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Special Meeting of Executive Council Agenda (5/28/15) 1.Introductions 2.June 8 th Volunteers (8-noon, maybe all day) 3.Summer Meetings (Dates/Times) 4.What.

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Presentation on theme: "Special Meeting of Executive Council Agenda (5/28/15) 1.Introductions 2.June 8 th Volunteers (8-noon, maybe all day) 3.Summer Meetings (Dates/Times) 4.What."— Presentation transcript:


2 Special Meeting of Executive Council Agenda (5/28/15) 1.Introductions 2.June 8 th Volunteers (8-noon, maybe all day) 3.Summer Meetings (Dates/Times) 4.What is Student Council? 5.Suggested Meeting Layout 6.Officer Responsibilities and Expectations 7.Parliamentary Procedures 8.By-Laws The Student Council Exists To Serve Students… It will only be as active, effective, and concerned as each student member is!

3 1. Student council is the HEART of student involvement. It's the most representative and powerful student organization because it works for all students.

4 2. A good student council has student respect and support by opening its doors to all interested students, and by being aware of student needs and opinions.

5 3. Cooperation is the key to getting things done. The council shouldn't be a rubber stamp for any group, but it should work with others to solve problems.

6 4. Training and relevance are vital to the success of any student council.

7 5. Good leaders are developed, not born. Informed voters help create them. Leadership training is one goal of student council.

8 6. Your council can lead the way to positive change. Its activities and projects are the testing ground for ideas, which become part of the school.

9 President Secretary Treasurer Parliamentarian Historian Vice President DASH Energy & Environment Pride & Patriotism Community Service Outstanding Student Council Student Request Senior Class President Freshman Class President Junior Class President Sophomore Class President General Council

10 President Nikky Jackson Vice-President Allen Porterie Secretary Armia Williams Treasurer Dalton Smith Paliamentarian Skylar Davis Historian McKena Runyan DASH Scott McPherson Energy & Environment Erik Aranda Pride and Patriotism AJ, Yuli Community Service Savanna Morgan Outstanding Student Council Tamia Williams Officers

11 President Kaden Kinnart Vice-President Savanna Morgan Secretary Yuli Rosado Treasurer Marissa Trujillo Senior Class Officers

12 President Scott McPherson Vice-President Haizhu Yang Secretary Emily Bracken Treasurer Junior Class Officers

13 President Blair Bennett Vice-President Tamia Williams Secretary Destini Watts Treasurer Meghan Northcut Sophomore Class Officers

14 President Jacob Jimenez Vice-President Megan Kissi Secretary Alyssa Kinard Treasurer Andrew Walker Freshmen Class Officers

15 President: 1.Presides over council meetings and Executive Council meetings. 2. Has power to appoint committees under the advisement of the advisor. 3.Has the authority to call special meetings under the advisement of the advisor. 4. Supervises the work of the other officers. 5. Prepares an agenda prior to all meetings in cooperation with the Executive Council. 6. Reports council activities to the principal. 7. Responsible for making sure that all completed and submitted by deadlines. 8. Oversees assigned committees. 9. Must represent Student Council at appropriate school functions. 10. Must be in at least one committee.

16 Represent the student body at school, district, and civic meetings Develop agenda for and preside at student council meetings. Knows the basic rules of parliamentary procedure. Conducts him/herself with academic integrity and exemplary conduct.

17 Vice President 1. Presides over meetings in the president’s absence. 2.Has the power of the president in the president’s absence. 3. Oversees assigned committees. 4.Attends Executive council meetings. 5. Responsible for distributing and collecting project forms from committee chairpersons.

18 Represent the student body at school, district, and civic meetings (as requested by the president) Knows the basic rules of parliamentary procedure. Serves in the absence of the president. Coordinates the work of committees. Heads important committees. Conducts him/herself with academic integrity and exemplary conduct.

