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English Number. Cardinal Numbers 1one11eleven21twenty-one31thirty-one 2two12twelve22twenty-two40forty 3three13thirteen23twenty-three50fifty 4four14Fourteen24twenty-four60sixty.

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Presentation on theme: "English Number. Cardinal Numbers 1one11eleven21twenty-one31thirty-one 2two12twelve22twenty-two40forty 3three13thirteen23twenty-three50fifty 4four14Fourteen24twenty-four60sixty."— Presentation transcript:

1 English Number

2 Cardinal Numbers

3 1one11eleven21twenty-one31thirty-one 2two12twelve22twenty-two40forty 3three13thirteen23twenty-three50fifty 4four14Fourteen24twenty-four60sixty 5five15fifteen25twenty-five70seventy 6six16sixteen26twenty-six80eighty 7seven17seventeen27twenty-seven90ninety 8eight18eighteen28twenty-eight100a/one hundred 9nine19nineteen29twenty-nine1,000a/one thousand 10ten20twenty30thirty1,000,000a/one million

4 Separation between hundreds and tens Hundreds and tens are usually separated by ‘and’ 110 – one hundred and ten 1,250 – one thousand,two hundred and fifty 2,001 - two thousand and one.

5 hundred Use 100 always with ‘a’ or ‘one’ 100 – a hundred / one hundred 2,100 - two thousand, one hundred.

6 Thousands and Millions Use 1,000 and 1,000,000 always with ‘a’ or ‘one’. 1,000 - a thousand / one thousand 201,000 - two hundred and one thousand Use commas (n. 逗号 ) as a separator. 57,458,302

7 The Number 1,000,000,000 In English this number is a billion (n. 十亿 ; 数以十亿计 ; 大量 ; 一万亿 ). 1,000,000,000,000 is a trillion (n. 万亿 ; 兆 ; 大量 ; 数万亿 ). A billion has 9 zeros. A trillion has 12 zeros.

8 Singular or plural? Numbers are usually written in singular. Two hundred Euros Several thousand light years The plural is only used with dozen, hundred, thousand, million, billion, if they are not modified by another number or expression (e.g. a few /several) Hundreds of Euros Thousands of light years

9 English Number Ordinal numbers

10 1 st first(one)11 th eleventh(eleven)21 st twenty-first31 st thirty-first 2 nd second(two)12 th twelfth(twelve)22 nd twenty-second40 th fortieth(forty) 3 rd third(three)13 th thirteenth(thirteen)23 rd twenty-third50 th fiftieth(fifty) 4 th fourth(four)14 th fourteenth(fourteen)24 th twenty-fourth60 th sixtieth(sixty) 5 th fifth(five)15 th fifteenth(fifteen)25 th twenty-fifth70 th seventieth(seventy) 6 th sixth(six)16 th sixteenth(sixteen)26 th twenty-sixth80 th eightieth(eighty) 7 th seventh(seven)17 th seventeenth(seventeen)27 th twenty-seventh90 th ninetieth(ninety) 8 th eighth(eight)18 th eighteenth(eighteen)28 th twenty-eighth100 th a/one hundredth 9 th ninth(nine)19 th nineteenth(nineteen)29 th twenty-ninth1,000 th a/one thousandth 10 th tenth(ten)20 th twentieth(twenty)30 th thirtieth(thirty)1,000,000 th a/one millionth

11 Spelling of Ordinal Numbers Just add ‘th’ to the cardinal number: Four – fourth Eleven – eleventh Exceptions: One – first Two – second Three – third Five – fifth Eight – eighth Nine – ninth Twelve -twelfth In compound ordinal numbers, note that the last figure is written as an ordinal number: 421 st = four hundred and twenty-first 5,111 th = five thousand, one hundred and eleventh

12 Figures When expressed as figures, the last two letters of the written word are added to the ordinal number: First=1 st Second=2 nd Third=3 rd Fourth=4 th Twenty-sixth=26 th Hundred and first=101 st

