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Presentation on theme: "Professor Bo-Ying Ma 马伯英 教授 11 February 2012. HISTORICAL MILESTONES AND COMPARISON BY STAGES CHINESE MEDICINE WESTERN MEDICINE Father of Chinese Medicine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Professor Bo-Ying Ma 马伯英 教授 11 February 2012

2 HISTORICAL MILESTONES AND COMPARISON BY STAGES CHINESE MEDICINE WESTERN MEDICINE Father of Chinese Medicine Father of Western Medicine 5 th B.C. ── 2 nd B.C. Dr. Bian Que ( 扁鹊 5 th B.C.) Dr. Hippocrates (460-355 B.C.)

3 HISTORICAL MILESTONES AND COMPARISON BY STAGES CHINESE MEDICINE WESTERN MEDICINE Works Lay Foundation 5 th B.C. ── 2 nd B.C. Huangdi Neijing 《黄帝内经》 The Canon of Medicine Corpus Hippocraticus 希波克拉底文集

4 HISTORICAL MILESTONES AND COMPARISON BY STAGES CHINESE MEDICINE WESTERN MEDICINE Works Lay Foundation 3 rd B.C. ── 2 nd A.D. Shennong Bencaojing 《神农本草经》 The Canon of Materia Medica Aristotle 亚里士多德《生理学》

5 HISTORICAL MILESTONES AND COMPARISON BY STAGES CHINESE MEDICINE WESTERN MEDICINE Works Lay Foundation 3 rd B.C. ── 2 nd A.D. Nanjing 《难经》 The Canon of Inquiry Herophilus and Erasistratus (Their anatomy works)

6 HISTORICAL MILESTONES AND COMPARISON BY STAGES CHINESE MEDICINE WESTERN MEDICINE Father of Clinical Medicine Most Famous Doctor in Rome 2 nd A.D. ── 3 rd A.D. Dr. ZhongJing ZHANG 张仲景 160-218 Dr. Galen (129-200) 盖伦

7 HISTORICAL MILESTONES AND COMPARISON BY STAGES CHINESE MEDICINE WESTERN MEDICINE 2 nd A.D. ── 3 rd A.D. Shanghan Zabing Lun 《伤寒杂病论》 On diagnosis of and formulas for diseases Collected Works of Galen ( 盖伦全集 )


9 HISTORICAL MILESTONES AND COMPARISON BY STAGES CHINESE MEDICINE WESTERN MEDICINE 3 rd A.D. ── 6 th A.D. Father of Acupuncture HUANGFU Mi 皇甫谧 215-282 There was no spirit of Medicine in the West during the Dark Middle Ages until 16 th A.D. Church Medicine

10 HISTORICAL MILESTONES AND COMPARISON BY STAGES CHINESE MEDICINE WESTERN MEDICINE 3 rd A.D. ── 6 th A.D. Zhenjiu Jiayijing 皇甫谧 278 On Acupuncture There was no spirit of Medicine in the West during the Dark Middle Ages until 16 th A.D. Church Medicine

11 HISTORICAL MILESTONES AND COMPARISON BY STAGES CHINESE MEDICINE WESTERN MEDICINE 3 rd A.D. ── 6 th A.D. WANG Shuhe 王叔和 On Taking Pulse 脉经 Many famous doctors and their works There was no spirit of Medicine in the West during the Dark Middle Ages until 16 th A.D. Church Medicine

12 HISTORICAL MILESTONES AND COMPARISON BY STAGES CHINESE MEDICINE WESTERN MEDICINE 7 th A.D. ── 8 th A.D. Father of Chinese medical Pathology CHAO Yuanfang 巢元方 Zhubing Yuanhoulun 诸病源候论 610 There was no spirit of Medicine in the West during the Dark Middle Ages until 16 th A.D. Church Medicine

