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Year 4 parent talk A little information to help you about your child being in Year 4…

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Presentation on theme: "Year 4 parent talk A little information to help you about your child being in Year 4…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 4 parent talk A little information to help you about your child being in Year 4…

2 The New Curriculum The Y4 curriculum is a continuation from Y3. The expectations have been stepped up. Children have to “catch up” on things that were not previously in the curriculum.


4 What does “Met” expectations mean? Use consistently and independently without being reminded. “Working within” means that they need reminding and re-teaching on some aspects of their work.

5 Our topics! Walk Like an Egyptian (Autumn) Sound All Around (Spring 1) Born in the USA (Spring 1) Story of a Raindrop (Spring 2) Go With the Flow (Spring 2) Invaders and Settlers (Summer) Cool to be Me (end of Summer 2)

6 Take Home Task We want to give you a choice of what you could do with our new topic! You can choose to do… for example you may Write in hieroglyphics Do some Egyptian themed maths Make a model of an Egyptian artefact Draw/paint a tomb or wall painting etc PLEASE BRING THESE IN W/B 2 nd November

7 Enrichment Autumn term Openbox theatre company (25 th September) – approx £8.50 each Dress up day and Egyptian museum of artefacts – 1 st December. Parents will be invited into school at approximately 2.30.

8 Your help required… Can you bring in any old dolls/teddies/barbies etc for our mummification lesson! Children will learn about mummification and will be ‘mummifying’ these using some traditional Egyptian methods! They will not be returned in the same state!

9 Enrichment Spring - TBC Local study Littlehampton (possibly Look and Sea centre)

10 Enrichment Summer Buster Ancient Farm – 18 th May 2016 approx £15 Dress up day (Vikings and Saxons) – Date TBC

11 Homework Literacy (spelling) and maths every week. Children will have a ‘choice’ homework menu to pick activities from. They can complete more than 1 but will need to repeat. Challenges will be available on the school website – stickers / house points will be given for the learning they’ve done at home



14 Reading Regular reading but it should be fun… not a chore! Reading not just a story – digital media, newspapers, magazines, audio books, listening to someone else, etc! Library and book corner books can be changed independently (when Library system ready). Daily reading will be taking place with some children in class, depending on help! Parent helpers – anybody willing to come in for 30 minutes to hear children read, very much appreciate it – any time.

15 How can you help…? Look in the curriculum information booklet for list Help your child with homework when necessary Read regularly Times tables (up to x12) x10, x100, ÷10, ÷100 (to help with measuring conversions)

16 A reminder about PE Children should have kits at ALL times Appropriate kit for outside cold weather Clearly named Tape for covering earrings Tuesday and Wednesday (usually)

17 Fruit & Drink Children who want a snack mid- morning need to bring in either a piece of fruit or a vegetable. Only water in water bottles please.

18 Do you want to help? We would love helpers to come in and read with children from Year 4! We will send a letter home next week asking for volunteers for 30 mins. If you can help, please respond to this letter to let us know! THANK YOU!

19 Questions regarding walking alone from school Mrs Jee will be sending a letter home to all Year 4 parents regarding allowing children to walk home after school and after clubs. Please look out for this letter if you wish to allow your child to walk home alone.

20 Thank you! Any questions? Please speak to your child’s teacher if you have any concerns at all. We will always arrange a suitable time to speak to you. Catching us at the end of the day is better!

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