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IRISH GODDESSES (Lecture 21). Celtic Goddesses ContinentalSphere of Influence Matronaechildbirth; fertility Rosmertafertility Eponahorse; war; fertility.

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Presentation on theme: "IRISH GODDESSES (Lecture 21). Celtic Goddesses ContinentalSphere of Influence Matronaechildbirth; fertility Rosmertafertility Eponahorse; war; fertility."— Presentation transcript:

1 IRISH GODDESSES (Lecture 21)

2 Celtic Goddesses ContinentalSphere of Influence Matronaechildbirth; fertility Rosmertafertility Eponahorse; war; fertility

3 Matronae triple goddesses stages of life (?): young, with child/pregnant, with patera association with children, childbirth, fertility

4 Rosmerta (“Great Provider”) goddess of plenty patera, cornucopia association with Roman Mercury Celtic-Roman syncretism

5 Epona protectress of donkeys, mules, horses fertility associations with warfare leader of souls (“after-life ride”)

6 Ireland Banba Fodla Eriu Amairgin encounters Banba Amairgin encounters Fodla Amairgin names land after Eriu

7 Machas 1 : Macha (“Meadow”) Machas 1 Macha (1) marries Nemed; gives name to Ard Macha (Armaugh) ------------------------------------------------------------ (2) marries Cimbaeth; seduces and enslaves sons of rival claimant to throne ------------------------------------------------------------ (3) marries Cruniuch; gives birth (and name) to Emain Macha (“Twins of Macha”); inflicts noínden on men of Ulaid

8 Machas 2 : Badb (“Crow”) Machas 2 Badb black crow of battle eel, wolf, red crow ----------------------------------------------------------- pregnant hag (cailleach) young bride (be find) with red ale of kingship

9 cailleach (“Veiled One”) creation of mountains rules Samhain to Beltaine approaches young king-to-be for sex transforms into be find (beautiful woman) after sex confers kingship (flaith) with gold cup of red ale (laith)

10 Machas 3: Mórrígan (“Great Queen,” “Nightmare Queen”) Machas 3Mórrígan Nemain ------------- Badb ------------- Mórrígan magically causes battlefield panic marries wargod Neit ---------------------------------------- marries wargod Neit eel, wolf, crow perches above the dead or dying pregnant hag (cailleach) young bride (be find) ---------------------------------------- mates with Dagda at Samhain Washer at Ford (= banshee)

11 The Washer at the Ford (bean nighe / bean sídh) spirit of woman who died in childbirth ugly hag (one nostril, one tooth, sagging breasts) washes grave-clothes/armor of those about to die bean sídh  banshee prophesies upcoming deaths

12 Celtic Goddesses & Tripartite Society CLASSDEITYATTRIBUTE king/priest Morrigan Bedb Macha multiple husbands be find with red ale horse-race at Emain Macha warrior Nemain Bedb Morrigan battlefield frenzy and panic theriomorphic appearances (crow) Washer at the Ford fertility/sexuality Bedb Macha Morrigan sheela-na-gig (hag)  be find (beautiful woman) multiple husbands/horse form ritual mating with Dagda

13 Sheela-na-gig < Sighle-na-gigh (“old cunt hag”) territorial / war / sovereignty / fertility / sexuality goddess? positioning over doorways and other entrances possible apotropaic function pan-European extension (not limited to Celtic realms)

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