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ECE 2110: Introduction to Digital Systems Introduction (Contd.)

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1 ECE 2110: Introduction to Digital Systems Introduction (Contd.)

2 2 Previous class Summary Digital devices Digital vs. analog Why digital

3 ECE 2110: Introduction to Digital systems Digital Devices Gates:  AND, OR, NOT (inverter): most important gates. Can realize any digital function.  NAND, NOR… Flip-flops:  Stores 0/1, built from gates Gates: Combinational circuit: output depends only on the current input combination. Flip-flops: Sequential circuit: output depends on current input as well as past inputs. Has memory of past events.

4 4 Digital Logic Binary system -- 0 & 1, LOW & HIGH, negated and asserted. Basic building blocks -- AND, OR, NOT

5 5

6 6 Electronic aspect of digital design Digital abstraction Range Noise margin Invalid range Specifications

7 7 Software aspect of digital design Digital design need not involve any software tools. But: modern design, software tools are essential. Examples:  Schematic entry, HDLs (platform compilers, simulators, synthesis tools), simulators, test benches, timing analyzers and verifiers, word processors, high-level languages, CAD

8 8 Integrated Circuits (IC) (Chapter 1.6--1.12) A collection of one or more gates fabricated on a single silicon chip.  Wafer, die Small-scale integration (SSI): 1-20 gates  DIP: dual in-line-pin package  Pin diagram, pinout MSI: 20-200 gates LSI: 200-1,000,000 VLSI: Fuzzy! Transistor count reached 50million in 1999 and 100 million in 2005.

9 9 DIP pinout

10 10 Printed-Circuit Board PCB or PWB (printed-wiring board) Mount ICs so that an IC can connect to other ICs in a system. SMT: Surface-mount technology MCM: multi-chip modules: high speed and density.

11 11 Summary Electronics aspects of digital design Integrated Circuits SSI, MSI, LSI, VLSI Printed Circuit Boards

12 12 Next… HW: Work Wakerly problems 1.3,1.6 Finish reading Chapter 1,  You may use for homework #1 (but make sure that definitions are consistent with the text) Number systems Start Reading: Wakerly chapter 2

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