13 English Number Phonetic Transcription of English Numbers

14 Cardinal NumbersOrdinal Numbers 1 through 10 one [w ʌ n] first [fə ː st] two [tu ː ] second [ ˈ s ɛ k(ə)nd] three [θri ː ] third [θə ː d] four [f ɔː ] fourth [f ɔː θ] five [f ʌɪ v] fifth [f ɪ fθ] six [s ɪ ks] sixth [s ɪ ksθ] seven [ ˈ s ɛ v(ə)n] seventh [ ˈ s ɛ v(ə)nθ] eight [e ɪ t] eighth [e ɪ tθ] nine [n ʌɪ n] ninth [n ʌɪ nθ] ten [t ɛ n] tenth [t ɛ nθ]

15 Phonetic Transcription of English Numbers 11 through 19 eleven [ ɪˈ l ɛ v(ə)n] eleventh [ ɪˈ l ɛ v(ə)nθ] twelve [tw ɛ lv] twelfth [tw ɛ lfθ] thirteen [ ˈ θə ː ti ː n] thirteenth [ ˈ θə ː ti ː nθ] fourteen [ ˈ f ɔː ti ː n] fourteenth [ ˈ f ɔː ti ː nθ] fifteen [ ˈ f ɪ fti ː n] fifteenth [ ˈ f ɪ fti ː nθ] sixteen [ ˈ s ɪ ksti ː n] sixteenth [ ˈ s ɪ ksti ː nθ] seventeen [ ˈ s ɛ v(ə)nti ː n] seventeenth [ ˈ s ɛ v(ə)nti ː nθ] eighteen [ ˈ e ɪ ti ː n] eighteenth [ ˈ e ɪ ti ː nθ] nineteen [ ˈ n ʌɪ nti ː n] nineteenth [ ˈ n ʌɪ nti ː nθ]

16 Phonetic Transcription of English Numbers 20 through 100 twenty [ ˈ tw ɛ nti] twentieth [ ˈ tw ɛ nti ː θ] thirty [ ˈ θə ː ti] thirtieth [ ˈ θə ː ti ː θ] forty [ ˈ f ɔː ti] fortieth [ ˈ f ɔː ti ː θ] fifty [ ˈ f ɪ fti] fiftieth [ ˈ f ɪ fti ː θ] sixty [ ˈ s ɪ ksti] sixtieth [ ˈ s ɪ ksti ː θ] seventy [ ˈ s ɛ v(ə)nti] seventieth [ ˈ s ɛ v(ə)nti ː θ] eighty [ ˈ e ɪ ti ː ] eightieth [ ˈ e ɪ ti ː θ] ninety [ ˈ n ʌɪ nti] ninetieth [ ˈ n ʌɪ nti ː θ] hundred [ ˈ h ʌ ndrəd] hundredth [ ˈ h ʌ ndrədθ] 1000 and 1,000,000 thousand [ ˈ θa ʊ z(ə)nd] thousandth [ ˈ θa ʊ z(ə)ndθ] million [ ˈ m ɪ ljən] millionth [ ˈ m ɪ ljənθ]

17 English Number Phone Numbers

18 Each figure is said separately 24 – tow four The figure ‘O’ is called oh, 105 – one oh five Pause after groups of 3 or 4 figures 376 4705 - three seven six, four seven oh five If two successive figures are the same, in British English you would usually use the word double 376 4775 – BE: three seven six, four double seven five

19 English Number The Figure ‘0’

20 The figure >>0<< NoughtIn general (British English) zeroIn general (American English) In measurements of temperature (British and American English) In count-downs (British and American English) Score in team games, e.g. football (American English) ohWhen each figure is said separately (e.g. in phone numbers, account numbers etc.) nilScore in team games, e.g. football (British English) loveIn tennis and similar games

21 Exercise on Spelling numbers

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