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This is Jeopardy! Ancient World History Final Exam Part II First Civilizations, Ancient Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, Ancient India, Ancient China Ancient.

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Presentation on theme: "This is Jeopardy! Ancient World History Final Exam Part II First Civilizations, Ancient Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, Ancient India, Ancient China Ancient."— Presentation transcript:

1 This is Jeopardy! Ancient World History Final Exam Part II First Civilizations, Ancient Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, Ancient India, Ancient China Ancient Greece & Ancient Rome Lets Play! Lets Play!

2 Round 1 Jeopardy 100 200 300 400 500 Architecture & Engineering 300 400 500 200 100 Ancient Rome I Ancient Civilizations I Ancient Greece I Ancient Civilizations II

3 200 400 600 800 1000 200 400 600 800 1000 200 400 600 800 1000 200 400 600 800 1000 200 400 600 800 1000 Ancient Civilizations III Ancient Greece II Ancient Greece III Ancient Rome II Ancient Rome III Round 2 Jeopardy

4 Final Jeopardy List the seven key rivers that supported the growth of the following cradle civilizations: List the seven key rivers that supported the growth of the following cradle civilizations:  Ancient Mesopotamia Ancient Mesopotamia Ancient Mesopotamia  Ancient Egypt Ancient Egypt Ancient Egypt  Ancient India Ancient India Ancient India  Ancient China Ancient China Ancient China

5 Ancient Mesopotamia Ancient Egypt Ancient India Ancient China Tigris River Euphrates River Nile River Indus River Ganges River Yellow River Yangtze River

6 Architecture & Engineering (100) This structure is associated with Mesopotamia.

7 Architecture & Engineering (100) Ziggurat Round 1 Jeopardy

8 This structure is associated with China. Architecture & Engineering (200)

9 Architecture & Engineering (200) Great Wall of China Round 1 Jeopardy

10 This structure is associated with Rome. Architecture & Engineering (300)

11 Architecture & Engineering (300) Colosseum Round 1 Jeopardy

12 Daily Double Ancient Mesopotamia

13 This structure is associated with Greece. Architecture & Engineering (400)

14 Architecture & Engineering (400) Parthenon Round 1 Jeopardy

15 This structure is associated with Egypt. Architecture & Engineering (500)

16 Architecture & Engineering (500) Great Pyramid of Khufu Round 1 Jeopardy

17 What development most enabled early peoples to form permanent settlements? Ancient Civilizations I (100)

18 Advances in agricultural production Round 1 Jeopardy

19 Cuneiform and hieroglyphics were important achievements in the development of Ancient Civilizations I (200)

20 Written Language Round 1 Jeopardy

21 Hammurabi’s Code of ancient Mesopotamian society was important because it Ancient Civilizations I (300)

22 listed the laws and the corresponding punishments. Round 1 Jeopardy

23 The art and architecture of ancient Egypt were designed to emphasize the Ancient Civilizations I (400)

24 religious idea of eternal life. Round 1 Jeopardy

25 “It is visible from great distances. It is a reminder to all who see it of the wealth and power of the leader of the people who built it and of his glory and greatness as a god here on the Earth.” The speaker in the passage above is referring to the Ancient Civilizations I (500)

26 Ancient Civilizations I (500) Egyptian pharaoh and his pyramid Round 1 Jeopardy

27 Greece’s mountainous terrain and its series of small islands influenced the ancient Greeks to develop Ancient Civilizations II (100)

28 Ancient Civilizations II (100) A political system based on independent city-states. Round 1 Jeopardy

29 “We regard an individual who takes no interest in public affairs not as harmless, but as useless.” —Pericles’ Funeral Oration The quotation above illustrates the importance Ancient Civilizations II (200)

30 Ancient Civilizations II (200) Political process of the city-state. Round 1 Jeopardy

31 The legacy of ancient Greek myths and epics, such as the Iliad, continues to provide people with Ancient Civilizations II (300)

