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North Oconee High School School Improvement Plan 2008-09.

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1 North Oconee High School School Improvement Plan 2008-09

2 Continuous Improvement Process Analyze the Data ◦ Leadership Team and Departments – Fall ◦ Data is displayed in a various formats. We review it by department as well as across grade levels. ◦ Data analysis for EOCTs, GHSGT, GHSWT, PSAT, AP scores, Math benchmark tests, SAT, ACT ◦ Failure Rates ◦ Target population data ◦ Survey data (parents, students, faculty)

3 Continuous Improvement Process Analyze the Data (continued) ◦ Some data is located on the shared drive without student identification information (EOCT scores & GHSGT)EOCT ◦ Pivot tables utilized for EOCT data ◦ Still struggling with analyzing SAT data electronically

4 Continuous Improvement Process Set the Priorities ◦ The faculty as an entire group identifies the priorities based on the data. Identify the Goals ◦ Once priorities are set, the faculty then creates SMART goals (Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely) Select Strategies ◦ Upon identifying goals, we determined which strategies would benefit students to attain the goals identified. The strategies spread over a 3 year time period.

5 Continuous Improvement Process Implement the School Improvement Plan ◦ We have been implementing the plan for the past 3 years Assess the Results ◦ Every fall, we review our goals and assess our progress toward attaining the goals. This is first presented and discussed with the leadership team and then the entire faculty.

6 Continuous Improvement Process Revise the SIP ◦ We revise (minimally) the current School Improvement Plan. We utilize multiple data to determine the changes that need to take place. Generally, it focuses on changes within the strategies used. Manage Change

7 Goal #1 – The percentage of regular diploma students passing all five portions of the GHSGT prior to graduation will increase to 100%. 2006-07 ◦ Complete LFS “refresher” course for all faculty ◦ Began curriculum alignment in core areas ◦ CTAE, Fine Arts & Physical Education worked on instructional activities aligned with GHSGT ◦ ELL presentation to faculty ◦ Inclusion training with general education instructors and inclusion instructors ◦ Review of block schedule & courses to make changes which would enhance academic performance

8 Goal #1 – The percentage of regular diploma students passing all five portions of the GHSGT prior to graduation will increase to 100%. 2007-08 ◦ Began peer LFS walk-through observations ◦ Completed curriculum mapping for all core areas in science, language arts & social studies ◦ Math began reviewing and training for standards based instruction ◦ Began a GHSGT remediation course built into the school day ◦ Worked on transition plans for our special education population with the guidance department ◦ Continued review of the block schedule and ways to implement positive change for learning

9 Goal #1 – The percentage of regular diploma students passing all five portions of the GHSGT prior to graduation will increase to 100%. 2008-09 ◦ Increase number of peer LFS walk-through observations ◦ Departments work in PLC to create goals which focus on instruction within core areas based on data from EOCT, GHSGT, PSAT, SAT and AP information. ◦ From the department goals address the SIP, each individual instructor has a professional goal to meet the department goal. ◦ Continued re-vamping of the curriculum maps as needed within the departments. ◦ Special education training/discussions within departments with the instructors and special education director. ◦ More fully implement the Pyramid of Interventions to identify and support students at risk of failure – particularly the GHSGT

10 Goal #2 – To increase the proficiency level of all students in the area of writing across the curriculum as measured by the GHSWT, SAT writing averages, and local assessments. 2006-07 ◦ English department began working on writing requirements within English ◦ Review requirements for the GHSWT and SAT writing ◦ Began review of local requirements for writing in English classes ◦ Begin curriculum alignment within English

11 Goal #2 – To increase the proficiency level of all students in the area of writing across the curriculum as measured by the GHSWT, SAT writing averages, and local assessments. 2007-08 ◦ English department completed curriculum mapping including consistent writing requirements for each grade level course ◦ Creation of a senior writing rubric for British Literature ◦ Began High School Writing Project (3 instructors from NOHS)

12 Goal #2 – To increase the proficiency level of all students in the area of writing across the curriculum as measured by the GHSWT, SAT writing averages, and local assessments. 2008-09 ◦ English department presented writing strategies for general education classes – completed a survey with the faculty survey ◦ Each department created a writing goals based on the SIP goal ◦ Each instructor has an individual professional goal on achieving the departmental writing goals ◦ Continued work within the English department to review student writing samples and compare assessment horizontally and vertically

13 Goal #3 – To increase the percentage of students exceeding in mathematics on the state assessment in algebra from 72% to 78% and in geometry from 61% to 65% and to decrease the percentage of students not meeting standards on the state assessment to 3%. 2006-07 ◦ Professional development on utilizing technology in math ◦ Professional Learning Community to review and discuss Algebra and Geometry curriculum and student learning ◦ Begin review of the Georgia Math Standards 2007-08 ◦ PLC to continue to review and discuss Algebra and Geometry ◦ Textbook adoption for Math I ◦ Revisit and discuss technology plan ◦ First SMART Board in department 2008-09 ◦ PLC to continue to review and discuss last group of Algebra students and Geometry students ◦ Continually review & discuss Math I curriculum and student needs ◦ POI implementation to help support struggling students in Algebra, Geometry & Math I

14 Is the SIP working? % of students passing GHSGT EnglishMathScienceSocial Studies Class of 2007100%99%96%98% Class of 2008100% 99% Class of 200999%100%99%100% Goal #1 – The percentage of regular diploma students passing all five portions of the GHSGT prior to graduation will increase to 100%.

15 Is the SIP working? SAT Writing Avg.GHSWT Pass Rate 2005-0653599% 2006-07522100% 2007-0852897% 2008-09TBD100% Goal #2 – To increase the proficiency level of all students in the area of writing across the curriculum as measured by the GHSWT, SAT writing averages, and local assessments.

16 Is the SIP working? Goal #3 – To increase the percentage of students exceeding in mathematics on the state assessment in algebra from 72% to 78% and in geometry from 61% to 65% and to decrease the percentage of students not meeting standards on the state assessment to 3%. GeometryDoes Not MeetMeets & Exceeds 2006-073%97% 2007-085%95% 2008-0910%90% AlgebraDoes Not MeetMeets & Exceeds 2006-075%95% 2007-089%91% 2008-09 (All failure students from previous years) 24%76%

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