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Intermediate and Analogous Colors. Intermediate and Analogous colors Objective: You will analyze and define color in artwork in order to select and apply.

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Presentation on theme: "Intermediate and Analogous Colors. Intermediate and Analogous colors Objective: You will analyze and define color in artwork in order to select and apply."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intermediate and Analogous Colors

2 Intermediate and Analogous colors Objective: You will analyze and define color in artwork in order to select and apply analogous colors in your color wheel. Get your paint tray from last Wed. (Lost it? See Ms. Gauger) Get brushes, water, newspaper, iPad? DRILL: (10 min for drill while Ms. Gauger grades) Take out 2 assignments from Friday -5 next class. WRITE THE UNDERLINED WORDS, FIND THE ANSWERS. 1.List all of the tips that you learned last Wed. 2.What is an intermediate color? (tertiary) 3.Describe the colors in this artwork: 4.What is an analogous color scheme? 5.Where are they on the color wheel in comparison to each other?

3 What were the 2 assignments for Friday? Turn in at the end of class or next class -5. 5 points off each day after that until 0. %20word%20story%20and%20%20drawing%20a%20figure %20word%20story%20and%20%20drawing%20a%20figure

4 Lesson from last class:

5 Period 1 Tips: Hold brush near the bristles to have more control. When mixing, start with lightest color. Rest hand on table to steady it. Keep brush dry.

6 Period 2 Tips: Add a LITTLE black to darken colors. Start with lightest color when mixing. Hold brush closer to bristles to have more control. Rest hand on paper/ table. Keep brush dry.

7 Period 4 Tips: Hold brush like a pencil. KEEP BRUSH DRY. Use lightest color first when mixing paint. Hold close bristles. (for more control) Rest hand on table. Add very little black to make shades of a color.

8 Tips:

9 What are intermediate colors? Intermediate colors are made by mixing an adjacent primary and secondary color. They are also called tertiary colors. 1+2=3



12 Uses colors that are adjacent (next to) each other on the color wheel. Similar to each other like an analogy.

13 Uses colors that are adjacent (next to) each other on the color wheel. Similar to each other like an analogy.

14 Uses colors that are adjacent (next to) each other on the color wheel.



17 Sets of Analogous Colors



20 Applying an Analogous Color Scheme

21 Which one is an analogous color scheme?










31 How do you create a grayscale?

32 When getting paint: 1.Get dime to nickel size pumps of tempera paint (near sink) BE CAREFUL! 2.Paint tray with white, black, and the three primary colors. 3.1-2 paint brushes 4.Cup of water 5.Newspaper square. 6.Ruler

33 Fill in the intermediate colors: – Red-orange – Orange-yellow – Yellow- green – Green- blue – Blue- purple – Purple- red Purple - red Red- orange Yellow -green Orange - yellow Green- blue Blue- purple

34 Today: How do you make brown? Grayscale Fill in 4-5 sections of monochromatic colors. How many colors can you make? Finish drawing your 6 word story. Do your homework.

35 Color Theory Lessons~



38 How to Store Paint 1.Splash/ spray with a little bit of water. 2.Put cardboard over paint. 3.Put in ziploc bag. 4.Store with your sketchbook. 5.WRITE YOUR NAME ON TAPE. PUT ON THE BAG. YOUR NAME

39 Washing your Brush 1.Rinse with water. 2. 3.Bang (lightly) on bottom of sink 4.Add liquid soap. 5.Bang on bottom of sink until water runs clear. 6.Re-shape bristles. 7.Place in drying rack WITH THE BRISTLES UP!!!!

40 Finish drawing your 6 word story Find 20+ words in a magazine. Arrange 6 together to create a six word story. Glue them into sketcbbook. Draw 6 shapes for the words. Draw guidelines to make sure the word will fit. Fill the shapes with the words.

41 Get a magazine, scissors, and glue. Cut out 2+ figures. Must be the whole body. Draw them as well as you can. Graded on effort and detail. 50 pts. 25 pts each Can be on separate paper, not in sketchbook, so you can do it at home. Homework:



44 Create 2 drawings- full sketchbook page They should have: 1. A person with a gesture/ action. Can be silhouette 2. Environment- city, country, beach, etc… 3. Nature or objects 4. Designs 5.Something else of your choice- other person, nature, objects, designs, buildings, animals. 6.MATCH YOUR 6 WORD STORY Elements in your drawings: Objective: You will analyze artwork in order to select and apply principles of design to your figure narrative.


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