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Lesson Plan Design & Bloom’s Taxonomy EnhanceEdu.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson Plan Design & Bloom’s Taxonomy EnhanceEdu."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson Plan Design & Bloom’s Taxonomy EnhanceEdu

2 Agenda  Objectives  Lesson Plan  Purpose  Elements of a good lesson plan  Bloom’s Taxonomy – it’s relevance  Presenting the lesson plan  Reflecting on it  Common mistakes  Activity EnhanceEdu

3 Objectives of this session  To share ideas on:  Elements of good Lesson plan design  Application of lesson plan in the classroom  Bloom’s Taxonomy EnhanceEdu


5 Lesson Plan  Purpose  Elements of a good lesson plan  Bloom’s Taxonomy – it’s relevance  Presenting the lesson plan  Reflecting on the lesson plan  Common mistakes  Activity EnhanceEdu

6 Lesson Plan  Purpose  Elements of a good lesson plan  Bloom’s Taxonomy – it’s relevance  Presenting the lesson plan  Reflecting on the lesson plan  Common mistakes  Activity EnhanceEdu

7 Purpose What do I want students to learn? What teaching and learning activities will I use? How will I check for understanding? EnhanceEdu

8 Lesson Plan  Purpose  Elements of a good lesson plan  Bloom’s Taxonomy – it’s relevance  Presenting the lesson plan  Reflecting on the lesson plan  Common mistakes  Activity EnhanceEdu

9 Elements of a good lesson plan  Information about the learners  Outline learner objectives  Develop the introduction  Plan the specific learning activities (the main body of the lesson)  Assess understanding  Develop a conclusion and a preview  Create a realistic timeline EnhanceEdu

10 Elements of a lesson plan: Information about learners EnhanceEdu

11 Information about the learners  Ability and interest levels  Backgrounds  Attention spans  Ability to work together in groups  Prior knowledge and learning experiences  Learning styles & preferences EnhanceEdu

12 Elements of a lesson plan: Outline Learner Objectives “Begin with the end in mind” - Stephen Covey EnhanceEdu

13 Why learner Objectives?  Facilitate course development through objective- directed planning  Inform students of the expectations of course  Guide the development of instructional activities  Guide the development of assessments and evaluations EnhanceEdu

14 Characteristics  Specific and focused  Targets performance  Realistic to achieve  Can be measured and validated  Time-bound with a deadline EnhanceEdu

15 Lesson Plan  Purpose  Elements of a good lesson plan  Bloom’s Taxonomy – it’s relevance  Presenting the lesson plan  Reflecting on the lesson plan  Common mistakes  Activity EnhanceEdu

16 “The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be ignited” Bloom’s Taxonomy EnhanceEdu

17 Bloom’s Taxonomy  Goals of the educational process  Three domains of educational activities:  Cognitive  Affective  Psychomotor EnhanceEdu

18 Bloom’s Taxonomy EnhanceEdu Evaluation Synthesis Analysis Application Comprehension Knowledge

19 Original Terms EnhanceEdu New Terms Evaluation Synthesis Analysis Application Comprehension Knowledge Creating Evaluating Analyzing Applying Understanding Remembering

20 Bloom’s Taxonomy - Revised EnhanceEdu Creating Evaluating Analyzing Applying Understanding Remembering

21  Remembering of previously learned material  Examples:  know common terms  know specific facts  know methods and procedures  know basic concepts  know principles EnhanceEdu

22 Understanding  Ability to grasp the meaning of material  Examples:  understand facts and principles  interpret verbal material  interpret charts and graphs  translate verbal material to mathematical formulae EnhanceEdu

23 Applying  Ability to use learned material in new and concrete situations  Examples:  apply concepts and principles to new situations  apply laws and theories to practical situations  solve mathematical problems  construct graphs and charts  demonstrate the correct usage of a method or procedure EnhanceEdu

24 Analyzing  Ability to break down material into its component parts so that its organizational structure may be understood  Examples:  recognize unstated assumptions  Recognize logical fallacies in reasoning  distinguish between different parts  distinguish between facts and inferences  analyze organizational structure of a work EnhanceEdu

25 Evaluating  Ability to judge the value of material for a given purpose  Examples:  judge logical consistency of written material  judge adequacy with which conclusions are supported by data  judge value of a work by the use of internal criteria  judge value of a work by use of external standards of excellence EnhanceEdu

26 Creating  Ability to put parts together to form a new whole  Examples:  write a well organized theme  give a well organized speech, write a creative short story  formulate a new scheme for classifying objects  integrate learning from different areas into a plan for solving a problem  propose a plan for an experiment EnhanceEdu

27 Elements of a lesson plan: Develop the Introduction EnhanceEdu

28 Develop the Introduction  Check the familiarity of the topic  With a question/activity/electronic survey  Preconceived notions about the subject?  Develop creative introduction  to stimulate interest and encourage thinking  Variety of approaches EnhanceEdu

