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Political Participation and Voting Behavior. Forms of Political Participation Political scientists have divided political participation into four categories:

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Presentation on theme: "Political Participation and Voting Behavior. Forms of Political Participation Political scientists have divided political participation into four categories:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Political Participation and Voting Behavior

2 Forms of Political Participation Political scientists have divided political participation into four categories: –Voting –Campaign activities –Citizen-initiated contacts with government officials –Local community activities where citizens act cooperatively to deal with social and political problems

3 Political Participation in Five Democracies

4 The Right to Vote The right to vote is known as the franchise. Historically, the franchise was denied to most people in the United States. –Property qualifications officially dismissed in 1970 –Franchise fully extended to African Americans in 1965 –Franchise extended to women in 1920 –Franchise extended to young adults in 1971

5 Felony Disenfranchisement Laws by State

6 Voter Turnout voter turnout remains relatively low. Particular aspects of the American political system contribute to low turnout rates: –Voting laws –Voter registration –The two-party system –Election schedules and frequency

7 Voter Turnout, 1856-2004

8 Individual Desire and Ability to Participate key elements that affect participation –Socioeconomic status –An individual’s psychological engagement with politics –The broader political and social context an individual is connected to –Resources necessary to participate – time, money, and civic skills, etc. –Group characteristics – age, gender, race, etc.

9 Voting Behavior and Gender

10 Voting Behavior and Race

11 Voting Behavior and Education

12 Voting Behavior and Religion

13 Voting Behavior and Income

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