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Creating an Outstanding College with Outstanding Teaching and Learning John Evans - Vice Principal.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating an Outstanding College with Outstanding Teaching and Learning John Evans - Vice Principal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating an Outstanding College with Outstanding Teaching and Learning John Evans - Vice Principal

2 My objectives! Sharing the Swindon College story Give examples of innovative ideas Share my passion for teaching and learning Have some fun!

3 Swindon College - The starting point! Numerous grade 4 areas Poor teaching and learning profile (62%) College not learner or T&L focused Spikey profile between areas (poor retention) Poor management / staff rapport and morale Poor finances Poor resources Poor aspirations in Swindon Inconsistent Leadership & Management Inappropriate curriculum offer Finally ….. Poor learner experience

4 4 Key Stage 4 2012 results are “school reported” LA ranking 131 st – static since 2011

5 5 Key Stage 4 LA ranking 144th – down 6 since 2011

6 Figure 2.4: Success rates for 19+ year olds on all long courses (excluding key skills) by expected end year

7 Figure 2.3: Success rates for 16-18 year olds on all long courses (excluding key skills) by expected end year

8 National Picture not good either! No College had been awarded Grade 1 for teaching & learning in the last cycle (4 years) Of the 7 outstanding colleges inspected under the new framework none had kept its outstanding grade A new framework with new rules …

9 Insanity: ‘Repeatedly doing the same thing, the same way and expecting a different result.’ Einstein

10 We had to create a new culture and ethos …

11 A good example: Construction

12 Construction 2007 ‘Teaching and learning are unsatisfactory and theory teaching is weak.’ ‘In the majority of lessons planning is poor, lessons are uninteresting, learners are poorly prepared and they have little interaction with the teacher.’ ‘Leadership and management are inadequate.’ Ofsted 2007

13 And Construction at Swindon College twelve months later?


15 How?

16 Creating the Culture Making learners at the centre of all we do – The ‘Mini’ experience – Listen and respond : Don’t ask the question if ….. Whole College approach – All areas play a part in the learner experience Less than good teaching is not acceptable Lead from the front and encourage innovation Invest in Teaching & Learning (Learning Coach) Create a QA process that makes a difference – Performance and Impact group

17 Performance and Impact Group Late Cards ……! Equality and Diversity Lesson Plans Embedding ILT and IT Enrichment Centre /Tutorial Programme Assessment Plans Embedding Literacy & Numaracy, the fight goes on!

18 Ownership at learner level Streamlined the middle management structure Target setting process including league tables Focus on Progression as well as Achievement Developed an innovative teaching and learning observation and support strategy. Created outstanding Learner support ‘wrap around’ – know your learner Created a culture of ‘uncompromising ambition’ Predicted Success Rates by Curriculum Area (L 1-3 Long All ages) 2012/13 StartsSuccess % 1 Hospitality13591.9% 2 Construction15589.7% 3 Business & Computing34089.1% 4 Skills for Life50088.2% 5 Automotive23388.0% 6 Sports, Public Services, T&T28987.9% 7 Hairdressing25587.8% 8 Foundation Learning, Vocs39587.6% 9 Art incl. Media Make-up30187.4% 10 Health & Social Care, Access21686.6% 11 Plumbing, Electrical Inst.25986.1% 12 Early Years25485.0% 13 Beauty Therapy41084.9% 14 A Levels, Forensic Science8684.7% 15 Engineering & Construction Professional19083.9%

19 Performance Management ‘ the high expectations which permeate the college are reflected in its highly effective performance management procedures. Poor performance is identified swiftly, and the college offers a range of personal support to help teachers to improve’

20 Performance management principles Poor performance occurs Identify it early, diagnose and remedy underlying causes and ask for help Believe you can make a difference Ownership, responsibility and accountability Uncompromising Ambition!

21 Whole College Approach Teaching and learning first on all main agendas (Including Governors) Managers lead by example A strategy for all A process / culture that everyone buys into – Governor learning walks – Business Support

22 The observation process Does the profile matter? All staff observed each year Re-observations not counted in college profile Grading effective use of ILT Learning Coaches supporting improvements Four observation windows – no notice Learner Views have impact on salary! Action plans for all Employer’s observations


24 Share, Share and Share again 39% of lesson observations were JLOs Teaching & Learning Theme group Learning Coach role ‘Catch a coach’ ILT Inspirers Group Learning squares Equality & Diversity Valuing, recognising and praising staff – End of year – Letter from the Chair of Governors / Principal Whole college events and inspirational speakers

25 Improved communication – Management Calendar – Morning Meetings

26 Communication (Internal / External)


28 Learnopoly

29 And Swindon College?

30 Inspection grades are based on a provider’s performance: 1: Outstanding 2: Good 3: Requires improvement 4: Inadequate Overall 16-18 Learning programmes 19+ Learning programmes Apprenticeships Other work- based learning Overall effectiveness11111 Outcomes for learners11111 The quality of teaching, learning and assessment 11111 The effectiveness of leadership and management 11111

31 The one that ‘got’ us all! ‘Staff throughout the college contribute to a culture in which learners take absolute priority. They have an unrelenting determination that each learner should achieve his or her best’ Ofsted Feb 2013

32 Thank you Any Questions?

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