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Presentation on theme: "Nationalist Leaders FIORELLA, KATIE, SUSAN, AND ALYSSA."— Presentation transcript:


2 Q. 53-Describe Stalinism A- Policies to build up the USSR and methods of control Using a command economy, propaganda and terror to keep absolute control of the USSR

3 Q. 54-What was Stalin's five Year Plan? A- Heavy Industrialization and collective farming

4 Q. 55-What was Stalin's Great Purge? A- Stalin would execute or imprison anyone he saw as a threat

5 Q. 56-Why was the Mao's Communist Red Army able to defeat the Ching kai Shek's Chinese Nationalists in 1949? A- They were stronger from fighting the Japanese. They used weapons left behind by the Japanese.

6 Q. 57-What is the formal name of Mao's Communist China? A- People’s Republic of China

7 Q. 58-Describe Mao's "Great Leap Forward" A- The Great Leap forward was Mao’s program for increased production of industry and agriculture which failed

8 Q. 59-What was Mao’s Cultural Revolution A- A period of revolutionary upheaval and political persecution of any counter- revolutionaries in China from 1966-1976 Counter-revolutionaries – those who were against Mao’s communist teachings

9 Q. 60-What was the purpose of Mao's Cultural Revolution? A- To regain power for himself; to control China without any opposition

10 Q. 61-How did Mao end the Cultural Revolution? A- He used the people’s liberation army to shut it down when people in the revolution started turning on themselves

11 Q. 62-What is satyagraha? A- “truth force” method of direct social action, based upon principles of courage, nonviolence, and truth

12 Q. 63-What were some of the methods used by Gandhi during his campaign for independence? A- He held a salt march to protest British taxes on salt. Boycotts on British goods Hunger strikes

13 Q.64-When Britain granted India independence – what two countries were created? A- Pakistan and India

14 Q. 65-Why were two countries created instead of one? A- Muslim minority of India’s population was fearful that they would have no say in gov’t therefore, Pakistan was created for Muslims and India was created for Hindus

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