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Get an item Goal – get an item Borrow or request a pen. a sheet of paper. a phone number. a cigarette or light. a newspaper. some money.

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Presentation on theme: "Get an item Goal – get an item Borrow or request a pen. a sheet of paper. a phone number. a cigarette or light. a newspaper. some money."— Presentation transcript:

1 get an item Goal – get an item Borrow or request a pen. a sheet of paper. a phone number. a cigarette or light. a newspaper. some money.

2 get an item Goal – get an item Order food at a restaurant and pay the bill… Soft Drinks Alcohol Spirits Appetizers Soups Salads Main dishes Desserts

3 get information Goal – get information Make a new friend, get… a name. a hometown. ancestry. family background. current living location. current interests. common activities. likes and dislikes.

4 get information Goal – get information Ask for the way or directions… to the toilet. to the train station. to the bus depot. to the department store. to the train platform. to a store or a shop. to a sports stadium. to a shopping center.

5 get information Goal – get information Ask for time and location of an event, such as… a birthday party. a camping trip. a skiing trip. a BBQ. a sports competition. a dinner party. a date. a flight.

6 talk with a person Goal – talk with a person Talk with someone about… sports. travel. food. making stuff. games. music / concerts. books. other interests. anything you want.

7 get phone number & make a date Goal – get phone number & make a date Invite someone… by phone for coffee. by phone for dinner. by phone to a party. by phone to go fishing. by phone to go shopping. in person to a club. in person to a game. in person to a disco club. in person to Karaoke.

8 help a hurt person Goal – help a hurt person Ask important questions… Name Age Nationality Location of pain Severity of pain How it happened Important family members Local contact Residence Insurance Responsibilities

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