19 Secretary 1. Keeps an accurate roll of all members and their hours. 2. Keeps an accurate record of attendance to Student Council and committee meetings. 3. Keeps an accurate record of the minutes from all council meetings and types them for principal and advisor's approval. 4. Oversees assigned committees. 5. Responsible for recording all of Student Council activities and correspondence. 6. Attends executive council meetings.

20 Keeps accurate minutes of meetings. Handles all council correspondence. Reports at each meeting the minutes from previous meeting. Type materials for student council officers and committee chairpeople. Conducts him/herself with academic integrity and exemplary conduct.

21 Treasurer (not in By-laws) Presents proposed budget of activities to the student council. Handles all funds. Keeps accurate record on income and expenses. Reports at each meeting on money matters. Coordinates fundraising projects of the student council. Conducts him/herself with academic integrity and exemplary conduct.

22 Parliamentarian 1. Serves to keep order in all Student Council meetings according to Robert’s Rules of Order. 2. Helps oversee all elections. 3. Oversees assigned committees. 4. Attends all executive council meetings.

23 Historian 1. Gather materials in preparation for the Student Council Scrapbook. 2.Be responsible for the completion of the scrapbook. 3. Maintain a file of materials about activities of the school. 4. Make sure pictures are taken of all activities. 5. Coordinate work on other historical presentations (i.e., slide shows, video).

24 Keeps newspaper clippings and council photos in an organized notebook. Informs media about upcoming student events. Conducts him/herself with academic integrity and exemplary conduct.

25 Class Officers 1.Pursue the best interests of their class in school matters. 2. Organize class activities such as dances, outings, assemblies, fundraisers, etc. 3. Help organize and participate in school-wide activities as representative of the class; 4. Attend Executive Council meetings. 5. Attend assigned committee meetings.

26 Class Officers Attend student council meetings and report back to classrooms. Report class feedback to the council. Rotate positions to give more students a chance to participate. Conducts him/herself with academic integrity and exemplary conduct.

27 Class Officer Duties 1. The President of each class shall: a. Preside over class officer meetings; b.Ensure the execution of these bylaws; c. Call meetings of the class officers; d.Prepare meeting agendas with the advice of other officers and sponsors; e. Attend all Executive Council meetings.

28 The Vice President of each class shall: a. Assume all duties of the President tin case of his or her absence or removal from office; b. Perform all other duties assigned by the President. c. Attend all Executive Council meetings.

29 The Treasurer of each class shall: a. Attend to all financial matters and act upon all appropriations and expenditures which the class officers have approved: b.Prepare and maintain an estimated budget and record of financial transactions; and c. Submit a full financial report to the class officers at each class officer meeting.

30 The Secretary shall: a.Prepare copies of the officers’ meeting agenda for the advisors and the administration; b. Take attendance and record the minutes of all meetings; c. Prepare a copy of the minutes of each meeting for the advisor’s approval; d. Maintain communication s with officers of other classes. e. Keep record of hours of class officers.

31 The Reporter shall:??????? a. Take picture of meetings and activities: b. Handles publicity of the class in local papers and media, etc. c. Keep scrapbook of the class’ members, events, and activities.

32 Committee Chair people (not in By-Laws) Recruit members for the committee. Write the agenda and run the committee meetings. Inform officers of progress and problems that arise. Delegate tasks of the committee and follow up with members to be sure they are completed. Fulfill the committee goals/action plan as designated Conducts him/herself with academic integrity and exemplary conduct.

33 Committees (not in by-laws) Responsible for special projects Elect chairpersons to lead them. Projects may include: school spirit, safety, fundraising, awards, etc.

34 Advisor Oversees student council meetings and activities. Instructs students on holding elections and running for office. Helps student council establish goals, plan a calendar, and form a budget.

35 Parliamentary Procedures Student Leader’s Guide to Parliamentary Procedures: Parliamentary Procedure Basics Video: Parliamentary Procedure Video:





40 North Forney High School By-Laws

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