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Quick Guide to Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying, and Dividing Decimals

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1 Quick Guide to Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying, and Dividing Decimals
DECIMAL OPERATIONS Quick Guide to Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying, and Dividing Decimals

Vocabulary Sum: add (+) Difference: subtract (-)

Line up decimals and fill in any empty places with zeros. Add or Subtract digits in the same place value position. Bring decimal straight down into the answer.

4 MULTIPLYING DECIMALS Vocabulary Product: answer to a multiplication problem Factors: the numbers being multiplied

5 MULTIPLYING DECIMALS Multiply as you would with whole numbers (no need to line up the decimals and NEVER add zeros to the factors). To place the decimal, find the total number of decimal places in the factors. The product must have the same number of decimal places.

6 DIVIDING DECIMALS Vocabulary Quotient: answer to a division problem
Divisor: Long Division: “outside” number Calculator Division: 2nd number Dividend: Long Division: “inside” number Calculator Division: 1st number

7 DIVIDING DECIMALS (If necessary) Move the decimal in the divisor to the right until the divisor is a whole number. Then, move the decimal in the dividend the same number of places (fair and square!). Divide as you normally would, placing the decimal point in the quotient exactly above the decimal place in the dividend. Remember, NO REMAINDERS! Add zeros to the dividend and continue dividing.

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