32 Ancient Civilizations II (300) Heroic figures and great adventures. Round 1 Jeopardy

33 Ancient Greeks used myths about their gods primarily to Ancient Civilizations II (400)

34 Ancient Civilizations II (400) Explain events in the natural world. Round 1 Jeopardy

35 The origins of checks and balances in the U.S. political system can be traced to the Ancient Civilizations II (500)

36 Ancient Civilizations II (500) Roman Republic Round 1 Jeopardy

37 How did the rise to power and reign of Alexander most affect Greece? Ancient Greece I (100)

38 Ancient Greece I (100) He ended the power of the city-states and established a unified nation. Round 1 Jeopardy

39 With which field are Pythagoras and Euclid associated? Ancient Greece I (200)

40 Ancient Greece I (200) Geometry Round 1 Jeopardy

41 Because the ancient Greeks developed democracy, which of the following is part of American politics today? Ancient Greece I (300)

42 Ancient Greece I (300) Juries of citizens Round 1 Jeopardy

43 The Greek city-states fought against each other in the Peloponnesian War. What was a major effect of the war? Ancient Greece I (400)

44 Ancient Greece I (400) Macedonia was able to conquer Greece. Round 1 Jeopardy

45 After his military victory, how did Alexander keep his power in Persia? Ancient Greece I (500)

46 Ancient Greece I (500) He adopted many Persian practices. Round 1 Jeopardy

47 The wars with Carthage (264–146 B.C.) gave the Roman Empire control of Ancient Rome 1 (100)

48 Ancient Rome I (100) North Africa Round 1 Jeopardy

49 List one reason for the fall of Rome? Ancient Rome I (200)

50 Ancient Rome I (200) Political Instability Weakening Frontiers Economic & Social Issues Round 1 Jeopardy

51 Architecture, art, engineering, language, philosophy, and law are all legacies of ancient Rome. What religion is also part of ancient Rome’s legacy? Ancient Rome I (300)

52 Ancient Rome I (300) Christianity Round 1 Jeopardy

53 Due to the size of the Roman Empire what major problem did the ancient Romans face? Ancient Rome I (400)

54 Ancient Rome I (400) It was hard to defend all of the Empire’s borders Round 1 Jeopardy

55 Emperor Diocletian tried to protect the Roman Empire through this act? Ancient Rome I (500)

56 Ancient Rome I (500) Dividing the empire into two—Western Roman Empire & Eastern Roman Empire Round 1 Jeopardy

57 During Neolithic Times people transitioned from hunters and gatherers to farmers. List one key change that exemplified this transitional phase? Ancient Civilizations III (200)

58 Ancient Civilizations III (200) (1) The creation of a stable food supply. (2) The construction of permanent shelters. (3) The establishment of communities. (4) The development of new jobs. (5) The establishment of trade. Round 2 Jeopardy

59 List one key fact about the first writing system? Ancient Civilizations III (400)

60 Ancient Civilizations III (400) (1) It began with the use of pictures to represent syllables and objects. (2) It was recorded on tablets made of clay. (3) It was first used to keep business records. Round 2 Jeopardy

61 This religion was spread from India to China by trade on the Silk Road. Ancient Civilizations III (600)

62 Ancient Civilizations III (600) Buddhism Round 2 Jeopardy

63 List three things that the Sumerians and Egyptians wrote on. Ancient Civilizations III (800)

64 Ancient Civilizations III (800) Paper (Papyrus) Clay Stone Round 2 Jeopardy

65 What physical feature (land or water form) best supported the growth of the cradle civilizations of ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, and China? Ancient Civilizations III (1000)

66 Ancient Civilizations III (1000) Rivers Round 2 Jeopardy

67 What does it mean to say that Alexander conquered by using kindness? Ancient Greece II (200)

68 Ancient Greece II (200) He let towns that surrendered to his army keep their own leaders. Round 2 Jeopardy

69 The Parthenon was built high atop a hill in Athens. What does this location reveal about the Athenians? Ancient Greece II (400)

