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Welcome to World History Mrs. Sullivan World History.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to World History Mrs. Sullivan World History."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to World History Mrs. Sullivan World History

2 Information  Class- WH 112  Location- 152  Period- 6  Office- A171   Book  Required Text- Prentice Hall World History Modern Era-online  Materials  Item 1- laptop  Item 2- pen & pencil  Item 3- Binder or folder to hold handouts

3 Introduction/Course Description  Introduction  Class Introductions- Name and something about yourself. (i.e. what did you do over the summer?)  Explanation of online textbook  Laptop usage

4 Essential Question Why study history ??? Explanation of essential questions Explanation of objectives and goals Explanation of agenda

5 Essential Question How do I use effective learning strategies within class in order to improve my grade?

6 Objectives and Results  Objective- Understand classroom expectations  Read parent letter  Have parents sign letter and return next class  10 point assignment for bringing permission slip on time  Syllabus- goals for the year  Skills- Writing, Reading, Apply, Acquire and Integrate

7 Grading Homework: 20% Classwork: 40% Includes classwork, class participation, quizzes Formal Assessment: 40% May include tests, projects, formal essays, large quizzes

8 Homework Policy Daily Homework: We have regular homework in World History. Homework is due the day after it is given. It is important to be prepared for class. If you turn work in late you will still receive partial credit. If you have an excused absence (due to illness, etc) you will have that number of days to make up your missing work. If you have a specific reason for not being able to do your work, please come and speak with us about it. Projects and long term assignments: When you do receive an assignment it should be turned in on the due date. Your grade will be affected by late work. Everyday your work is late it will be lowered from an A to an A-, B+- B, etc. You will have plenty of notice for work to be completed, along with guidelines for each assignment.

9 Mastery Objectives Students will develop effective note taking strategies Students will develop effective pre-writing strategies Students will develop effective pre-reading strategies Students will develop effective organizational strategies

10 OVERARCHING ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: 1. How have past civilizations created the foundations for the modern world? 2. How are historical patterns revealed when studying past civilizations? 3. How does geography influence the development of civilizations? 4. How have individuals’ choices made long-term legacies? 5. How do historians interpret the past? 6. How do nations play a role in the global story?

11 Syllabus Revolution & Transformation of the Modern World The Industrial Age New Imperialism WWI The Inter-War Years 1917-1939 World War II Decolonization and the Cold War Era The Contemporary World Research Paper

12 Odds and Ends  Remember you earn your grades  Homework is vital to your success in class  My after school room will be in room 152- please let me know if you are coming for extra help  I will be available most Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, but again make an appointment with me.  Good Luck and have a great year

13 Mrs. Sullivan’s School Wires Page Go to the Duxbury Schools Homepage x?PageID=1 x?PageID=1

14 Questions/Discussions  Question One  Discussion  Question Two  Discussion  Questions Three  Discussion

15 One More Thing These videos are great tools to use for introductions and reviews for our different units They are posted on my School Wires Page- Please watch them for our different units

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