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NEED TO KNOW MUSCLES. RECTUS FEMORIS O: anterior ilium I: tibia A: flexes thigh.

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Presentation on theme: "NEED TO KNOW MUSCLES. RECTUS FEMORIS O: anterior ilium I: tibia A: flexes thigh."— Presentation transcript:


2 RECTUS FEMORIS O: anterior ilium I: tibia A: flexes thigh

3 RECTUS FEMORIS O: anterior ilium I: tibia A: flexes thigh

4 TRICEPS BRACHII O: scapula Lateral and medial surface of humerus I: olecranon process of ulna A: adducts arm Extends arm and forearm

5 TRICEPS BRACHII O: scapula Lateral and medial surface of humerus I: olecranon process of ulna A: adducts arm Extends arm and forearm

6 SARTORIUS O: anterior iliac spine I: medial surface of tibia A: flexes leg and laterally rotates thigh

7 SARTORIUS O: anterior iliac spine I: medial surface of tibia A: flexes leg and laterally rotates thigh

8 PECTORALIS MAJOR O: clavicle, sternum, costal cartilage I: groove of humerus A: adducts, flexes and rotates arm medially

9 PECTORALIS MAJOR O: clavicle, sternum, costal cartilage I: groove of humerus A: adducts, flexes and rotates arm medially

10 PECTORALIS MAJOR O: clavicle, sternum, costal cartilage I: groove of humerus A: adducts, flexes and rotates arm medially

11 GASTROCNEMIUS O: lateral and medial condyle of femur I: Calcaneus A: flexes leg, plantar flexes foot

12 GASTROCNEMIUS O: lateral and medial condyle of femur I: Calcaneus A: flexes leg, plantar flexes foot

13 GASTROCNEMIUS O: lateral and medial condyle of femur I: Calcaneus A: flexes leg, plantar flexes foot

14 TIBIALIS ANTERIOR O: lateral tibia I: first metatarsal and tarsal bone A: dorsiflexes and inverts the foot

15 TIBIALIS ANTERIOR O: lateral tibia I: first metatarsal and tarsal bone A: dorsiflexes and inverts the foot

16 ORBICULARIS ORIS O: Muscles encircling the mouth I: Skin of lips A: close mouth

17 ORBICULARIS ORIS O: Muscles encircling the mouth I: Skin of lips A: close mouth

18 MASSETER O: zygomatic arch I: lateral surface of mandible A: elevates mandible

19 STERNOCLEIDOMSTOID O: sternum and clavicle I: Mastoid process of temporal bone A: pulls head to one side

20 STERNOCLEIDOMSTOID O: sternum and clavicle I: Mastoid process of temporal bone A: pulls head to one side

21 ZYGOMATICUS O: zygomatic bone I: orbicularis oris A: elevates the corners of mouth to laugh or smile

22 DEPRESSOR LABII INFERIORIS O: inferior border of mandible I: skin of inferior lip and orbicularis oris A: depresses lower lip

23 DEPRESSOR LABII INFERIORIS O: inferior border of mandible I: skin of inferior lip and orbicularis oris A: depresses lower lip

24 LEVATOR SCAPULAE O: transverse process of C1-C4 I: medial margin of scapula A: elevates the scapula

25 LEVATOR SCAPULAE O: transverse process of C1-C4 I: medial margin of scapula A: elevates the scapula

26 DELTOID O: clavicle, acromion and spine of scapula I: humerus A: abducts and flexes arm

27 DELTOID O: clavicle, acromion and spine of scapula I: humerus A: abducts and flexes arm

28 EXTENSOR DIGITORUM O: Lateral epicondyle of humerus I: posterior surface of phalanges A: extends fingers

29 EXTERNAL OBLIQUE O: outer surface of lower ribs I: Iliac crest, liea alba A: compresses abdomen, laterally rotates trunk

30 EXTERNAL OBLIQUE O: outer surface of lower ribs I: Iliac crest, liea alba A: compresses abdomen, laterally rotates trunk

31 BICEPS BRACHII O: coracoid process of scapula I: radial tuberosity of radius A: supinates hand, laterally rotates forearm

32 BICEPS BRACHII O: coracoid process of scapula I: radial tuberosity of radius A: supinates hand, laterally rotates forearm

33 GLUTEUS MAXIMUS O: later surface of ilium, sacrum, coccyx I: lateral condyle of tibia, posterior femur A: extends, abducts and laterally rotates thigh

34 GLUTEUS MAXIMUS O: later surface of ilium, sacrum, coccyx I: lateral condyle of tibia, posterior femur A: extends, abducts and laterally rotates thigh

35 ADDUCTOR MAGNUS O: Ischium and pubis I: posterior femur A: adducts, flexes and rotates thigh

36 ADDUCTOR MAGNUS O: Ischium and pubis I: posterior femur A: adducts, flexes and rotates thigh

37 LATISSIMUS DORSI O: sacrum, ilium, spine of thoracic and lumbar vertebrae I: Humerus A: adducts, medially rotates arm, pulls shoulder inferiorly

38 LATISSIMUS DORSI O: sacrum, ilium, spine of thoracic and lumbar vertebrae I: Humerus A: adducts, medially rotates arm, pulls shoulder inferiorly

39 LATISSIMUS DORSI O: sacrum, ilium, spine of thoracic and lumbar vertebrae I: Humerus A: adducts, medially rotates arm, pulls shoulder inferiorly

40 TRAPEZIUS O: occipital bone, spine of cervical and thoracic vertebrae I: clavicle, acromion, spine of scapula A: abducts and extends head

41 TRAPEZIUS O: occipital bone, spine of cervical and thoracic vertebrae I: clavicle, acromion, spine of scapula A: abducts and extends head


43 RECTUS ABDOMINUS O: pubic symphasis, pubic crest I: xiphoid process of sternum, costal cartilage A: flex lumbar vertebrae, tense abdominal wall

44 RECTUS ABDOMINUS O: pubic symphasis, pubic crest I: xiphoid process of sternum, costal cartilage A: flex lumbar vertebrae, tense abdominal wall





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