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ScheduleActivity AM Planners, Lunch Count, & Attendance Math Meeting Literacy Block: Phonics and Spelling Math Specials 9:30-10:30 am Lunch 10:30 am Recess.

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2 ScheduleActivity AM Planners, Lunch Count, & Attendance Math Meeting Literacy Block: Phonics and Spelling Math Specials 9:30-10:30 am Lunch 10:30 am Recess 11:00 am PM Literacy Block: Daily 5, Reading Groups (Detailed Information on Next Slide); Writing Word Work Social Studies/Science Writing Journal/Grammar & Snack (Healthy, Dry Snacks Please) Specials Schedule 9:30-10:30 A.M. Monday/ Wednesday/Friday: Art and Technology Tuesday/Thursday: Music and P.E.

3  Daily Five ◦ Read to Self ◦ Read to Someone ◦ Listen to Reading ◦ Work on Writing ◦ Word Work C AFE  Students will be grouped according to their literacy needs (CAFÉ): Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency and Expand Vocabulary  Students will be instructed in small groups and individually  Mini Whole Group Lessons: Phonics, vocabulary, and comprehension

4  Phonics and Spelling ◦ Saxon  Systematic Approach  Reading ◦ Making Meaning ◦ Daily Five ◦ CAFÉ  Writing ◦ Step-up to Writing  Math ◦ Saxon  Hands-on, repetition  History ◦ Core Knowledge  Science ◦ Core Knowledge

5 Rules:  Follow directions quickly.  Raise your hand for permission to speak.  Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat.  Make smart choices!  Keep your dear teacher happy. Discipline Students color in their planners to show behavior status at the end of each day.

6 Students record homework in their planners each day.  Phonics and Math ◦ Back side: “Homework”  Celebrate Reading ◦ Minimum of five times per week (A.R. Reading)  Spelling ◦ Practice words/sentences  Miscellaneous ◦ Study Guides/Review for Tests  Parent Initials ◦ Please initial all homework to show that you have checked over it with your child


8 Phonics and Math: ◦ Homework: Completion points (5 points)  Points are deducted if…  Student forgets to write his/her name  Student leaves something incomplete = 5 points= 4 points

9  Celebrate Reading Folder ◦ Reading Log ◦ Menus of extra credit activities ◦ Return folder to school daily  A.R. Reading and Activities ◦ Students read A.R. books nightly ◦ Parents/students may choose an extra credit activity from the menus to complete ◦ Parents initial Reading Log nightly ◦ Students must complete AT LEAST five nights of A.R. reading per week.


11  First Grade Goal ◦ 5 points (First Quarter) ◦ Each book is worth approximately 0.5 points  Students must read at least 10 books ◦ Students will have individual goals for subsequent quarters based on reading level  Take tests every 2-3 days ◦ First Grade students will have the help of Reading Buddies.  Cumulative scores for A.R. will be part of student’s reading grade.  Exciting Features ◦ Online access for parents ◦ E-mail Notifications ◦ A.R. Book Find (

12  Graded work will be sent home in a “Monday Folder” each Monday. Parents are asked to sign the log in the folder, keep graded work at home, and send folder back to school.  Grade Scale: A = 90-100 B = 80-89 C = 70-79 D = 60-69 F = 00-59

13  Phonics ◦ Tests on Fridays  Math ◦ Tests on Fridays  Spelling ◦ Lists are sent home on Mondays  Placed in Communication Folder  Please do not remove list ◦ Tests on Fridays  History/Geography ◦ Pre-test at the beginning of the unit  Completion points  Use as study guide ◦ Post-test at the end of the unit  Similar to pre-test

14  Picture Day Monday, August 31, 2015  No School: September 4 th (Prof. Development)  Career Day  Sign up to present  Students dress up Friday, Oct. 2  What Your First Grader Needs to Know book  Use as reference for Social Studies & Science units  Study Ideas  Contact Information: or write a note in the planner


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