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Welcome Prospective School Guidance and Adjustment Counseling Graduate Students Dr. K. Noone-Yvon Program Director.

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1 Welcome Prospective School Guidance and Adjustment Counseling Graduate Students Dr. K. Noone-Yvon Program Director

2 Program Entry Requirements Prerequisite: A bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited institution or a recognized international institution of higher education. The admission decision will be based on the following: 1. A completed application packet, including a one-page, type written personal goals and objectives statement and application fee, find forms @: 2. Two professional recommendations. 3. Official transcripts from all institutions of higher education attended. 4. A grade point average of 2.67 or better (on a 4.0 scale) in the major field of study. 5. Documentation of successful completion (passing scores) of Parts I and II of the Communication and Literacy Skills Test from the Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure (MTEL).

3 Financial Aid Information   Students must be registered for 6 credits each semester in order to be eligible for financial aid. How to Apply Step 1: Get a U.S. Department of Education PIN (personal identification number) at to complete the FAFSA on line. Step 2: Complete the "Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)" as soon as possible - -File online at -AIC's School Code for the FAFSA is 002114. Step 3: AIC will issue a financial aid decision after a review of the FAFSA and any other documentation submitted in support of the application. Step 4: Advise your financial aid counselor if you wish to decline or reduce loan. Step 5: Optional: You may appeal the financial aid decision if family circumstances have changed or if you cannot finance the difference between anticipated charges and your financial assistance.

4 Location   Classes only meet on the Springfield campus   1000 State St. Springfield, MA 01109 Parking Information   Commuter students register their vehicles with campus police (Bldg. 21)   park in the commuter student lots located on Oak Grove Avenue (Lot B), Maynard Street (Lot I) and the Mall Lot (Lot A).


6 Schedule Cohort Model   Classes meet on Tuesday or Wednesday evenings: 4:30 p.m. to 9:15 p.m.   Practicum Seminars may vary   Each course meets for 8 weeks   Fall semester: August through December   Spring semester: January through June

7 Extended Campus Participation  Class participation is worth 20% of the grade.  Missed class time may have a negative impact on a student's grade.  Students are responsible for all work assigned Given the accelerated program structure, it is critical that students discuss any absences from class with the professor.

8 School Guidance Program Degree & Major   Master of Arts in Educational Psychology   30 credits over two years   10 classes each 3 credits   75 course embedded practicum hours (total)   PSY5215 (formerly PSY 425), PSY5230 (formerly PSY 483), and PSY5240 (formerly PSY 519)

9 School Guidance Program   Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study   30 credits   75 course embedded hours (total)   PSY6850 (formerly PSY 409), PSY6845 (formerly PSY 525), and PSY5305 (formerly PSY 488)   Advanced Practicum (450 hours)   Seminar & Portfolio   Clinical Experience (700 hours)   Action Based Research Project

10 Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study: Guidance continued   Following the 30-credit MAEP   Eligible for endorsement after completion of   PSY5345 (formerly PSY 515), PSY6515 (formerly PSY 532), PSY6850 (formerly PSY 409), & Advanced Practicum   Initial License is obtained by receiving endorsement (following Advanced Practicum) & applying to DESE   School Guidance (PreK-8 or 5-12)   Eligible for Professional Licensure in Guidance   60 credit program (30-credit MAEP & 30-credit CAGS)   3 years of employment   Awarded by DESE

11 School Adjustment Counseling Program   Master of Arts in Educational Psychology   30 credits over 2 years   10 classes each 3 credits   75 course embedded practicum hours (total)   PSY5215 (formerly PSY 425), PSY5230 (formerly PSY 483), and PSY5240 (formerly PSY 519)

12 School Adjustment Counseling Program   Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study   30 credits   75 course embedded practicum hours   PSY6850 (formerly PSY 409), PSY6845 (formerly PSY 525), and PSY5241(formerly PSY 429)   Advanced Practicum (900 hours)   Clinical Experience (700 hours)

13 School Adjustment Counseling Program continued   Eligible for endorsement following completion of   PSY5345 (formerly PSY 515), PSY6515 (formerly PSY 532), PSY6850 (formerly PSY 409), & Advanced Practicum   Initial License is obtained through the endorsement (following Advanced Practicum) & applying to DESE   School Adjustment Counseling (All Levels)   Professional Licensure   60 credit program (30-credit MAEP & 30-credit CAGS)   Following 3 years of employment   Awarded by DESE

14 Resources   Extended Campus Programs Admissions 866.408.9737 (Box: 2B) fax: 413.205.3911   Azra Rahman Student Advisor A----F   Kaitlin Karetka Student Advisor G----M   Rochelle Ryan Student Advisor N---Z   Nila Lenna Assistant Director of XCP Financial Aid 413.205.3310 fax:413.205.3912

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