13 HISTORICAL MILESTONES AND COMPARISON BY STAGES CHINESE MEDICINE WESTERN MEDICINE 7 th A.D. ── 8 th A.D. First national pharmacopoeia Xinxue Bencao 新修本草 659 There was no spirit of Medicine in the West during the Dark Middle Ages until 16 th A.D. Church Medicine

14 HISTORICAL MILESTONES AND COMPARISON BY STAGES CHINESE MEDICINE WESTERN MEDICINE 7 th A.D. ── 8 th A.D. Medical Encyclopaedias Qian Jin Fang 《千金方》 孙思邈 581-682 There was no spirit of Medicine in the West during the Dark Middle Ages until 16 th A.D. Church Medicine

15 HISTORICAL MILESTONES AND COMPARISON BY STAGES CHINESE MEDICINE WESTERN MEDICINE 7 th A.D. ── 8 th A.D. Medical Encyclopaedias Waitai Miyao 《外台秘要》 王焘 670-755 There was no spirit of Medicine in the West during the Dark Middle Ages until 16 th A.D. Church Medicine

16 HISTORICAL MILESTONES AND COMPARISON BY STAGES CHINESE MEDICINE WESTERN MEDICINE 9 th A.D. ── 12 th A.D. Shengji Zonglu 《圣济总录》 1117 CAO Xiaozhong 曹孝忠等 Real medicine was transferred and continued in Arab AlRhazi 865-925 Avicenna 980-1037

17 HISTORICAL MILESTONES AND COMPARISON BY STAGES CHINESE MEDICINE WESTERN MEDICINE 9 th A.D. ── 12 th A.D. Zhenglei Bencao 《证类本草》 1117 TANG Shenwei started 11 世纪末唐慎微, 12 世纪官修 Real medicine was transferred and continued in Arab AlRhazi 865-925 Avicenna 980-1037

18 HISTORICAL MILESTONES AND COMPARISON BY STAGES CHINESE MEDICINE WESTERN MEDICINE 9 th A.D. ── 12 th A.D. Xiaoer Yaozheng Zhijue 《小儿药证直诀》 1119 QIAN Yi 钱乙 Salernian School

19 HISTORICAL MILESTONES AND COMPARISON BY STAGES CHINESE MEDICINE WESTERN MEDICINE 13 th A.D. ── 16 th A.D. Many famous doctors and works contributed to the development of theory and clinical practice. In particular for the prevention and Treatment of epidemic diseases including smallpox. “black Death” (Plague,1347) The Renaissance caused the revolution of medicine.

20 HISTORICAL MILESTONES AND COMPARISON BY STAGES CHINESE MEDICINE WESTERN MEDICINE 17 th A.D. ── 19 th A.D. Famous Doctors The basis of Western Modern medicine was established: Vesalius’s anatomy 1543 Harvey’s physiology 1628 Morgagni’s Pathology 1761 Jenner’s vaccination 1796 CHEN Ziming 陈自明 LIU Fang 刘昉 SONG Ci 宋慈

21 HISTORICAL MILESTONES AND COMPARISON BY STAGES CHINESE MEDICINE WESTERN MEDICINE 17 th A.D. ── 19 th A.D. Famous Doctors The basis of Western Modern medicine was established: Vesalius’s anatomy 1543 Harvey’s physiology 1628 Morgagni’s Pathology 1761 Jenner’s vaccination 1796 …… LIU wansu 刘完素 ZHANG Yuansu 张元素 LI Dongyuan 李东垣 ZHANG Zihe 张子和

22 HISTORICAL MILESTONES AND COMPARISON BY STAGES CHINESE MEDICINE WESTERN MEDICINE 17 th A.D. ── 19 th A.D. Famous Doctors The basis of Western Modern medicine was established: Vesalius’s anatomy 1543 Harvey’s physiology 1628 Morgagni’s Pathology 1761 Jenner’s vaccination 1796 …… WANG Haogu 王好古 LI Shizhen 李时珍 WEI Yilin 危亦林 ZHU Danxi 朱丹溪

