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Estyns New Common Inspection Framework Outcomes Provision Leadership.

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Presentation on theme: "Estyns New Common Inspection Framework Outcomes Provision Leadership."— Presentation transcript:

1 Estyns New Common Inspection Framework Outcomes Provision Leadership

2 Outcomes Provision Leadership New focus We should evaluate how well learners recall previous learning, develop thinking skills, acquire new knowledge, understanding and skills, and apply these to new situations. Judgments of achievement should recognise learners progress and development from a given starting point, relative to the context in which they learn.

3 Standards Wellbeing Outcomes Learning experiences Teaching Care, support and guidance Learning environment Provision Leadership Improving quality Partnership working Resource management Leadership

4 Results Success rates compared to National Comparators Standards in groups of learners analysis of cohort types (e.g. students getting EMA) Achievement & progress in learning Skills Welsh Language Standards Wellbeing Outcomes

5 Meeting the needs of learners, employers, the community Provision for skills Welsh language provision & the Welsh dimension Education for Sustainable Development & Global Citizenship Standards Wellbeing Outcomes

6 Attitudes to keeping healthy & safe Participation & enjoyment in learning Community Involvement & decision making Social & life skills Provision Learning experiences Teaching Care, support and guidance Learning environment

7 Range and quality of teaching approaches Assessment of and for learning Provision Learning experiences Teaching Care, support and guidance Learning environment

8 Provision for health & wellbeing Specialist services, information & guidance Safeguarding arrangements Additional learning needs Provision Learning experiences Teaching Care, support and guidance Learning environment

9 Ethos, equality & diversity Physical environment Provision Learning experiences Teaching Care, support and guidance Learning environment

10 Strategic direction & the impact of leadership Governors and other supervisory boards Meeting national and local priorities Leadership Improving quality Partnership working Resource management

11 Self evaluation including listening to learners and others Planning & securing improvement Involvement in networks of professional practice Leadership Improving quality Partnership working Resource management

12 Strategic partnerships Joint planning, resourcing & quality assurance Leadership Improving quality Partnership working Resource management

13 Management of staff and resources Value for Money Leadership Improving quality Partnership working Resource management

14 Leadership Provision Outcomes Standards Wellbeing Learning experiences Teaching Care, support and guidance Learning environment Leadership Improving quality Partnership working Resource management

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