South America Did: Create complex societies Conduct long-distance trade Construct magnificent buildings

4 Maya Mesoamerica Highlands and lowlands
Blended local customs with Olmec influences

5 Maya Independent city-states, ruled by a god-king and serve as a center for religious ceremonies and trade Feature giant pyramids, temples, palaces, and elaborate stone carvings dedicated to the gods and important rulers

6 Maya City-states linked through alliances and trade
Agriculture provided the basis of life


8 Maya Polytheistic Prayed, offerings, human sacrifices
Religious beliefs led to the development of the calendar, mathematics, and astronomy

9 Maya Developed the most advanced writing system in the ancient Americas Glyphs- hieroglyphic symbols Codex- bark-paper books used to record historical events

10 Maya Maya abandoned many of their cities in the late 800s Theories:
War disrupted trade and caused economic hardship Population growth and over-farming damaged environment

11 Aztecs Mexico Mountain basin Lots of resources and fertile soil

12 Aztecs Teotihuacan- first major civilization of Central America
One of the largest cities in the world at the time Became a center of trade Declined abruptly

13 Aztecs Arrive in the Valley of Mexico around 1200 Poor, nomadic people
Small city-states survived Toltec rule Poor, nomadic people Adapted Became soldiers-for- hire Founded Tenochitlan

14 Aztecs Alliance with two other city-states built the leading power in the Valley of Mexico Built power on military conquest, tribute gained from conquered subjects, and brutal responses to resistance


16 Aztecs Tenochtitlan By 1500s- became an extraordinary urban city

17 Aztecs Polytheistic Centered on elaborate public ceremonies
Human sacrifice to the Sun God

18 Aztecs Montezuma II- crowned emperor in 1502 Empire began to weaken
Unrest and Rebellion Arrival of the Spanish

19 Inca South America Largest empire seen in the Americas
Andes Mountains Largest empire seen in the Americas Built empire on cultural foundations thousands of years old

20 Inca Controlled empire through a central bureaucracy
Efficient economic system Extensive road system Single language

21 Inca Polytheistic Temple of the Sun, in Cuzco, most sacred

22 Inca Death of emperor led to split of empire between two sons
Led to civil war Spanish arrived at the last days of the war

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