70 Ancient Greece II (400) They believed honoring the goddess Athena was very important. Round 2 Jeopardy

71 What does the Greek love of sports show about ancient Greeks? Ancient Greece II (600)

72 Ancient Greece II (600) They valued physical health as much as intellect. Round 2 Jeopardy

73 Sparta got the land it needed by conquering its neighbors. What happened after Sparta conquered a neighboring land? Ancient Greece II (800)

74 Ancient Greece II (800) Spartans demanded that the conquered people give Sparta much of their food crops. Round 2 Jeopardy

75 What type of government does the following list describe? There is one ruler. The ruler usually inherited power. The ruler passed on leadership to his son. Ancient Greece II (1000)

76 Ancient Greece II (1000) Monarchy Round 2 Jeopardy

77 How did a king come to power and how did a tyrant come to power in ancient Greece? Ancient Greece III (200)

78 Ancient Greece III (200) A king inherits power, but a tyrant seizes it. Round 2 Jeopardy

79 Daily Double Ancient China

80 This was a period of great peace and wealth, between 479 and 431 B.C.E, when Athens was the artistic and cultural center of Greece. Ancient Greece III (400)

81 Ancient Greece III (400) The Golden Age Round 2 Jeopardy

82 What were Greek city-states called? Ancient Greece III (600)

83 Ancient Greece III (600) Polis Round 2 Jeopardy

84 In a democracy citizens have the right to vote. List one of the key things Athenians voted for or against. Ancient Greece III (800)

85 Ancient Greece III (800) Laws Leaders Taxes War Round 2 Jeopardy

86 What was the war between Sparta and Athens called? Ancient Greece III (1000)

87 Ancient Greece III (1000) The Peloponnesian War Round 2 Jeopardy

88 List an important idea in Roman philosophy and law? Ancient Rome II (200)

89 Ancient Rome II (200) (1) Live in a way that agrees with nature. (2) The one truly good thing in life is to have good character. (3) Natural law says that everyone has certain rights. Round 2 Jeopardy

90 Why did the Roman emperors give the poor “bread and circuses”? Ancient Rome II (400)

91 Ancient Rome II (400) So the poor wouldn’t rebel Round 2 Jeopardy

92 During the first period of Roman expansion, the Romans took over this peninsula. Ancient Rome II (600)

93 Ancient Rome II (600) Italian peninsula Round 2 Jeopardy

94 Ancient Rome II (800) List a cause that led to the end of the Roman Republic.

95 Ancient Rome II (800) (1) Slave revolts, (2) Many jobless people in Rome, (3) Caesar’s defeat of Pompey Round 2 Jeopardy

96 The people who killed Julius Caesar wanted to give power back to the Senate, but their actions had an unexpected effect. What was it? Ancient Rome II (1000)

97 Ancient Rome II (1000) The beginning of a civil war Round 2 Jeopardy

98 Under what leader did Rome become an empire? Ancient Rome III (200)

99 Ancient Rome III (200) Octavian “Augustus” Round 2 Jeopardy

100 In the Roman Republic, patricians referred to Ancient Rome III (400)

101 Ancient Rome III (400) The wealthy landowners Round 2 Jeopardy

102 Why did the plebeians want laws to be written? Ancient Rome III (600)

103 Ancient Rome III (600) So the patricians couldn’t change laws too easily Round 2 Jeopardy

104 Why were the plebeians unhappy when the Republic was first set up? Ancient Rome III (800)

105 Ancient Rome III (800) They had no say in making the laws. Round 2 Jeopardy

106 What story is a myth about the founding of ancient Rome? Ancient Rome III (1000)

107 Ancient Rome III (1000) Romulus & Remus Rome’s founders were raised by wolves. Round 2 Jeopardy

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