23 HISTORICAL MILESTONES AND COMPARISON BY STAGES CHINESE MEDICINE WESTERN MEDICINE 17 th A.D. ── 19 th A.D. Famous Doctors The basis of Western Modern medicine was established: Vesalius’s anatomy 1543 Harvey’s physiology 1628 Morgagni’s Pathology 1761 Jenner’s vaccination 1796 …… YANG Jizhou 杨继洲 WU Youxing 吴有性 ZHANG Jingyue 张景岳 WANG Kentang 王肯堂

24 HISTORICAL MILESTONES AND COMPARISON BY STAGES CHINESE MEDICINE WESTERN MEDICINE 17 th A.D. ── 19 th A.D. Famous Doctors The basis of Western Modern medicine was established: Vesalius’s anatomy 1543 Harvey’s physiology 1628 Morgagni’s Pathology 1761 Jenner’s vaccination 1796 …… ZHU Chungu 朱纯嘏 ZHAO Xuemin 赵学敏 YE Tianshi 叶天士

25 HISTORICAL MILESTONES AND COMPARISON BY STAGES CHINESE MEDICINE WESTERN MEDICINE 17 th A.D. ── 19 th A.D. Famous Doctors The basis of Western Modern medicine was established: Vesalius’s anatomy 1543 Harvey’s physiology 1628 Morgagni’s Pathology 1761 Jenner’s vaccination 1796 …… XU Lingtai 徐灵胎 XUE Shengbai 薛生白 WU Qian 吴谦

26 HISTORICAL MILESTONES AND COMPARISON BY STAGES CHINESE MEDICINE 17 th A.D. ── 19 th A.D. Bencao Gangmu 李时珍的 >1593 etc. promoted Chinese medicine become a complete system. Varriolation prevented mallpox was developed very much and transmitted into the West.

27 HISTORICAL MILESTONES AND COMPARISON BY STAGES CHINESE MEDICINE 19 th A.D. ── 20 th A.D. Modern medicine was developed very soon in particular due to the discovery of many antibiotics and hormones; the high precision surgery and instruments. Old system of western medicine was transferred into China since 17 th century and new knowledge of medicine had been transferred from the beginning of 19 th century and an independent western medical system appeared. Both of them tried to co- operation and integrating although they had many misunderstanding and arguments. WESTERN MEDICINE


29 SOME EXAMPLES OF ACHIEVEMENTS OF CHINESE MEDICINE FOR HUMAN HEALTH An Ecological Medical Theory Theory of Qi, Yin and Yang, 5 elements and phases; Theory of organ’s function unit; Theory of meridian and acu-points; Theory of herbs; Theory of prescription and formula making.

30 SOME EXAMPLES OF ACHIEVEMENTS OF CHINESE MEDICINE FOR HUMAN HEALTH A Different System of Technique of Diagnosis and Treatment Diagnosis for a pattern four methods and eight principles Observe 望 (e.g. tongue), smell and listen 闻, inquiry 问, take pulse 切 ; Yin 阴, yang 阳, biao (exterior) 表, li (inner) 里, han (cold) 寒, re (heat) 热, xu (deficiency) 虚, shi (excess) 实. Treatment acupuncture, tuina, qigong, herbal formulas.

31 SOME EXAMPLES OF ACHIEVEMENTS OF CHINESE MEDICINE FOR HUMAN HEALTH Origin of Immunology: variolation against smallpox.

32 SOME EXAMPLES OF ACHIEVEMENTS OF CHINESE MEDICINE FOR HUMAN HEALTH Qinghaosu 青蒿素 artemisinin anti-malaria Yinjimei 蚓激酶 lanbnokinose and other medicines.

33 SOME EXAMPLES OF ACHIEVEMENTS OF CHINESE MEDICINE FOR HUMAN HEALTH The health and populations in China and other countries were ensured for ages.

34 谢谢大家 THANK YOU

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