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Sept 13 th 8:00 5:00.  Ice Breaker  Changes for ◦ International Leadership ◦ Calendar ◦ Intentional data driven instruction ◦ Community within.

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Presentation on theme: "Sept 13 th 8:00 5:00.  Ice Breaker  Changes for ◦ International Leadership ◦ Calendar ◦ Intentional data driven instruction ◦ Community within."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sept 13 th 8:00 5:00

2  Ice Breaker  Changes for 2016-17 ◦ International Leadership ◦ Calendar ◦ Intentional data driven instruction ◦ Community within school  Celebrations!  Celebrate Assessment Day  Compact to be signed at Conferences  Bond money – vote in Nov.  Things to talk about in Parent Coffees ◦ Bullying – how addressed? ◦ Events map out ◦ Math curriculum & lit curriculum ◦ Mexican continuation of education ◦ Classes for parents – English, own education, ideas on parenting ◦ Why fund raisers  PTO, StuCo  Field experiences, scholarships, buying critical things for building ◦ What other ideas?  Events Coming Up

3 Create an alliteration poem using your ;child’s name C – Caring H - Helpful A – Adventurous V – Vivacious A - Adventurous

4  We are a community and we take care of each other. We had a former parent pass away this summer in a tragic situation. We want to honor her and her family with a moment of silence. Thank you for your commitment to our community and our school

5  Boston P-8 Vision:  To be a unified, global community  of lifelong learners who strive for  excellence and compassion for self,  each other, and our world.

6 ◦ International Leadership ◦ Calendar ◦ Intentional data driven instruction ◦ Community within school

7  PARCC test grades 3-8 ◦ Math  Overall increase of 9% points  In one grade level  Out scored the district average ◦ Literacy  Overall increase of 10% points  In one grade level  Out scored the district average and the state average ◦ Among the highest growth in the DISTRICT!

8  Aug 31 st and Sept 1 st  Students came in for a two hour block of time for testing ◦ Reading test  Some of the highest beginning of the school year results (normally there is a large dip in scores) ◦ Math computer test  New - helps us understand specific gaps in student understandings so we can target interventions ◦ Time in the gym or on the playground ◦ Attendance of AMAZING!! - THANK YOU!!!

9  Boston Commitment  Student Commitment  Parent Commitment

10  Accelerate the learning for every Boston K-8 student every day.  Maintain high academic and behavior expectations in a safe, risk free learning environment.  Plan for and deliver effective and engaging lessons for all learners within my classroom.  Provide assistance to parents/guardians to understand standards and assessments.  Communicate student progress on a regular basis with students and guardians.  Provide resources to families to encourage reading, writing, and math skills at home.

11  uniform dress code, and do my part to participate in my learning.  Engage in the learning process and make improvements based on my teacher’s feedback.  Follow all school expectations and school rules.  Take home Friday Folders, all school notices and return parent signed notes back to school.  Do my best to learn and talk with my family about what I have learned.  Practice reading, writing and math skills at home and complete my homework.

12  Attend conferences, school activities, events, workshops, and maintain regular communication with the Boston P-8 teaching staff.  Motivate my child to follow the rules and expectations of the school.  Make sure my child practices reading, writing and math skills at home and completes homework each day.  Visit and volunteer in the school or in my child’s classroom when I am able.

13  Money for district and Boston ◦ Work on school repairs ◦ Work on creating schools ◦ Work on updating schools  Building  Technology ◦ For Boston  Potential  Shade on big playground  Grass update on playground  Third floor outdoor space could become a usable classroom i.e. outdoor garden, hydroponic garden?

14 ◦ Bullying – how students are learning to care about their community and each other ◦ Events During the year ◦ Math curriculum & lit curriculum ◦ Mexican continuation of education ◦ Classes for parents – English, own education, ideas on parenting ◦ Why do we do fund raisers? ◦ How is Boston expanding students’ experiences and academic learnings? ◦ What other ideas?

15  Calendar of Events ◦ Printed Events Calendars will be sent out in Friday ◦ Believe Assembly and fundraiser starts Friday ◦ Picture Day, Sept 20 th (uniforms) ◦ Skate City, Sept 23 rd


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