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Mayan EmpireAztec EmpireInca Empire Yucatan Peninsula of Central America Number system – (zero) Hieroglyphic writing Calendar with 365 Polytheistic Pyramid.

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Presentation on theme: "Mayan EmpireAztec EmpireInca Empire Yucatan Peninsula of Central America Number system – (zero) Hieroglyphic writing Calendar with 365 Polytheistic Pyramid."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mayan EmpireAztec EmpireInca Empire Yucatan Peninsula of Central America Number system – (zero) Hieroglyphic writing Calendar with 365 Polytheistic Pyramid Structure Divided into City-States Economy - Agriculture (Tenochtitlan) myth Hieroglyphic writing A number system -- units of ten. Polytheistic Pyramid—rituals Economy- Agriculture Emperors descendants of the Sun god. Polytheistic 12,000 miles of roads Quipu --knotted strings used to keep records Economy- Agriculture Chichén Itzá Mexico Machu Picchu Ancient American

2 NubiaAxum/Askum Adopted Egyptian traditions (located on the Upper Nile) Meroë (capital) had a booming iron industry Religion played an important role in the development of Axum (modern day Ethiopia). Christian kingdom Eastern African Empires

3 Gold was plentiful in the West African savanna. Salt, which people need in their diet to prevent dehydration in the Savanna. West Africans traded gold to North Africa and for salt. (weight) Trading Gold and Salt

4 Western African Empires GhanaMali / Songhai Controlled gold-salt trade routes across West Africa Collected tolls on exports Controlled gold-mining regions and salt supplies. Mansa Musa adopted the Islam faith --made a hajj to Mecca--Price of gold fell-- surplus Controlled gold-salt trade routes across West Africa Timbuktu became the center of learning for Africa

5 “Great Stone Buildings” Southern Africa Great Zimbabwe Southern Africa Great Zimbabwe Location between the Zambezi and Limpopo Rivers and west of the Indian Ocean coast City of “Great Zimbabwe” as capital of a prosperous empire

6 Test Your Knowledge

7 What Indian Empire is found in the Yucatan Peninsula of Central America? A. The Inca Empire B. The Maya Empire C. The Aztec Empire

8 How many days did the Mayan Calendar have? A. 360 Days B. 375 Days C. 365 Days

9 How was the Mayan government divided? A. Into Cities B. Into States C. Into City-states

10 Mayan math was based upon the concept of _______. A. Ten B. Zero C. One Hundred

11 Which of the following rulers made a hajj that resulted in trading and diplomatic ties between Mali and other Muslim states? A. Amina B. Sundiata C. Mansa Musa D. Sonni Ali

12 What Indian Empire developed in modern day Mexico? A. The Aztec Empire B. The Maya Empire C. The Inca Empire

13 What was the name of the capital city of the Aztecs? A. Juarez B. San Juan C. Tenochtitlan

14 Which three kingdoms controlled the Gold and Salt in Western Africa? A. Mali, Zimbabwe, Ghana B. Ghana, Mali, Songhai C. Axum, Mali, Nubia D. Nubia, Mali Songhai

15 The Mayas and Aztecs used a form of hieroglyphics to write and the Incas used ropes to keep records in their Empire. What was this called? A. Quipu B. Knotolia C. Cuneiform

16 What is needed to prevent dehydration in Africa’s savanna? A. Iron B. Vitamin B12 C. Vitamin C D. Salt

17 Cited Resources

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