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Presentation on theme: " SME Instrument How will my proposal be assessed? Bruce Ainsley (in my opinion, based on my experience)"— Presentation transcript:

1 SME Instrument How will my proposal be assessed? Bruce Ainsley (in my opinion, based on my experience)

2 The process is tough but fair The process is imperfect (but still fair!) It is an exam, not an interview (so answer the questions!) It will be looked at by 4 assessors They will not have a lot of time Impact is the most important thing (and so are all the others!) Assessment Basics

3 You are likely to be unsuccessful (sad but true) About 10% success rate We are here to help you in two basic ways 1.To help you improve if there is a reasonable chance of success 2.To save your valuable time if you do not stand a chance It is not the end of the world if you do not fit the scheme….. we know lots of ways to support good projects The process is tough but fair

4 Don’t like outliers Take “kind of” median Takes a long(ish) time to get an answer Takes a long(ish) time to get the money Same for everyone All of the assessors act independently (of each other and of their employers) The process is imperfect (but still fair!) 

5 Explicitly address the points requested Provide supporting evidence A multi €B market is not enough – you need to show a convincing link to it (for Phase 1) or a compelling link (Phase 2) Don’t ignore the competition, technically or commercially - give detail It is an exam, not an interview (so answer the questions!)

6 Show and tell is much better than just tell Numbers are your friend Necessary and sufficient Compelling compelling compelling Grab them by the……. at the start This is a sales job Make it obvious you are great Get on the front foot Power and Success Some of my cliché-type sayings (but they are clichés for a reason

7 1 Technical, 1 Investment, 1 Business, 1 more FP5, FP6, FP7 had very little economic impact Looked at just by technical experts (including me!) SME Instrument (and other H2020 schemes) now involve business experts, investment experts as well as technical experts. Want to see excellent impact, from excellent projects, delivered by excellent applicants Need to convince all assessors of your excellence It will be looked at by 4 assessors

8 The assessors get paid (badly!) to assess a number of proposals 6 phase 1 per day [1hr20 per application] 4 phase 2 per day [2hrs per application] So…. Grab them by the ……. at the start Keep their attention – compelling compelling compelling Make it obvious you are great Show you have engaged with the market They will not have a lot of time

9 Where is the start? (remember Grab them by..) Could be any of 1.The abstract (I never read it, but others might) 2.Section 1.1 Objectives (it is the first section in the application - but not in the assessment) 3.Section 2.1 Expected impacts (this is where I start – Grab me!) Use relevant pictures (in place of a thousand words please!) They will not have a lot of time (continued)

10 Ranking (if above threshold) is based on using a weighting of 1.5 for impact so it is vital to score highly here. Getting above threshold is based on all three sections, so vital to score high everywhere Your target should be to score >4.5 in every criterion. You will get funded then. But try to score 5 in impact Impact is the most important thing (and so are all the others!)

11 Basic Operational Capacity – you need to show that you have the basics in place. Do not ask for a new factory - including lease, fit-out, telephones etc. What do you need to do the project, not what do you need to be a company? Subcontractors – don’t do too much on subcontract – only what is appropriate. If you use them, be clear that you have used value for money considerations in their selection Phase 2 only (these could kill your proposal!)

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