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Russian leading car carrier and integrated service Provider PRESENTATION MATERIALS 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Russian leading car carrier and integrated service Provider PRESENTATION MATERIALS 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Russian leading car carrier and integrated service Provider PRESENTATION MATERIALS 2016

2 Является значимым игроком Российского рынка среди компаний осуществляющих транспортные перевозки, с растущей клиентурой первого класса, с самой современной базой активов, и амбициями, чтобы обеспечивать интегрированные транспортные услуги Boston Continental (BC), headquartered in Moscow, Russia, is one of the country’s leading non-captive trucking companies focused on auto carrying,servicing up to 15% of the Russian OEM car sales (imported and locally produced) BC was launched in 2007 as a start up by Sovfracht Group (51%) est. 1929, one of the largest independent Russian transportation conglomerates (Annual turnover: $1 bln, 30 mln tons) and private entrepreneur Mr. Gennady Blokha, who assumed the responsibility of the Managing Partner and the Chairman of the BoD BC provides an integrated transportation service for the OEM producers/dealers, carrying autos from the ports of St. Petersburg/Finland and OEM production sites in Russia to compounds in St. Petersburg and Moscow region and further to the dealers in Russian federation, Republic of Belarus and Kazakhstan. BC (member of AIAC) operates a premium fleet of 370 trucks, of which 150 are own trucks with average life of 3-6 years (well below Russian average). The company relies on a strong client base, which has extremely high retention ratio and expands Annual sales services: 2 350 mln. Rubles. (based on 2014) BC counts 260 employees, of which 190 are carefully selected and skilled drivers Significant market player among Russian truckers- auto carriers, with first class growing clientele, state-of-the-art asset base, and ambition to provide an integrated transportation service Executive summary

3 In 2015 there was a decrease in traffic of more than 50 %. The reasons : the collapse of the market in new car sales In 2016 the company plans to increase the volume of car traffic by 15%, compared to 2015 levels Truck fleet and volumes analysis

4 Анализ Автопарка Scania, Mercedes (ср. возраст 3-6 лет) Трейлеры: Euro Lohr Evo 2.1 Isuzu, Hino (ср. возраст 2 года) Ед. (1H 2016)

5 ~ 98% Sales (2015A) Hyundai (2 000 autos per month) 5 year contract KIA (4 000 autos per month) 5 year contract Renault (2 500 autos per month) 3 year contract The company is focused on the long term contracts with the OEM manufacturers, both local and international. Contracts are won via the open tender procedures Being a member of Sovfracht Group, BC may always rely on support from the Group with a full spectrum of transportation solutions from rail freight to ocean freight Nissan (4 000 autos per month) 3 year contract млн.$ США 2011201220132014 Продажи 37,6 81,683,385,5 Gross Profit 5,4 6,38,610,3 EBITDA 8,79,914,617,0 NET Profit 4,14,96,24,8 LTD 3,63,3 2,30,9 Long-term leases 11,711,8 17,920,3 Cash 2,01,6 0,80,7 Mercedes (500 autos per month ) 3 year contract Car carrier and integrated service provider

6 Управление эффективностью Качество Обслуживания Отдел контроля качества Высококвалифицированный персонал для предоставления обратной связи с клиентами ISO 9001 внедрена Efficiency Management In-house programming capability In-house software capable to adapt to client’s needs Automated processes for cost control facilitation Effective team In-house training center for drivers, controllers, warehouse operators and engineers Daily briefs and instructions for drivers Top managers with 10 years industry experience Cost Controls – ability to give best prices Spare parts and fuel tenders to control incoming costs In-house repair facilities and engineering personnel Monthly budgeting


8 Certificate Boston Continental LLC Hereby awarded with Best Provider in progress 2014 Glovis Rus thanks you for contribution to the success and prosperity of our partnership and joint business. CLOVIS RUS LLC CEO KONG TEA YOUN Official Recognition

9 Sovfracht Group

10 Контактные данные Name of company: LLC Boston-Continental CEO: Lotkov Alexander ИНН/КПП: 7734156741/773101001 ОКПО: 47573465 ОГРН: 1027700149652 ОКВЭД: 63.40 ОКАТО: 45268569000 Legal address: 121357, Russia, Moscow Region, Vereiskaya street, 17. Actual address (postal address): 143420,Russia, Moscow Region, Krasnogorsky district, Ilyinskoe shosse, 4 th km, 8, office 618 Tel: 8 (495) 120-11-91 ; 8 (495) 120-11-81

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