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Biodiesel Group 6: Mark, Shantell, Andrew, Angela, Dmitry © Dmitry, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Biodiesel Group 6: Mark, Shantell, Andrew, Angela, Dmitry © Dmitry, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biodiesel Group 6: Mark, Shantell, Andrew, Angela, Dmitry © Dmitry, 2006

2 The Question Truckers and other commercial haulers like biodiesel because of blend of biodiesel with petroleum diesel improves the lubricity of the fuel

3 What is lubricity? Lubricity * The ability of a liquid to provide hydrodynamic and / or boundary lubrication to prevent wear between moving parts * LePera – quality that prevents wear when two moving metal parts come in contact with each other

4 Engine Why lubricity is important?

5 Petroleum Diesel/Petrodiesel EPA – ULSD standard at < 15 ppm sulfur in diesel fuel Removing sulfur: Hydrotreating C 2 H 5 SH + H 2  C 2 H 6 + H 2 S Other impurities also removed; combined removal: –Lower lubricity –Other emission controls are less effective Truckers want a better lubricity for their engines!

6 Biodiesel (B100) Cost: highly variable depending on the season and the source of the biodiesel; in Seattle, there are at least three stations at which you can buy B100 for a lower price than petroleum diesel (as of April 2006) Lubricity: much improved from petroleum diesel; can reduce engine wear by half Emissions: practically carbon-neutral and reduces other harmful emissions dramatically; has up to 15% more NO X than petroleum diesel Gel point: just below 32°F

7 Biodiesel (B2) B2 is a blend of 2% biodiesel and 98% diesel. B2 offers the highest amount of lubricity for the least incremental cost. The freezing point of B2 is around -35 degrees Celsius The emissions are similar to that of regular diesel.

8 Fuels Measured in how much “scarring” there is on the engine

9 Sources Main slide: Lubricity slide: LePera, M. 2000. Low-sulfur and diesel fuel lubricity – The continuing saga. LePera and Associates. Fuel Line Magazine, Vol. 4, pp. 18-19 Truck slide: Engine Slide: Fuels slide:

10 Sources (cont) B2 slide: B100 slide: Petroleum slide: engines/clean-fuel-ultra-low-sulfur-diesel/

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