29 Elements of a lesson plan: Plan specific learning activities EnhanceEdu

30 Elements of a lesson plan: Plan specific learning activities EnhanceEdu

31 Use Instructional Materials  Text Books  Power point presentations  Journal articles  Multimedia materials: Instructional audio/video  Rubric EnhanceEdu

32 Plan specific learning activities  Prepare different ways of explaining the material  Catch the attention of students  Appeal to different learning styles  Design learning activities  Time for discussion EnhanceEdu

33 Elements of a lesson plan: Assess understanding EnhanceEdu

34 Assess understanding  Are students learning?  Ask questions  Check against learning objectives  Anticipate questions: productive/non-productive? EnhanceEdu


36 How to apply Bloom’s Taxonomy? EnhanceEdu

37 Remembering  Exam Question Cues:  List  Define  Tell  Identify  Show  Label  Collect  Tabulate  Quote  Name  Who  When  Where EnhanceEdu

38 Understanding  Exam Question Cues:  Summarize  Describe  Interpret  Predict  Associate  Distinguish  Estimate  Differentiate  Discuss  Extend EnhanceEdu

39 Applying  Exam Question Cues:  Apply  Demonstrate  Calculate  Complete  Illustrate  Show  Solve  Examine  Modify  Relate  Change  Classify  Experiment  Discover EnhanceEdu

40 Analyzing  Exam Question Cues:  Analyze  Separate  Order  Explain  Connect  Classify  Arrange  Divide  Compare  Select  Infer EnhanceEdu

41 Evaluating  Exam Question Cues:  Assess  Decide  Rank  Grade  Test  Measure  Recommend  Convince  Select  Judge  Explain  Discriminate  Support  Conclude  Compare  Summarize EnhanceEdu

42 Creating  Exam Question Cues:  Combine  Integrate  Modify  Rearrange  Substitute  Plan  Create  Design  Invent  What if?  Compose  Formulate  Prepare  Generalize  Rewrite EnhanceEdu

43 A good teacher makes you think even when you don’t want to EnhanceEdu

44 Lower and Higher Order Questions  Questions at lower levels are appropriate for:  Evaluating students’ preparation and comprehension  Diagnosing students’ strengths and weaknesses  Reviewing and/or summarizing content  Questions at higher levels are appropriate for:  Encouraging students to think more deeply and critically  Stimulating students to seek information on their own  Problem solving  Encouraging discussions EnhanceEdu

45 Elements of a lesson plan: Develop a conclusion & a preview EnhanceEdu SummarizeReviewPreview

46 Elements of a lesson plan: Create a realistic timeline EnhanceEdu

47 Create a realistic timeline  Why?  Students may need something else  A realistic timeline reflects your flexibility and readiness to adapt to the specific classroom environment  Strategies  Narrow down list of learning objectives  Estimate time for each activity, plan extra time  Indicate time in lesson plan  Plan for questions at end of class  Plan extra activity or discussion  Be flexible EnhanceEdu

48 Lesson Plan  Purpose  Elements of a good lesson plan  Bloom’s Taxonomy – it’s relevance  Presenting the lesson plan  Reflecting on the lesson plan  Common mistakes  Activity EnhanceEdu

49 Presenting a lesson plan  Share lesson plan with students  write brief agenda on the board  Tell students explicitly what they will be learning  Provide handout of learning objectives for the class  Keeps them more engaged and on track EnhanceEdu

50 Lesson Plan  Purpose  Elements of a good lesson plan  Bloom’s Taxonomy – it’s relevance  Presenting the lesson plan  Reflecting on the lesson plan  Common mistakes  Activity EnhanceEdu

51 Reflecting on a lesson plan  Lesson plan may not work as expected  Spend a few minutes after each class  What worked well and why  What could have done differently  Plan for additional feedback  Helps in adjusting to the contingencies of the classroom EnhanceEdu

52 Lesson Plan  Purpose  Elements of a good lesson plan  Bloom’s Taxonomy – it’s relevance  Presenting the lesson plan  Reflecting on the lesson plan  Common mistakes  Activity EnhanceEdu

53 Common mistakes  Poorly written objectives lead to faulty inferences  The lesson assessment is not connected with the behavior indicated in the objective  Prerequisites are not specified or are inconsistent with the lesson requirements  The materials specified in the lesson are irrelevant to those described learning activities  Teacher’s instructions are inefficient  Students activities do not contribute effectively to the lesson objective EnhanceEdu

54 Lesson Plan  Purpose  Elements of a good lesson plan  Bloom’s Taxonomy – it’s relevance  Presenting the lesson plan  Reflecting on the lesson plan  Common mistakes  Activity EnhanceEdu

55 Now it’s your turn…  Create 6 lesson objectives for topic of your choice  Each objective must involve a different level of Bloom’s Taxonomy  You have 15 minutes  Be prepared to share your objectives with the group EnhanceEdu

56 Thank You EnhanceEdu

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