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Ann Charles Watts, CFRE Organizational Development Consultant—Resource Development Habitat for Humanity International 800-422-4828 x 5265

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Presentation on theme: "Ann Charles Watts, CFRE Organizational Development Consultant—Resource Development Habitat for Humanity International 800-422-4828 x 5265"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ann Charles Watts, CFRE Organizational Development Consultant—Resource Development Habitat for Humanity International 800-422-4828 x 5265 and how could it be a powerful tool for my affiliate? JUST WHAT IS A FUNDRAISNG PLAN

2 Your Affiliate’s Fund Development Plan is best described as:  Ideas in your head  Post it notes all over your computer  Bunch of activities on a calendar  Formal written plan

3 Develop Case Prospect Research & Identification Cultivate & Consult Solicit Steward Raise Awareness Basic Fundraising Cycle

4 Universe of Prospects First-time Donors Upgraded Donors Major Donors Capital Campaign Donors Planned Gift Donors Donor Pyramid

5 Develop Case Prospect Research & Identification Cultivate & Consult Solicit Steward Raise Awareness Universe of Prospects First-time Donors Upgraded Donors Major Donors Capital Campaign Donors Planned Gift Donors

6 Your Fund Development Plan Belongs to the whole organization Is a partner to the strategic plan and the budget The best fund development plan outlines the strategies and tactics to achieve the charitable contributions goals required by the projected expense budget.

7 To Maximize Fundraising Effectiveness answer the following questions in order WHY do you do what you do? WHAT do you hope to accomplish? HOW will you ensure your goals are met?

8 Step One What, specifically, does your affiliate intend to accomplish in the next three to five years?

9 Three to Five-Year Goals May be many or few May be simple and/or complex May be internal and/or external May (ideally) be part of a formal strategic plan Must be MEASURABLE! How can you determine measurability? Moving on to...

10 Step Two How much will it cost to accomplish said goals? If the answer to Step One isn’t specific enough to allow you to answer Step Two, go back to Step One and get more specific.

11 Step Three What are your affiliate’s current and prospective sources of philanthropic and non-philanthropic revenue?

12 Side note: Sources vs. Strategies Source = The person/institution/program from whom/which the money comes. Examples? Strategies = The ways by which the organization goes about getting said money from said sources. Examples?

13 Setting the Goal A = How much it will cost to realize the vision set forth in your strategic plan B = Your mortgages receivable, ReStore income, and all other sources of revenue besides fundraising A – B = Your Fundraising Goal

14 Step Four What strategies will you use to raise said funds from said philanthropic sources?

15 What are some of the strategies your affiliate uses that may be of interest to your peers?

16 Your Affiliate Message Case for support - Convince a donor of three things: –There is a need to be addressed –You represent the organization that will address the need –You know specifically what you’re going to do to address that need and how much it will cost What’s going to have to change about the message you present to the public and to funders?

17 Things to Keep in Mind Fund raising is about building relationships People don’t donate because you need the money The more money you are asking for, the more personal the ask must be The best prospect - the person most likely to donate to your organization – is someone who has already donated You MUST have accurate records – who gave, when, how much, interests, acknowledgement

18 Your Turn! Think about two things your affiliate does well with fundraising. Write them down. How could you do those things even better? What two things do you think your affiliate isn’t doing as well as it could? Write those down. How might you begin to make improvements in those areas?

19 Ann Charles Watts, CFRE Organizational Development Consultant—Resource Development Habitat for Humanity International 800-422-4828 x 5265 and how could it be a powerful tool for my affiliate? JUST WHAT IS A FUNDRAISNG PLAN

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